established religion/balls

Ronaldinho was following a venerable tradition when he broke a window in Santiago de Compostela’s cathedral while attempting a fancy kick for a TV spot. Bryan Griffiths tells us that back in 1330 the priest of Winkfield, William Pagula, wrote a Latin poem proposing an end to churchyard games: Bat & bares and suche play…

Aramaic phrasepage

From The Guardian, including handy stuff like “Which ones are the Orcs?” and “This film is terrible. I want my blood-money back.”

home cooking

The Catalanistas are up in arms because a judge over in Torrelavega, Cantabria has denied custody of two children to the mother, now living in Lérida/Lleida, Catalonia on the grounds that this could “cause them certain disturbances,” being an autonomous community “in which important differences of cultural order with respect to Cantabria exist, particularly in…