North Korea’s in an even bigger mess than normal, so its Barcelona-spawned internet liar-in-chief, Alejandro Cao de Benós, (Dutch post with pictures) may actually have to start working for his money soon. How do I know Alejandro’s a liar? Because that’s what he tells us in a comment on Free North Korea!: When I switch…
Sorry, but I just couldn’t resist this photo, which was sent to me by le Big FFF, who received it from someone else a long time ago. I think it’s probably early 70s Anglophone West Africa, but your guess is as good as mine:
Someone pointed out last night that it has hardly stopped raining since Spain elected a leader with no experience in government. This would not come as a such a surprise if people here spent slightly more time sitting in filthy attics reading smelly old newspapers (specifically, La Vanguardia dated April 16th 1929) and slightly less…
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