Cataloonies in 2004

365 days of the political lynching of a nation

Chorche@Purnas en o Zierzo points out a delicious detail of Victor Alexandre’s hagiographic account of Catalan neo-fascist leader Carod-Rovira’s tête-á-tête with Basque terrorists last January: the Spanish version of The Carod Case is subtitled “details of the meeting with ETA and their consequences”, while the Catalan edition caters to the needs of the clinically paranoid with the tag “50 days of the political lynching of a nation”. Yeah!

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  1. Dude, you’ve got come major issues. If you hate Catalonia so much, why do you live here? Please tell me you’re British and not American because, if you are, you’ve shamed me to be your compatriot.

  2. Since when has disliking an unpopular politician and his policies been equivalent to disliking a geopolitical entity?

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