Filth: progress

I’m still researching the new Filth walk, which I hope to market multilingually in conjunction with another blogger. One of the things I’ve been looking at is the profusion of illegal, self-built housing, lacking in all basic services, which exists on old factory terrains and in other uninviting places. I met a bunch of Moroccans the other day who have constructed themselves a series small dwellings using building rubble and have dug down and put in a pipe to the water company’s main. On top they’ve built a small communal wash-house which provides hot showers to the block, although the gypsies along the way–similarly deprived–will apparently have no part of it. One of the cool things about these people is their lack of the sense of despair that afflicts the many young people here who see no way of ever being able to afford a place of their own. (PS: a rural squatter camp was noted here.)

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