Citizenly doubts

I’ve got me doubts about the whole Ciutadans de Catalunya business, since (a) their potential electorate seems to have given up voting, and (b) they lack the common touch, and that’s putting it kindly. And when, for JC’s sake, is someone going to do something about their website? Even the neo-Nazis have a better one.

Los vicios formales y la teoría connotativa

A Herrero Mayor, Artesanía y prevaricación del castellano (1931): “En general, los vicios populares más arraigados se traducen en permanentes desviaciones semánticas, falsa correlación del tiempo de los verbos, barbarismos de construcción (italianismos, sobre todo), en el uso impropio de las preposiciones, trueque de accidentes en sustantivos comunes, ecolalia y empleo muy frecuente de voces,…


I often moan about how short Romance languages are on neologisms. Here‘s yet another list of Dutch innovations, of which I think boeddhabuikje -> budabarriguita, for a woman’s beer-belly, would work here with little explanation, although there’d be the usual hassle about compound nouns.