Mysterious Zaragoza nights
Between-wars texts about Zaragoza by Germans who appear never to have visited the place.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Between-wars texts about Zaragoza by Germans who appear never to have visited the place.
Proud English cock, limp Latin hen: the binary opposition of English and Spanish fowls as a metaphor for the contrast between growing British military might and declining Spanish power.
Or perhaps it isn’t.
Serious separatists will drive on the left, in Vic, starting Sunday.
Excerpts from Juan Goytisolo and Ramón Fernández Palmeral, with an epitaph from George Orwell.
A drunk-sounding Peacock Band playing accordions, bones, and mouth organs in a pub in Chelsworth, Suffolk the early 1970s.
Don’t claim national origins for yourselves without very carefully considering the possible consequences.
Is Spain a federal state? Is Arenys de Munt the new Andorra? Can I pay taxes to anyone I want?