El gallito inglés / le coq anglais

Proud English cock, limp Latin hen: the binary opposition of English and Spanish fowls as a metaphor for the contrast between growing British military might and declining Spanish power.

Photo by <a href=http://www.drbizarre.net/post/el-gallito-ingles>Dr. Bizarre</a>, licence <a href=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/mx/>CC 2.5 Mexico</a>


Or, the (Parisian) Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia (via). Recalls SHIT (photos), the Servicio de Hosteleria Industrial de Terrassa, which sells big saucepans. Should organisations aim for stupid/obscene acronyms on the basis that all shit is good shit?


Barcelona 1 clown 60 minutes 130€ 1 clown 90 minutes 150€ 2 clowns 90 minutes 250€ 2 clowns 120 minutes 300€

¡Viva España!

A drunk-sounding Peacock Band playing accordions, bones, and mouth organs in a pub in Chelsworth, Suffolk the early 1970s.