A victim responds!

Lynce say, “We’re working on it,” which is what any intelligent organisation does in such circumstances, and I’m sure they’ll get it right – the product looks good, and there are a lot of demonstrators and worried governments around at the moment.

So what about the rest? Major contributors like the Ajuntament de Barcelona and the Generalitat de Catalunya spend huge sums on image building, so I’m sure this blog has crossed the radar. But my guess is that the politicians don’t care about anything that doesn’t affect their voters, and the functionaries by and large don’t care about anything.

Maybe, on the other hand, the end of PSOE hegemony in Jerez will lead to improvements in public service provision per euro spent, and maybe imminent general elections will put the fear of Greece into central government. Who’d bet on either?

And the minnows? Haven’t they discovered the pleasure of googling themselves? Is it that they know they are being publicly mocked but have concluded that a descent into drink- or drugs-fuelled oblivion is cheaper than a translator? Is the Spanish health service on its knees because its asyla are bursting with honest working men who have renounced speech and who tremble when asked if they want to see the lunch menu?

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Last updated 03/07/2018

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.
Warning: Undefined variable $categories_list in /home/u762788070/domains/elorganillero.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen-child/functions.php on line 262

Barcelona (1399):

Catalonia (1155):

English language (462):

Föcked Translation (414): I posted to a light-hearted blog called Fucked Translation over on Blogger from 2007 to 2016, when I was often in Barcelona. Its original subtitle was "What happens when Spanish institutions and businesses give translation contracts to relatives or to some guy in a bar who once went to London and only charges 0.05€/word." I never actually did much Spanish-English translation (most of my work is from Dutch, French and German) but I was intrigued and amused by the hubristic Spanish belief, then common, that nepotism and quality went hand in hand, and by the nemeses that inevitably followed.
Warning: file_get_contents(https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&format=json&exsentences=2&exlimit=1&exintro=&explaintext=&exsectionformat=plain&titles=Föcked%20Translation): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid HTTP Request in /home/u762788070/domains/elorganillero.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen-child/functions.php on line 321

Warning: Attempt to read property "query" on null in /home/u762788070/domains/elorganillero.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen-child/functions.php on line 324

Warning: Attempt to read property "pages" on null in /home/u762788070/domains/elorganillero.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen-child/functions.php on line 324

Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /home/u762788070/domains/elorganillero.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen-child/functions.php on line 324

Spain (1881):

Spanish language (504):

Translation (788):


  1. Crossing the radar. Hmm. I've been writing my blog for around 8 years now, on an almost daily basis. But there's no evidence that the regional, provincial or Pontevedra municipal authorities have picked it up. Or that any of the 12 local paper is aware of it. Perhaps if I wrote in Spanish.

    Great word verification this morning – tedgenul. There must a definition for this. Perhaps something to do with the Eurovision song contest.

  2. Spanish is of course the trick, whatever they say about Gallego, and even though Google Translate isn't exactly a secret.

    Spent exactly 2 minutes wondering where they could have found your mystery word.

  3. Wait a sec, working on their translation is what Lynce must have meant. And they didn't give you the job?! That's not fair.

  4. We have a site called 'Bitacora Almeriense', an exhaustive compendium of all the blogs from our fair province. Well, the ones in Spanish, claro.
    Believe me, I've tried! Our Spanish friends don't pander much to the foreign devils in my experience.
    In fact, our local leaders, captains of industry, politicians and bankers may be able to do almost exactly what they want, but that's only because they don't do anything really silly… like give a gig to a foreign resident in Spain. How would they ever justify such a thing to their peers?
    Like Colin, my blogs and essays (even the respectable ones in castellano) are treated with the contempt they deserve.
    Doesn't matter, though, I still love life here, even if I feel like a visigodo.

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