Begging advice joke

Out this morning we met up with one of the beggars who sit around town with a sign reading something like: ROBED PLEACE MONEY FOR TIKET HOME. The ones I have talked to claim to be Australian, and their spatial longevity suggests they are not particularly successful. One of the party then told a number…

Only sensible use for cheap red wine at 30C+

Mrs Casas says mix 1 cup lemon juice, 1 cup water, 2 cups red (Murcian renal, for example), 1 wedged peach, 4 lemon slices, 3 tbsp sugar, refrigerate for a couple of hours, drink. She also does a splendid iced coffee. The budget booze base is still without third party contributions, suggesting that none of…

Bar or in vitro fertilisation clinic?

Vino en botella = he/she came in bottle, via Carlos from En la luna de Babel, who may also have been the source of the previous post. Meanwhile Mark Liberman is moving in on the French trade in hallucinogens.

Ciutadella – Historical Spanish Since 1965

Tom (who is these days blogging less and twittering more) encountered this proclamation on entering Ciudadela de Menorca, and suggests correctly that it refers to the publication in the Boletín Oficial del Estado of a fascist decree, promoted by education minister Manuel Lora Tamayo and signed off by Franco on Christmas Eve 1964, protecting the…