Marcoms tips for (proto-)jihadists

Keep it short and snappy. “Allah is great and you’re all going to die” = fail. Don’t show your full hand. You’re going to beat your women? Fine! but “It’s only a small stick” = fail.

Grandes descubrimientos del viernes

Cómo introducir la juventud a los auténticos valores socialistas; y cómo calentar la leche para tu café fácilmente, sin ensuciar la cacerola ni que se forme piel encima de la leche.

Cafeteras estilo Bialetti Moka Express.

Rebranding Babel

The London Borough of Newham is looking for a Professional Tutor: Our client is a single sex secondary school based in the heart of East London. […] The school is a specialist Language school and they currently offer an unrivalled range of languages taught on the curriculum and in lunchtime clubs: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French,…


A verisimilar vignette, from the English sketch and the German/Dutch echt, Yiddish עכט, “real”: El juez de la Audiencia Nacional Javier Gómez Bermúdez ha imputado por un posible delito de humillación a las víctimas del terrorismo al guionista y director de ‘Tuerka News’, Facu Díaz, y le ha citado para el próximo día 15 en…

Nice early example of context-sensitive help

“If any good grain is taken out by this trunk…”, with some other great photos of the Hook Norton brewery and of Shepherd Neame (I always think of it as Shepherd’s Neame; why?) in Faversham, over at Martyn Cornell’s beer blog.

Let’s be honest: Islam is worse than Britney Spears

I’m not a big fan of Presbyterians (anagram check), but to their credit it’s more than 300 years since the Kirk had Thomas Aikenhead killed for speaking out of turn. What we need from the “moderate” Imam of Drancy is not condescending “tolerance” and “pardon” for all of our sodomites and Jewboys and funnymen, but…
I am Charlie, and so is my wife.

Almost-there syndrome

Google Street View won’t let me cross the border from Holland to Germany, and I’ve lost their phone number. Help! Aka: whatever happened to all those old border posts?