Stalin’s organ works

But all its pipes are the same length, so it only plays one note. Plus totalitarian musical dogs and terror management studies.

Small (Australian) boy with a pet dog singing in (peaceful) unison (1939).

The reality of bilingual education in the Community of Madrid

Susana de la Nuez at ¿Hay Derecho? uses “scam” rather than “reality”: Llamaron a los profesores de primaria del colegio, les presentaron el programa educativo y ante su manifiesto temor, les propusieron “trabajar” su inglés. Algunos se fueron becados a Irlanda (tres meses), otros recibieron clases intensivas de inglés (tres meses) y otros decidieron confiar…

Catalan UDI option really supported by Danish parliament?

Mail from the nationalist travel agency lobbying group “El cas dels catalans” alleging that last Tuesday a motion was passed in favour of the Catalan right to self-determination with the support of all parliamentary groups except the far right: Com sabeu, aquest passat dimarts dia 12 de maig, el Parlament de Dinamarca va debatre sobre…