Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Wed Oct 02 08:58 The TikTok auto captions mistranscribe Mothin Ali as saying "bury our heads in the sun," and they may be the author of this eggcorn
- Wed Oct 02 09:01 Comment: However, this usage by Ghanaian (ex-)president John Mahama - "bury our heads in the sand like the ostrich" - suggests a surreal view of the world and malapropism. But ostriches aren't native to Ghana, and he may be merely ignorant
- Wed Oct 02 09:05 Comment: "sun"
- Wed Oct 02 09:39 Comment: @ProfTimBale Struggling to construe it as either
- Thu Oct 03 08:43 RT @EBMuseum: Happy #NationalPoetryDay Here's a poem @IMcMillan wrote about his time working at the Slazenger's factory in Barnsley It fe…
- Thu Oct 03 19:58 RT @LeedsTours: In the Mechanical Engineering building @UniversityLeeds is a huge print of the model designed by civil engineer John Smeato…
- Fri Oct 04 08:58 Cultural Christianity: "The harvest now is over, the summer days are gone, & yet no power cometh to help us!" One of the few arguments I can think of for school uniform is its utility in eradicating ostentatious religious symbols, à la française
- Fri Oct 04 09:06 Comment: @susantomespiano Yes. School harvest festival plagued by random buffering in electronic ditties
- Fri Oct 04 09:39 RT @LevParikian: Happy Birthday Steve Reich appy Birthday Steve Reich H ppy Birthday Steve Reich Ha py Birthday Steve Reich Hap y Birthday…
- Fri Oct 04 09:46 A chat with a very shy lady, who is delighted to discover that I've also had ear trouble. "I knew at once that you were neurodivergent, like me," she confides. "What?!" "You see, you talk to strangers."
- Fri Oct 04 09:49 Comment: The harvest festival assembly was all a bit of a blur of buffering, but I think they sang, "Bonkers, I'm completely bonkers."
- Fri Oct 04 13:21 Two pupils of Shire Oak Primary, #Headingley, missed death by centimetres yesterday when a driver didn't stop at the Grove Lane zebra. School Streets are a lovely gesture, but very few pupils live next to their school.
- Fri Oct 04 19:36 The manifesto promised to bury 4 million cars under the North Sea, annually
- Sat Oct 05 18:53 RT @lordbonkers: Liberal England: Morecambe and Wise and Leonard Rossiter
- Sat Oct 05 18:54 "It's never flooded here" - probably not the smartest vendor line nowadays Interested in French drains, and moats
- Sat Oct 05 21:33 Bad news for my friend who walks Eric the dog around the neighbourhood, & knows everyone: Mark Twain didn't say "The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why"
- Sun Oct 06 06:42 RT @Durotrigesdig: It is with great sadness that we share news of our dear friend Tim Darvill, professor of archaeology at Bournemouth Univ…
- Sun Oct 06 19:16 RT @mrJamesGraham: There are more impotent things in the world But just a little mention of an historic day in Nottinghamshire - and a ple…
- Mon Oct 07 06:51 Fire to fight fire. The remarkable sight at the weekend of a perhaps 6-yo Chinese boy walking through a children's disco party, smartphone to his ear, listening to whatever else
- Mon Oct 07 21:04 Someone asked today about starting a kazoo band in Headingley, so here's the Sunderland Royals Jazz Band . The Northern working class tradition of marching bands with drums, glockenspiels & kazoos is maybe early C20th. Whence the "jazz"? No impro involved
- Tue Oct 08 05:43 The impression that the right wants museums closed, while the left wants to repatriate their contents Used to drop into Winchester City Museum regularly, but it went from a collection of curiosities to banal narrative, & then started charging
- Tue Oct 08 05:43 Comment: Leeds also suffers from curators keen to share, but at least it's still free
- Tue Oct 08 20:14 I had the reversible compost bin last night at around 3, but someone else got there first
- Wed Oct 09 08:02 "Phone theft predominantly a London problem," but I think for the 1st time in Headingley last week 2 masked lads on an e-scooter in classic prowling mode. The infant says she witnessed one, but since coming under the influence of the established church she has become a fantasist
- Wed Oct 09 10:40 Paul's new page about my organ!
- Wed Oct 09 10:42 @TimmoGoodall Hi Tim, can I have a chat with you some time re a playground for Headingley?
- Thu Oct 10 13:16 Comment: @TimmoGoodall Ta, DM in your inbox
- Mon Oct 14 08:13 Mrs not convinced that taking the infant to a birthday where curry & beer were served entailed major sacrifice
- Mon Oct 14 08:42 Comment: @PlashingVole Have you got particular locations in mind?
- Wed Oct 16 08:02 On the one hand shoplifting is costing me ca £133 pa, on the other perhaps I could fly to Romania & buy cut-price UK supermarket alcohol
- Wed Oct 16 08:11 Clear cognitive gains from dumbphone vs smartphone, but nophone possibly better: "So I like this odyssey of Otis & Silica, but let's go round & see what the P____h consul thinks - he's Greek, you see, & usually up for a drink."
- Thu Oct 17 08:23 Is the trombone "addictive by design"? Should it be banned in schools?
- Thu Oct 17 11:01 You choose your mates
- Thu Oct 17 11:38 This 🧵 sounds like phenomenal early-years stupidity from Stephen Morgan/Labour: banning top-ups without providing considerable extra funding in their place will make working in childcare even less financially viable, so reduced availability/quality
- Thu Oct 17 11:40 Comment: (Old moan: if you want a smart workforce, pay nursery workers 60K)
- Fri Oct 18 08:17 RT @LBC: “Look at the state of that river…" @Feargal_Sharkey is far from impressed with the River Don, which measures ‘off-the-scale’ for…
- Fri Oct 18 16:11 RT @jonesgarethp: And this is how that turned out.
- Fri Oct 18 22:20 Poltergeistish operation of security lighting behind The Spice Hut traced to rats commuting to it under the decking of Terminus. Does the brewery keep the takeaway afloat so rats aren't tempted by the open brewhouse doors? (Summer flies? Throw a melon onto a nearby garage roof.)
- Sat Oct 19 16:09 Comment: @Jonathan_Pryor @NHPNA1 @WYP_LeedsNW @TimmoGoodall @LeedsCC_Help @LASBTWest Would you care to give the number & estimate the chance of not getting caught?
- Sat Oct 19 18:10 Comment: @JenWilliams_FT God's Cop. Mad, mad, mad.
- Sun Oct 20 07:24 I knew I was going to enjoy the British sections of record producer's Joe Boyd's magnificent White Bicycles ("making music in the 1960s") when in para 1 of Chapter 8 he visits Glasgow's Kelvin Museum:
- Sun Oct 20 07:31 Comment: Lots of relistening. In the C20th I used to think that Joan Baez's vocals for Engine 143 had been added on 4-track to the Carter Family's recording, but the latter is far older
- Sun Oct 20 10:30 Mailchimp haven't really got their X/Twitter integration to work, have they
- Sun Oct 20 21:54 Pirates at Bridlington - cf the plank scene in Swallows and Amazons
- Sun Oct 20 21:57 Comment: Nothing to do with the turn-of-the-century Pirate Yacht Club at Bridlington , whose skull & crossbones burgee was flown by Lieutenant Wm. Colbeck R.N.R, F.R.G.S on a sledge journey across the Ross Ice Shelf
- Sun Oct 20 22:28 Satisfying bio of Kenneth Alford aka Fred Ricketts 6th child called José for the character in Bizet's Carmen?
- Mon Oct 21 20:02 RT @PippaCrerar: Some of the suggestions on the NHS ‘Change’ website are wild… (h/t @Smyth_Chris @KateEMcCann et al)
- Fri Oct 25 20:00 Ex-primary teacher: Ofsted didn't so much move the goalposts as remove them. Whatever you did, it was never going to be enough.
- Sat Oct 26 07:02 There are no one-horned beasts in the Bible, but I find it helpful to think of the rainbows and the unicorns as symbols of a Christian sect
- Sat Oct 26 20:31 Funny feeling that Magyar will be of more use than Russian
- Sat Oct 26 20:47 Comment: Ken Alford probably the British March King, and definitely the World Countermelody King: mastery perhaps due less to the German & Sally Army bands than to listening to street organs in London's East End?
- Sat Oct 26 20:50 Comment: @NoContextBrits Boris Johnson
- Sat Oct 26 21:47 Stellar apple flan WITHOUT MILK using an elderly Spanish recipe: no grass = no cows, fear of disease, simple preference?
- Sat Oct 26 21:53 Comment: Translation budget?
- Sun Oct 27 18:19 RT @ZubaidaAKBR: Shocking new directive: Today, the Taliban's Minister of Vice and Virtue announced a ban on adult women's voices in each o…
- Sun Oct 27 21:57 I knew several recent Twents nostalgists, but not Arend & Henk Lamm - this from Tweansche Bleujsels - new spelling for me. Despite the posterior ruilverkaveling & industrialisation of the countryside, there were still occasional glimpses of this world
- Sun Oct 27 21:59 @CosmicClaire99 Re Gollum in Meanwood Beck below the bandstand: have you seen the otter?
- Sun Oct 27 22:07 Comment:
- Mon Oct 28 19:24 To be fair, the recent increase in First West Yorkshire's weekend group ticket from £6 to £11.95 had already started to make our first car look like the least worst option, & now £2 -> £3. Meanwhile TfL in high-wage London has a 1.75 cap & free buses for children.
- Tue Oct 29 15:19 Comment: @ConnectingLeeds Er
- Tue Oct 29 22:00 RT @thomasforth: We have been London's poor relation for a long time. But we've now got a chance to do our own thing . We can charge Mayora…
- Wed Oct 30 07:36 Several small girls are very excited at the prospect of Ilkley Moor this week
- Wed Oct 30 22:04 Builder: "You won't be able to use those windows round the front - the council will be on to you, because people talk - after all, the house is in a conversation area."
- Wed Oct 30 22:06 What's the Ancient Greek for government by chubby chaps in SUVs?
- Wed Oct 30 22:15 Pleasant memories of Letur
- Thu Oct 31 20:18 Clearly an acrostic, but in which Yorkshire dialect?
- Thu Oct 31 21:07 @lpcarefarming You're missing a dot in the website URL in your profile
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