PSOE to legalise illegal beach developments

I’m just curious: did PSOE secretary general José Blanco know this disgraceful amendment to coastal protection legislation was going to be introduced when he purchased an illegal apartment on a Galician beach, or is this all about saving Andalusia’s socialist president for life Manuel Chaves’ illegal and still undemolished beach hotel?

Portuguese Prime Minister corruption charges

Socialist José Sócrates continues to deny taking bribes from the British developer, Freeport, while he was environment minister. Zazie links to bloggers who expose his official income and assets, and wonders how a chicken can get so fat on so little, and why the two major parties are keeping so quiet.

Seville safari

A journey through the remains of Expo 92. At least it hasn’t all been stolen, as tended to happen to unguarded buildings in Andalusia during the construction boom.