A revolutionary Balkan gypsy begging flyer

The gypsy beggars and backing-track musos who work the Barcelona local train service systematically and efficiently are an example to Spanish local authorities looking to improve their act: no grasping, arrogant, incompetent, Weberian civil service; a fine tradition of no-budget graphic design; and simple, effective copywriting in the language most likely to mean something, not…

Sinn Fein-IRA joke

You heard it here first – unless you’re familiar with the early 20th century Spanish gypsy repertoire.

Quantitative easing à la catalane

Make lots of new ~euros in China and sell them under nominal price at gypsy markets. It will end in tears, but there’ll be some good stories. I too was a reluctant fan of Pedro Jota, and El Mundo is still the only MSM source to amuse me. El País is almost Calvinist-Methodist in its…