Tag: La Vanguardia
La Vanguardia: “How is the weather like?”
Dances of the Fart-Vest
Nazis sell newspapers, but not every swastika is a Nazi swastika
Some Swedish silliness from La Vanguardia, followed by a semi-functional justification for so much ant fucking.
Bikini vs vikini
Spelling controversies to overtake music/games/dating/porn as biggest online revenue generator?
How many La Vanguardia journalists does it take to screw up a poll?
Please answer yes/no/don’t know.
Yet more plagiarism from Rafael Ramos of La Vanguardia
And his hot news is three years old. No more, please.
Francisco Camps vs Fèlix Millet in the media
What do ghit ratios from La Vanguardia, El Periodico, El País, ADN, ABC, El Mundo, Público, and Levante tell us about their owners’ priorities?