Now! Then! 2025! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

21 July 1666: A white ghost army is seen by the Don near Sheffield

Oliver Heywood. 1883. The Rev. Oliver Heywood, B.A., 1630-1702, Vol. 3/4. Ed. J. Horsfall Turner. Bingley: T. Harrison. Get it:



On July 21, 1661, near Sheffield, by the river Don, was seen a great army of white soldiers upon the earth. After them went another great multitude of horsemen, all in white, with white horses. After appearance near an hour they all vanished away, asserted by many credible persons. Mr Bloome, formerly minister at Addercliffe near Sheffield, where the sight was seen, having examined some neighbours, and living in the town, told me of it, and from credible persons. Mr Ferman, hearing it had rained blood, sent to know the truth of it, and a man newly come in out of the field was wet with blood.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




The year is transcribed as 1661, which is both impossible (the Act of Uniformity under which the Rev. Bloome was dismissed only passed in 1662) and unlikely (prior and subsequent entries are all for 1666).

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On July 21, 1661, near Sheffield, by the river Dun, was seen a great army of white soldiers upon the earth. After them went another great multitude of horsemen, all in white, with white horses. After appearance near an hour they all vanished away, asserted by many credible persons. Mr Bloome, formerly minister at Addercliffe near Sheffield, where the sight was seen, having examined some neighbours, and living in the town, told me of it, and from credible persons.

Mr Ferman, hearing it had rained blood, sent to know the truth of it, and a man newly come in out of the field was wet with blood.

109 words.


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