Now! Then! 2025! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

20 June 1681: A Leeds court discusses the kidnapping by Barbary pirates of the son of Alderman Foxcroft

John Mayhall. 1860. The Annals and History of Leeds, and Other Places in the County of York. Leeds: Joseph Johnson. Get it:



Forasmuch as this court hath been credibly informed by Mr Alderman Foxcroft, a member thereof, that he hath a son lately taken by the Turks, who was put apprentice to one Mr Robert Newport, captain and owner of the good ship the Adriatique, and in that voyage was bursar to the said ship, his master having lost his life with his vessel, and the young man taken captive and carried prisoner to Algiers, and there sold for seven hundred dollars. And that the sum required for his redemption will amount to £350 sterling [£52,000 in 2021] at the least, and his father not being in a condition to raise the same, hath craved the advice and assistance of this court; thereupon it is therefore ordered, that a general collection be made from house to house in all constabularies and places in the said borough. And that all persons, both householders, and others, will be pleased to give their charitable contributions to so pious a work, as the redemption of a Christian soul out of the hands of those barbarous infidels. Ordered that a letter be writ to Hull in the name of the corporation, to request their charitable contributions to the furtherance of this pious work.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




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Forasmuch as this court hath been credibly informed by Mr. Alderman Foxcroft, a member thereof, that he hath a son lately taken by the Turks, who was put apprentice to one Mr. Robert Newport, captain and owner of the good ship the Adriatique, and in that voyage was bursar to the said ship, his master having lost his life with his vessel, and the young man taken captive and carried prisoner to Algiers, and there sold for seven hundred dollars. And that the sum required for his redemption will amount to £350 sterling at the least, and his father not being in a condition to raise the same, hath craved the advice and assistance of this court; thereupon it is therefore ordered, that a general collection be made from house to house in all constabularies and places in the said borough. And that all persons, both householders, and others, will be pleased to give their charitable contributions to so pious a work, as the redemption of a Christian soul out of the hands of those barbarous infidels. Ordered that a letter be writ to Hull in the name of the corporation, to request their charitable contributions to the furtherance of this pious work.

204 words.


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