Now! Then! 2025! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

17 January 1865: At Leeds, temperance advocate Wilfrid Lawson MP calls for the sale of alcohol to be banned

Spectator. 1865/01/21. [Mr. Lawson, author of the Permissive Bill]. London. Get it:



Mr Lawson, author of the Permissive Bill, will have to be put down as a public nuisance, condemned to drink Thames water, or Mr. Gladstone’s claret, or some dreadful thing. Not to mention the use to which his tyrannical proposal will be put at the hustings, being forced down the throats of candidates who know quite well it will never be passed, he fills the columns of The Times with the dreariest rubbish. In a long speech at Leeds he descanted on all the evils of drunkenness, admitted that he meant to abolish the 140,000 sellers of liquor, and never once touched the real question, which is the right of the individual to do as he likes, whether judicious or not, provided the act is not forbidden by the moral law. Mr Lawson has exactly the same right to prevent Smith from drinking a glass of ale as he has to prevent him from eating pastry-cooks’ buns or any other deleterious edible. The bun is sure to make him bilious, and we are bound to say The Lancet could prove to a demonstration that half the murders in England are committed by bilious people. Mr Lawson asked Leeds whether the old spirit was dead in the old county, whether “their hearts would fail in the encounter,” whether they were ready to “do and dare,” and altogether showed that it was quite possible for a man to be very intoxicated on water and weak tea.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




Full report in the Leeds Mercury. I haven’t read his Permissive Bill – which indeed failed. Was he just calling for the closure of the public houses for the working classes, not the private clubs favoured by MPs?

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Mr. Lawson, author of the Permissive Bill, will have to be put down as a public nuisance, condemned to drink Thames water, or Mr. Gladstone’s claret, or some dreadful thing. Not to mention the use to which his tyrannical proposal will be put at the hustings, being forced down the throats of candidates who know quite well it will never be passed, he fills the columns of the Times with the dreariest rubbish. In a long speech at Leeds he descanted on all the evils of drunkenness, admitted that he meant to abolish the 140,000 sellers of liquor, and never once touched the real question, which is the right of the individual to do as he likes, whether judicious or not, provided the act is not forbidden by the moral law. Mr. Lawson has exactly the same right to prevent Smith from drinking a glass of ale as he has to prevent him from eating pastry-cooks’ buns or any other deleterious edible. The bun is sure to make him bilious, and we are bound to say the Lancet could prove to a demonstration that half the murders in England are committed by bilious people. Mr. Lawson asked Leeds whether the old spirit was dead in the old county, whether “their hearts would fail in the encounter,” whether they were ready to “do and dare,” and altogether showed that it was quite possible for a man to be very intoxicated on water and weak tea.

246 words.


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