Hull, on earth and in heaven:
- Tonight: partly cloudy, temperature 2°C (35°F), wind south easterly 7mph, visibility good, pressure 1024mb, humidity 78%, UV risk 0/11, pollution low
- Sun: 07:13-17:17, zenith 12:15
- Moon: set 08:29 rise 23:14, waning gibbous
Leeds, on earth and in heaven:
- Tonight: partly cloudy, temperature 0°C (33°F), wind south easterly 6mph, visibility good, pressure 1023mb, humidity 85%, UV risk 0/11, pollution low
- Water level in Meanwood Beck at Monk Bridge: 0.29m (within normal range, highest recorded level 1.93m on 6 May 2024) (EA)
- Sun: 07:18-17:21, zenith 12:20
- Moon: set 08:34 rise 23:19, waning gibbous
Middlesbrough, on earth and in heaven:
- Tonight: partly cloudy, temperature 1°C (33°F), wind south easterly 5mph, visibility good, pressure 1024mb, humidity 82%, UV risk 0/11, pollution low
- Sun: 07:19-17:18, zenith 12:18
- Moon: set 08:31 rise 23:21, waning gibbous
Sheffield, on earth and in heaven:
- Tonight: partly cloudy, temperature 0°C (31°F), wind south easterly 6mph, visibility good, pressure 1023mb, humidity 86%, UV risk 0/11, pollution low
- Sun: 07:17-17:22, zenith 12:19
- Moon: set 08:34 rise 23:18, waning gibbous
York, on earth and in heaven:
- Tonight: partly cloudy, temperature 1°C (33°F), wind south easterly 6mph, visibility good, pressure 1024mb, humidity 83%, UV risk 0/11, pollution low
- Sun: 07:16-17:19, zenith 12:18
- Moon: set 08:32 rise 23:18, waning gibbous
Please check data before setting forth.