50 Howard Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York State

Gramps ID P0387
Latitude 40.7203651
Longitude -74.0040192
City New York City
State/ Province New York State
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Wikimapia: 5-story office building completed in 1860 as a store-and-loft building. It also has a frontage at 16 Mercer Street, and was used during the Civil War as temporary home for soldiers. Both frontages have dark grey-painted cast-iron ground floors with Corinthian columns and dentiled cornices. The upper floors are clad in stone, with quoins at the corners of the Howard facade. The windows here are segmental-arched and connected sills with corbelled feet run across each floor. A black metal roof cornice caps both facades. The ground floor is occupied by Agnes B. boutique.

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