Singing Organ-Grinder tweets for May

Pictures & video from a gig in Leytonstone, plus the usual nonsense.

Royal Wedding caganer. It's actually Prince William, of course.

Royal Wedding caganer. It's actually Prince William, of course. Image:


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Tue May 01 07:55 I'm sure it's well meant, but every time someone says GDPR I think of Erich Honecker.
  • Tue May 01 09:33 RT @robinalexbaker: Much as I’m enjoying The #WomaninWhite, it’s rather strange watching a Count Fosco who looks like the chap on the left…
  • Tue May 01 10:21 Comment: @Transblawg I still prefer thumbscrews & the rack. Jeez.
  • Tue May 01 15:25 Landmark London gallery discovers its entire collection is $hite
  • Tue May 01 16:43 Rule 1 of paremiology: absurd proverbs are to be attributed to the Chinese, drunken ones to Russians
  • Wed May 02 07:04 Chained monkey beggar, Java
  • Wed May 02 09:13 Moderately relaxed about Morrissey and the Muslims and Theodorakis and the Jews - their music was crap anyway; very disturbed, on the other hand, that Captain America appears to be suffering memory loss in Botnik Studios' auto-generated Infizzinity War
  • Wed May 02 09:18 Comment: More confuso musos: "If Wagner is suspect, what about Chopin (a virulent anti-Semite), Puccini (an honorary member of the Italian Fascist Party) & Stravinsky (who revered Mussolini)? As D. H. Lawrence said: 'Don't judge the artist, trust the tale.'"
  • Wed May 02 09:25 Comment: @realaleupnorth @oldmudgie It already has in London: fiver a pint
  • Wed May 02 09:54 Peeling eyes for this one - seen them more in rural France than England, and never in London
  • Wed May 02 09:55 Comment: I love the common ID advice - "look into their eyes" - some chance. Beautiful vid
  • Wed May 02 10:02 The curious case of someone who has "investment banker" on her LinkedIn, "living the life!" & sunny photos on her Facebook, and actually depends for B&B on an aged parent
  • Wed May 02 12:09 Comment: @Transblawg Good for him/it. Our solution is much more bloodthirsty.
  • Wed May 02 20:55 Imported my old Spanish translation blog to my organ-grinding one: "Fucked Translation: What happens when Spanish institutions & businesses give translation contracts to relatives or to some guy in a bar who once went to London & only charges 0.05€/word."
  • Wed May 02 21:45 Dramatic twist at 1:13
  • Thu May 03 07:34 RT @Humanists_UK: Great to see non-religious members of the US Congress are organising openly. This model has been very successful in the U…
  • Thu May 03 12:27 Comment: @tombcn Go for it...
  • Thu May 03 13:42 George Eliot, Daniel Deronda is brilliant. "Perspective, as its inventor remarked, is a beautiful thing... What hymning of cancerous vices may we not languish over as sublimest art in the safe remoteness of a strange language and artificial phrase!"
  • Thu May 03 13:43 Comment: I've figured that for most audiences I'm better off not translating foreign lyrics.
  • Thu May 03 21:02 "Baby spinach is for babies. Grow up and eat chard. What? 3-week-old, milk-fed lamb (lechal)? That's different!" I still dream about that day in Saravillo.
  • Fri May 04 06:47 Thread re Francoist mayors -> Catalan nationalist mayors. Favourite is Primitivo Forastero (Primitive Stranger), volunteer for Hitler, who, as village mayor in the 80s, ordered the extra-judicial killing of republican Ignasi Subirats’s noisy rooster
  • Fri May 04 10:14 Not sure if I want to commit to the petition to close
  • Fri May 04 11:37 Beowulf boasted too
  • Fri May 04 12:22 2nd language acquisition: suggestion that it's about exposure, not the magical qualities of the childish brain, tho kids find it easier to get exposure. Chimes with personal experience
  • Fri May 04 20:13 Man collects massive hooters
  • Sat May 05 07:17 Curious dream featuring Trump as a uniformed Salvationist chanting Blood & Fire. It all ended well. (Photo Mike Quinn )
  • Sat May 05 07:18 Comment: Where the Sally Army went wrong
  • Sat May 05 10:06 Anti-climb paint for rodents
  • Sat May 05 21:57 I have always wanted to be represented by a Tolkien dwarf
  • Sat May 05 22:00 Comment: Fortunately Comrade Ken hasn't yet read Wikipedia on the Satmar sect's activities in 1944
  • Sat May 05 22:02 Warnings & communications about GDPR outnumber & molest more than all the spam I have received since its introduction in 1937. I filter it straight to trash
  • Sun May 06 08:02 "He took kindness for weakness. And you have to have your milk with your cereal."
  • Sun May 06 08:05 Comment: @Transblawg @nordicnovellas Conspiracy theory: it's quite easy for high-profile businesses to walk away from a mailing list and start again, but a bugger for small ones.
  • Sun May 06 09:49 Baez parodying Dylan
  • Sun May 06 12:45 9 days on and no response from the Met to a break-in report, so
  • Mon May 07 07:37 RT @Anaisbarnolas: Turistes fent-se fotos davant de la pintada Tourists go home.
  • Mon May 07 07:42 So Dolmetscher (German)/tolmac (Russian), interpreter, is a Turkic word. & Ivan the Terrible turned these frightening people into a corps, looking both east & west

  • Mon May 07 07:56 Comment: Some say this 1661 Meyerberg drawing shows the Muscovite linguist-diplomats' court, others that it's the residence for foreign embassies. Whatever: interesting games of skittles and multi-ball hockey in progress. (I don't think those are human heads.)
  • Mon May 07 08:15 Rabbit/duck illusionism: I can't help but see the Big Bombora Shiraz label as a burlesque of a man with a huge nose and a surfer up one nostril - more or less how it tastes
  • Mon May 07 15:38 What's the polite genre name for motivational phrases stuck on domestic walls by people who eschew pictures for reasons of religion/political fervour or emotional disability?
  • Mon May 07 16:23 "I'm an agender quadrocephalic citroid from an nova cluster at the centre of the Small Magellanic Cloud, and I like to skinny-dip in the cores of neutron stars."
  • Mon May 07 21:09 Hackney compounds: Hackney ass, " author, " boat, " cart, " chariot, " clerk, " horse, " job, " lame, " mare, " mule, " pace, " saddle, " scribbler, " stable, " stallion, " strumpet, " stud, " vehicle, " whore, " woman, " writer, " writing. Not much good in there.
  • Tue May 08 06:49 Rewritten dialogue in BBC Woman in White turns it into C21st soap: "She's still in trauma," "She's had a breakdown." FFS, we put up with Shakespeare - mostly incomprehensible - so why not leave Collins alone?
  • Tue May 08 08:27 Michael Portillo's dad apparently invented the emblematic confrontation between Millán Astray & Unamuno in Salamanca in 1936 Always seemed too good to be true
  • Tue May 08 10:05 Regermanicising a medieval Rusian epic
  • Tue May 08 12:18 Amidst the savage Gazebo peoples of SW
  • Tue May 08 13:04 Quite comforted by the idea that Staropramen might not actually be brewed in Ostrava
  • Tue May 08 13:10 Comment: Once when cycling from Ostrava to Prerov I met in a village a man filling countless jerrycans with water and putting them in the back of a van. It turned out he was from Ostrava and anxious to live beyond 50
  • Tue May 08 16:32 Comment: @justinjerez I still can't bear to think about my sherry #101.
  • Tue May 08 17:53 Time to plan holidays: nice-looking Christian Albanian village in Ukraine called Каракурт, Black Wolf in Turkish, from profusion of Latrodectus tredecimguttatus. Lenin Collective Farm has 9K hectares, also pig business & impressive bus stop
  • Wed May 09 14:44 Nor is there now for Man any Pleasure or *Procurement* whatsoever without Labour to be had - Nathaniel Torriano, Compendium obstetricii (1753)
  • Thu May 10 20:07 Q: What's the difference between an asteroid and a meteorite? NeilDeGrasseTysonBot: The universe is full of Jupiter's eggs. Asteroids are eggs that were present for the birth of Seattle. Meteorites are eggs with British friends. I thought that was obvious.
  • Thu May 10 20:51 Ommmmmmmmm
  • Thu May 10 20:57 Comment: And, apart from not discriminating against left-handers, why put the measuring scale behind the handle so that it's obscured by your hand? Someone make a proper kettle, please
  • Thu May 10 21:00 Comment: "In the newly-born infant..the smegma serves a valuable physiological function."
  • Fri May 11 05:50 Goldfinch pair. Haven't sung the song for years
  • Fri May 11 08:07 Used to hate playing Modern Romance Best Years of Our Lives years ago with a cover band, but someone introduced me to Geoff D tother day & found Leyton Buzzards & Saturday Night Beneath The Plastic Palm Trees - brilliant evocation of London first wave ska
  • Fri May 11 09:34 Comment: @Transblawg 20 years since someone last put "digital" in front of a noun & thought it would fool everyone
  • Fri May 11 11:55 Few things so discouraging on a Friday as discovering one has acquired a gluten-free sausage. I anyone wants it I'll post it to them
  • Fri May 11 12:45 Comment: @Transblawg Monstrosity that transforms energy into engrey. We're morphing into everyday 80s Poland, where a certain British hippie vegetarian was told by the friend putting him up, "Eat the bloody sausages! Do you know how long we've had to save to get this much meat?"
  • Fri May 11 12:52 What to think of the Chinese adopting badly translated parts of European legal systems?
  • Fri May 11 12:53 Comment: @Transblawg And don't start me on the "labs" that are going to grow "meat" for us: spam, spam, spam, spam
  • Fri May 11 20:26 Comment: @Lighthousetrsl8 @Transblawg I looked in Tesco and none of the sausages seem to have bread in any more. Another hammer blow.
  • Sat May 12 08:49 Comment: @Transblawg @Lighthousetrsl8 Is ruby Kitkat the same as miaow miaow? It is time I owned a pig. I once tried to write a novel about an organ-grinder who cycled the world with piglets called Time and Space in his panniers.
  • Sat May 12 08:53 I used to know an elderly Welshman who in a moment of frustration tried to burn the family Bible. But climate had its way, and the pages were too damp.
  • Sat May 12 09:33 Why doesn't it surprise that the Waitrose basement at John Lewis at Oxford Circus is a den of the Anglo-Irish occult?
  • Sat May 12 10:36 Pierre Monteux once said to Evan Watkin that the trombone solo in Scheherazade should be played as if by a caged tiger. Harold Nash on the health & safety, wide-bore, modern culture:
  • Sat May 12 11:11 Comment: Beecham, RPO, 1957, no idea who's on 2nd at 13:30
  • Sat May 12 12:49 Amsterdam, always pretty nightmarish, & 22 million tourists in 2018
  • Sat May 12 15:10 Ingenious shoplifting technique observed in a Hackney Tesco: take expensive bit of meet, fill up basket with other crap, check everything at self-checkout, take only meat and walk out. ¿It's removed from inventory even though you haven't paid, and cams see you going thru motions?
  • Sat May 12 15:11 Comment: Makes a change from grab it and run from/threaten guard, assuming he can be ar$ed
  • Sat May 12 16:01 RT @slatestarcodex: This is the best table (h/t @gwern)
  • Sat May 12 18:20 Beautiful pic, showing curious combo: (trumpet, nakers & cymbals) + portative organ. Full image shows the great Khan, with still more music. (With a bit of cunning the blackamoor could be playing the nakers himself -> 1st one-man band)
  • Sat May 12 19:29 Dodgy etymology of the day: caganer < khagan, (Mongol) Great Khan, from his habit of $hitting on all and sundry
  • Sun May 13 10:23 "Homeopath detained for drugging his patients by adding water to their water"
  • Sun May 13 17:18 Glad the Met had a nice time at West Ham-Everton, shame they haven't had a chance to consider a break-in report 14 days after expiry of the promised 48-hour response time
  • Sun May 13 18:23 Comment: @tombcn Fine, thanks! Bloke's still inside the electrical riser with his sleeping bag & needles & hasn't set it on fire yet. Didn't think they'd do anything.
  • Sun May 13 18:34 Haha, Soviet Encyclopaedic Dictionary used to call Viking theory of foundation of Kievan Rus (see Y-DNA, linguistic & historical data) "an antiscientific trend in Russian and foreign bourgeois historiography" whose failure had been "conclusively proven by Soviet historiography"
  • Sun May 13 18:45 Comment: Psst, anyone got an ebook of Vladimir Volkoff "Vladimir the Russian Viking"? Sounds amazing
  • Mon May 14 10:03 Chronicle account of Vlad the Great's C10th conversion to Orthodoxy = forerunner of Englishman/Irishman/Scotsman jokes. Response to Powerpoint by Bulgar Muslims (who lived in "sorrow & dreadful stench"): "Drinking is the joy of the Russes. We cannot exist without that pleasure"
  • Mon May 14 10:04 Comment: Then the boyars spoke and said, ‘If the Greek faith were evil, it would not have been adopted by your grandmother Olga who was wiser than all *other* men.’
  • Tue May 15 07:32 Dennis Skinner to walk Meghan down the aisle?
  • Tue May 15 08:42 RT @leaboaters: Hugely grateful to @DavidLammy @SueHayman1 @Meg_HillierMP @KateOsamor for meeting us tmrw to discuss #leaoilspill The Lea d…
  • Wed May 16 10:58 Maximus the Greek, C16th translator into Russian Church Slavonic, cried thrice before the cathedral, pleading for God's mercy for this infirm human, & with tears he pleaded for forgiveness for the mistakes that had crept into his books
  • Wed May 16 16:46 Psycho
  • Wed May 16 19:48 Client presentation. Shades of night are falling, 2 black boys come down Well St., 15 yo pushes 13 yo forward to coincide with white man coming the other way, package handed over, man goes his way, boys fist-bump and go theirs. Easy-peasy, pudding & pie
  • Wed May 16 20:02 DEMON FRUITCAKE The man who eats fruitcake goes down in disgrace As he rolls in the gutter with crumbs on his face.
  • Thu May 17 06:27 Westley, successors to the Whitechapel Foundry, casting a bell for Worcester Cathedral last November @lordbonkers
  • Thu May 17 07:12 Basic jobs vs basic income - don't want everyone to be forced into organ-grinding
  • Thu May 17 08:57 Folkies arise: HS2 to demolish Cecil Sharpe House
  • Thu May 17 13:24 the dom-bomb: fake-news inquiry vs fake news-inquiry
  • Thu May 17 13:34 Jah Wobble, A13 - genius, tho a bit southerly for me
  • Thu May 17 17:44 As royal wedding tat goes, this seems pretty tasteful & legit
  • Fri May 18 06:56 1934 manifesto "for the conservation of the Catalan race," driven by the philologist Pompeu Fabra, after whom a university and metro stop in Barcelona are named
  • Fri May 18 07:26 What did people sweep things under before carpets and rugs were invented in the 1950s?
  • Fri May 18 10:32 Markéta Luskačová's photos of East End street musicians in the 70s and 80s - too late for organ grinders. I'm always impressed by the money and effort folks used to put into their shoes Via @Transblawg
  • Fri May 18 10:38 Comment: @Pani_Bufetowa @Transblawg Yep - and there's a book of them apparently. A couple of the guys look familiar but too many brain cells have been washed away
  • Fri May 18 10:53 These people are very silly
  • Fri May 18 12:01 I'll bet you don't know what the Mogden formula is
  • Fri May 18 14:54 Organ-grinders at the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs. Done stuff for the Dutch, but still no call from the FCO for this British organ-grinder to chant UK Gov's splendid doctrines for the Belgians, obvs in French & Flemish @foreignoffice @SRE_mx
  • Fri May 18 19:27 What happens when kids write manuals
  • Sat May 19 04:55 I didn't realise Damien had embalmed so many sheep - everywhere you go At least with stuffed foxes & pikes over pub fireplaces you knew that they were inedible, but lamb...
  • Sat May 19 07:10 Comment: @Transblawg It's the kind of thing vets discover when they clean elephant ears.
  • Sat May 19 12:53 I'll bet Abhinabha practised for his one-handed clapping world record by killing fruitflies. Incredibly satisfying when you get one fly with each hand. (My best: ca 200 bpm)
  • Sat May 19 12:58 John Keegan has by far the maddest theory of why the Spaniards took apart the Incas & Aztecs: it's all Genghis Khan's fault
  • Sun May 20 07:04 Car-free Homerton High Street is wonderful #HackneyHalf
  • Sun May 20 12:24 Comment: @wheeler_jo @LeeValleyPark They also cut back the blackberry hedges every year just as they're starting to fruit. I asked them why & there was no response.
  • Sun May 20 13:45 Petersburg naming jokes: * Can you name the world's 3 finest cities? Petersburg, Petrograd and Leningrad. * When Petersburg, 1 of Peter the Great's greatest achievements, was renamed after Lenin, (the satirist) Demyan Bedny demanded that Pushkins's works be reattributed to him.
  • Sun May 20 14:56 Curious that politicians always ask for a discount on bookings, instead of offering to compensate for the shame with a surcharge
  • Mon May 21 06:19 New Christmas repertoire
  • Mon May 21 06:43 What happens when you dress right to a formation marching to a different beat to yours. There but for the grace of God goes someone who started playing with a folk band because his feet and brain had no dance-proof connection
  • Mon May 21 08:09 More Twitter-driven geolexicography from Jack Grieve
  • Mon May 21 09:08 Comment: @Pani_Bufetowa Melancholeraic doves are messy ones which have read their medical diagnosis
  • Mon May 21 12:14 I don't think anyone has ever commented on the (barrel-)organ and bagpipe duet in Gavrila Derzhavin's 1782 Orientalist poem, Felitsa, dedicated to Catherine the Great . Must be pretty much the earliest mention of popular use in Russia
  • Mon May 21 12:20 Comment: Must surely be minority usage of орган indicating a hurdy-gurdy
  • Mon May 21 12:26 Comment: Once played with this guy, but perhaps never again
  • Mon May 21 19:51 If only the GDPR shambles would encourage a return to pull tech like RSS and people would start reading my blog again. Sigh.
  • Mon May 21 19:54 I like the hat / niqab combination, but why's the hat white?
  • Mon May 21 20:56 If I'd known George Eliot, I'd have said after 5K words, "Daniel Deronda, that's a Jewish name innit?" and saved her the next 310K. How come no-one notices?
  • Tue May 22 09:52 I suppose that one way to get a junkie to move out of one's basement is to find him another one to break into. Perhaps some of the de-urbanisation at the end of the Roman Empire started like this.
  • Tue May 22 10:56 Queens of the right & left hand = reines de la main gauche/droite = official ones and mistresses. See Victor Hugo's domestic arrangements. I played piano once for the birthday of a carpet baron, who sat with friends round a large table, wife to his right & girlfriend to his left

  • Tue May 22 11:00 Comment: Tener mucha mano izquierda, to have a lot of left hand, in Spanish indicates a great facility to resolve affairs with subtlety. Discussion about whether it comes from bullfighting: Article re left-right symbolism in Spanish/Greek
  • Tue May 22 21:44 Re A Very English Scandal: Lord Arran sponsored a bill for the protection of badgers, and was once asked why this effort had failed whereas decriminalising homosexuality had succeeded. Arran is reported to have replied: "There are not many badgers in the House of Lords."
  • Tue May 22 21:52 Comment: Lady Arran's obit is the best ever
  • Wed May 23 17:37 Geese on the navigable channel of the Lea Navigation from Ferry Lane to Lea Bridge at 17:30: Canada 45, greylag 1, Egyptian 2. At what stage do you start to talk about under-/overpopulation? #WalthamstowWetlands #WalthamstowMarshes
  • Wed May 23 17:42 New verse for "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly": There was an old lady who swallowed a shrew What an odd thing to do To swallow a shrew Perhaps she’ll spew From post about a guy who ate a shrew for science:
  • Wed May 23 17:45 Comment: Virtually none below Coppermill Stream - lack of bank space (boats & houses) an/or nearby reservoirs?
  • Wed May 23 18:36 Sub-/supra-Saharan strawberry-pickers' camp near Huelva on the Spanish Costa de la Luz I'll never forget the olive-pickers I met living in low-slung, disused pigsties near Jaén one winter.
  • Thu May 24 06:46 Good new Emily Brontë setting by Kathryn Rose
  • Thu May 24 08:41 These guys may steal cars but George Formby didn't
  • Thu May 24 09:34 March declaring acceptance of privacy T&Cs #GDPR
  • Thu May 24 12:03 Comment: @tombcn Isn't there still some of the white bread effect, like I think there is among poor people in Hackney? Choosing unhealthy foods because they used to be part of a high-status diet? Ditto the obsession with cars, which middle class hippies like me just don't get
  • Thu May 24 15:44 Giacinto Scelsi and Rick Astley on a single note The snootiness is weird: Rick certainly isn't as posh as Giacinto, but he's a better musician
  • Thu May 24 18:54 "Mariano Rajoy" and "tormenta de mierda," "shitstorm," are roughly coeval, but you can't visualise that with Google's Ngram Viewer because you can't scale search terms

  • Thu May 24 18:56 For some reason no video has been published of this National Heritage Day meeting of 11 Chilean organ-grinders and their drummers
  • Fri May 25 07:51 Is the new Habsburg Empire the EU or the informal anti-Brussels frontier bloc Rome-Vienna-Budapest-Warsaw? Bring back the medieval papal schism, say the monkeys
  • Fri May 25 07:59 Revisionist claims that Victorian parlour songs were not actually all about BDSM
  • Fri May 25 08:03 Comment: Oh, I'm sorry! Sounds like I'm evangelising for Mr A.
  • Fri May 25 08:09 Save the Hackney whipping post! Perhaps a borough where there is greater support for corporal punishment would like to acquire it
  • Fri May 25 09:47 Monstrous bacon fat spill on the kitchen floor creates ideal conditions for what the Dutch call buikglijden (English = belly sliding, other terms?), recalling Floris, erstwhile world champion. Another expert:
  • Fri May 25 10:06 English-speakers shouldn't waste time learning other languages: instead they should focus on acquiring begging, monkey-training, and barrel-pinning skills. (I'm with Bloix & Lameen here: )
  • Fri May 25 10:37 GDPR = GötterDämmerung for PR
  • Fri May 25 14:39 I'm not sure if this is a comeback or a retirement or what
  • Fri May 25 15:58 WAHAHAHAHA!
  • Sat May 26 10:08 Defining Inner Eurasia used to be simple: 1990 Soviet Union + Mongolia & bits of Xinjiang. Now?
  • Sun May 27 08:45 Liverpool in Kiev: it's a lard life. Also glad to see that my friends at Kiev's local channel, Київ TV, have chosen to transliterate and shorten their name to KYTV
  • Sun May 27 08:52 So little publicity re serious crime that one will probably never know whether the CSI forensics wagon yesterday on #LondonFields was pondering the latest unfunded Nigerian stomach operation or some assault by frenzied squirrels on a gargantuan barbecue
  • Sun May 27 09:11 Translated compilation of Rabelais' invisible library, including Marmot-head's "On baboons and monkeys," which we do wish someone would write
  • Sun May 27 20:30 Björk fans love it when you go to her gigs and sing along: "MODERATELY HAPPY"
  • Sun May 27 20:41 Curious cage in the Leitzaran valley, Basque Country I've seen similar ones in Jaén / Albacete provinces, no idea what they are
  • Mon May 28 09:07 Peter Cook as Mr Justice Cantley at the great Jeremy Thorpe vs Norman Scott show
  • Mon May 28 09:11 Heroes Don't Wear Hats (Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, ...)
  • Mon May 28 10:19 As Brexit approaches organ-grinders are already finding it easier to employ exceptionally talented, highly skilled, graduate monkeys from elsewhere, but we're still bothered by road sign clutter @michaelgove
  • Mon May 28 12:25 Comment: @Transblawg That must be what he meant, but if the translation doesn't alliterate then we'll just have to misinterpret him
  • Mon May 28 14:07 A decent map of the Irish referendum result. What is now stopping the UK & the Republic from reuniting?
  • Tue May 29 06:47 RT @holland_tom: Craig Brown's pitch-perfect parody of Robert Macfarlane for Private Eye:
  • Tue May 29 06:51 More psychogeographical bollocks: "Gooley’s research on and explanation of this is spellbinding, and extends to using one’s testicles for navigational purposes to identify the groundswell beneath the sea chop." L. Lane, ABZ of Scouse: "'Ow'd yer like a kick in ther goolies?"
  • Tue May 29 20:23 Comment: @albags_2002 That's yer man. Totally shameless.
  • Wed May 30 06:47 Despite all the safeguards apparently in place, UK residents can still get away with PPI scamming using Indian call centres
  • Wed May 30 09:02 The remaining Mr Hitchens: "cars & roads destroy settled societies, wreck landscapes, divide & distort cities, by subjecting non-drivers to the needs of cars & abolishing the walkable, human spaces which existed before. Once car ownership is general, it becomes obligatory"
  • Wed May 30 12:16 @BBCMonitoring Very sad that your RSS at no longer works...
  • Wed May 30 12:23 I'd missed the Manic Street Preachers on Welsh Donetsk , which has still not achieved unification with the motherland
  • Wed May 30 12:48 Among old books that probably won't get republished: "The orangutan of Europe, or the Pole, according to his true nature" (1780)
  • Wed May 30 14:32 The Game of Heaven and Hell, or Snakes and Ladders
  • Wed May 30 14:34 Comment: started it
  • Wed May 30 20:33 Nat Shilkret (< Naftule Schüldkraut), perhaps the most recorded artist ever, directing a NSFW Stephen Foster medley:
  • Wed May 30 20:45 Comment: Yiddish recordings in which he was involved
  • Wed May 30 20:52 Comment: No. 2, A Gris Fun Neuer Russland / A Greeting From New Russia is from Di Goldene Kale / The Golden Bride
  • Thu May 31 08:30 Tweedledum-ish Nigerian Civil Enforcement Officer (traffic warden), ambling peacefully along, shares my appreciation of a good uniform: "My mother would be so proud if she could see me now, ha ha ha." (If exercise is good for you, why are CEOs all spherical?)
  • Thu May 31 15:18 And I thought I had problems with drains: "Neighbours of a Hoxton construction site have suffered seven weeks of sleepless nights with no end in sight, after builders flooded the sewage pipes with cement"
  • Thu May 31 16:16 Singing Organ-Grinder & guest crank performing ET Mensah's Inflation Calypso at Leytonstone Food Market @Leytonstonefood @wfcouncil
  • Thu May 31 20:28 RT @_Juarma_: España.

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