Tony just sent me a slightly weird press release from an entity that calls itself the European Association for Sure & Secure Identification, or IDtrack for short. Things that bother us both: It calls itself European, which tends to lead one to assume some European component. Not so: the advisory board is completely Spanish (with…
Just a brief follow-up on the post dealing with the curse of the bratwurst/bratswurst, the frankfurt/frankfurter and the hamburger/hamburguesa/hembluguesa: the NYT today notes the increasing assimilation into the mainstream of Ridgewood’s German community. Says Elfriede Parthe, “Life is a journey, and you know what, nothing ever stays the same.” (In a separate contribution to this…
Fa uns anys era un passatemps popular fer nous levels en Doom i després Quake per a jugar per la LAN. Ara es fa el mateix amb altres jocs per a ajudar pacients amb fòbies. El New Scientist: Es va construir dintre de Half-Life escenes contenint diversos tipus d’aranya per a tractar gent amb arachnophobia.…
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