stuffed camel

This is one of the many recipes for which I do not have the ingredients this evening, having been too lazy to go to the supermarket.


The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) is a tragic shrub, its ubiquity simply serving to remind one that it’s B-list vegetation. As with many things we can blame the Romans. Take Virgil. Aeneas has a bier made from oak twigs and strawberry tree shoots for poor old Pallas, but then Virgil goes and spoils it all…


La BBC (2003/10/26) diu que la policia japonesa ha detingut un fetitxista que havia robat 440 sabates esquerres. Molt rar, perquè conec tres fetitxistes de sabates i tots tenen una preferència clara per sabates dretes. No hi ha informació sobre aquest tema interessant en la web de l’Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Via AntiPixel.