
Boaring equipment for a less obviously grubby political class.

Kalebeul Research has been busy again. Tripping along a hillside this afternoon, humming that ballad of hard times at the engineering works, Cry me a rivet, it occurred to one that country walks could be much more varied if wild boar–of which there are many hungry examples at the moment–were to be trained to clear old forest paths instead of just root around on the margins.

Candidates for treatment would include the ridiculously overgrown track leading up to Montmany, taken by the rector at the beginning of Els sots feréstecs (The Wild Ravines), and the service would subsequently be expanded to include the boaring of tunnels and suchlike.

It is not anticipated that significant evidence would remain of any 3% pork commissions.

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Last updated 27/02/2005

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.
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