On yer bike

The polls are fine, but Blair secretly expects to lose: he now has an official spokes-man. (OK, so you’ve never heard of Norman Tebbit.)

Language education obligations

To underpin their advertising pitch many webmasters use simple devices to fake the number of visitors on their site and the number of click-thrus to other sites. Nationalist crazy Francesc Ferrer’s approach is simpler: every page on his blog says it has been visited 10 times. Yesterday’s entry recounts the prosecution of some kids from…

Housing shortage

Here‘s a free translation of a verse sung door-to-door by caramelles in Sant Cugat on Easter Sunday of 1948: “Neither house nor home here for lots of folk./This overcrowding’s getting past a joke.” The Andalusians who arrived here in the 20s built themselves cave and shack homes on the margins of Montjuïc, and many were…