Ruy blast

A deformed heap of dwarves
Cuts pourpoints in your coat of king;
And the imperial eagle, which, formerly, under your law,
Covered the whole world of thunder and flame,
Cuit, poor plucked bird, in their infamous pot!

Ruy BlasVictor Hugo includes a proto-parody of the Aznar view of the current state of Spanish politics in his Spanish adventure, Ruy Blas:

Un tas de nains difformes
Se taillent des pourpoints dans ton manteau de roi;
Et l’aigle impérial, qui, jadis, sous ta loi,
Couvrait le monde entier de tonnerre et de flamme,
Cuit, pauvre oiseau plumé, dans leur marmite infâme!

In Googlish:

A deformed heap of dwarves
Cuts pourpoints in your coat of king;
And the imperial eagle, which, formerly, under your law,
Covered the whole world of thunder and flame,
Cuit, poor plucked bird, in their infamous pot!

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