The state-sponsored Mediterranean Social Forum “demonstration” for “a conflict-free, peaceful Mediterranean” began with a huge punch-up between the Moroccans and the Saharouis, so I was reasonably optimistic that one of the post-march bands, Les Boukakes, would indeed stage a “sexual scene where many men masturbate on and give a ‘semen bath’ to a willing submissive”…
Joan Barril suggests making orthography subject to the weather as one more means of diverting attention from the fact that most people can’t get the accents right in the simplest of Catalan. Erik Dams touches a related theme–writing implements designed to operate under meteorological conditions unsuited to their users–and Wim de Bie reports–one shouldn’t necessarily…
kalebeul’s favourite Marksist notes that a German comic is raising laughs in Britain. No hope of that here: in the course of a post claiming that customer service in Barcelona is worse even than in Rio de Janeiro, Sarita mentions the poster campaign for budget flyers, Germanwings: Germanwings. Vuelos a Alemania desde 19 euros. No…
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