
For reasons still unclear, MM has been investigating Chinese punishment and bondage gear. Ah, if I had but the spondoolicks… (The first person I heard using “spondoolicks” was a well-off British public (that is to say, private) schoolboy whose Cockneyisms have brought him fortune and a certain degree of fame. Ach well!)


Musical John is going after blog spammers.

Red Progresista: Somos Cíclopes

Jessica has started a special blog for people who can’t see out of one eye (via Barcepundit). (A pleasing serendipity: hang-to-the-left boxers.)

More Kneipp in Catalan literature

Thanks to JR for pointing out that Dr Sebastian Kneipp‘s Botánica (eh? A quick search produces no German equivalent), which, purchased from bookseller Joseph Lösen in Kempten, turns up in Salvador Espriu’s short story, Mariangela l’herbolaria. That will be the Bavarian Kempten, which has hot springs and which Kneipp knew well. I’ve never been there,…

Making it in Spain

In a piece here Amina Talhimet observes that in order to make it in southern Europe, it is no longer enough for African emigrants to be odd-job men. That’s true to a certain extent, but sometimes the skills that enable the boat people to earn a living here are obtained on the road. There’s a…