
It has been suggested that I post a Danish flag on this page. Unfortunately I don’t do flags, but this page is already pretty red-and-white and there’s a decapitated me floating top-right to demonstrate my sympathies. Some have succumbed, however.

True origins of Goebbels’ “total war” slogan

Like all other biographies of Joseph Goebbels, Das Goebbels Experiment, seen the other night at the Filmoteca, dates the “Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?” (“Do you want total war?”) call to the February 1943 Sport Palace speech/Sportpalastrede. Here is the truth, as told me by a Dutch bass player: It is not generally known that…

True origins of Goebbels' "total war" slogan

Like all other biographies of Joseph Goebbels, Das Goebbels Experiment, seen the other night at the Filmoteca, dates the “Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?” (“Do you want total war?”) call to the February 1943 Sport Palace speech/Sportpalastrede. Here is the truth, as told me by a Dutch bass player: It is not generally known that…