
Article of clothing used by theatrical troupes in the camps. Still turns up, usually in completely inappropriate circumstances, stalagtite being the generally preferred spelling. See also stalagmight/-mite.

Beer that’s good for you

Normal food is repackaged here and sold at a premium as healthy Dieta Mediterránea. And so the woman asked the supermarket assistant, “Excuse me, have you got any Mediterranean Diet beer? It’s for my husband.” What would Homer say?


Thanks to Franco Alemán for the links–certainly helps drive up numbers, currently around 2,500 individuals daily. Re his point about the irrelevance of foreign correspondents: someone once told me that Rafael Ramos@London is in fact a Málaga cannabis lawyer, which surely isn’t true but which might explain a lot.

Stereotyping at Puticlub [ie Brothel] de Luxe

… where, it seems, very fat men with beards and skirts are DJs, very thin men with beards and skirts are gogos, and semi-wrapped Egyptian mummies with not very much hair at all are barmen. Since it seems increasingly unlikely that I will ever be a daddy, maybe it’s time to ditch the dress and…