Disappearance of Galician wolf-man explained

Manuel Blanco Romasanta (1809-?) was born Manuela because everyone thought he was a girl, and things went downhill from then on. After his wife died he became a travelling salesman of human fat and, when the law finally took an interest, he went on a CANNIBAL RAMPAGE, TEARING APART and DEVOURING nine innocents before being…

Public libraries

AMA once told me they were A Good Thing because in the 1930s they gave unemployed men in Britain somewhere dry to stand. It seems that Tomás Salvador spent the Civil War hiding in them, reading.

Bar Celona

The pic is by MM, who has heard that this Nuremberg watering hole has nothing to do with Barcelona or even Celona. The Flash on the site is gruesome, so that may be the connection. Next wannahave: a photo of Somerset’s pride, FC Bathelona. (Update: Ponz@Bloguras says that he prefers McDonald’s to English “tapas”.)
The pic is by MM, who has heard that this Nuremberg watering hole has nothing to do with Barcelona or even Celona. The Flash on the site is gruesome, so that may be the connection. Next wannahave: a photo of Somerset's pride, FC Bathelona.