Tom Raikes, The Bibliophilist. In The gentleman’s magazine of June 1838. Source: GBS This is part of the beastly bookseller of Barcelona series and is referenced here. This needs annotation and will receive it in due course. There are a number of errors that one would not expect of a public schoolboy like Raikes, as…
The County Miscellany, 1,8, December 1 1836. Source: GBS This is part of the beastly bookseller of Barcelona series and is referenced here. BIBLIOMANIA, or “Book Madness,” has been exemplified to its utmost extent by remarkable and dreadful disclosures on the recent trial, at Barcelona, of an ex-monk, one Friar Vincente, a “lover and preserver”…
Message received from an intermediary re a service offered elsewhere: “Hla me interesa blah blah blah, si me envias un movil te lamo, gracias blah blah.” Magic LL!
Over at Michael Gilleland’s place. I am laid low by village water, which comes out of the hill unpurified, which is fine, but which ravages stomachs lacking the correct ecology of flora and fauna, which is tough on me and even tougher on the porcelain. Beware the great god Fart under such circumstances.
In 1927 the Catalan literary researcher and writer, Ramon Miquel i Planas (1874-1950; henceforth MiP) wrote a little book, published in a bibliophile edition, called La llegenda del llibreter assassÃ. In it he reflects on the origins and recycling of “Le bibliomane ou le nouveau Cardillac”, an anonymous tale published as if true in 1836…
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