The Dreyfus affair

Still showing along the Sequia Comtal in Clot, by then incorporated into Barcelona. The date is 1914, which is to say 20 years later, and just as Dreyfus was limbering up to go to war once more. I suppose the flick must have been French translated into Spanish. Incidentally, goats make excellent cinema audiences and…

Multilingual institutional websites in Barcelona

Colin Davies refers to progress in his neck of the desert. I am told that staff at a distinguished Barcelona institute of higher education, none of whom speak English, have petitioned to have Basque rather than English as the third language on their website “because we can speak Spanish to them, and what are we…

Security guard theory of genetics, gypsy looters, and a bit of general moaning

Some walkers want to have a look round a ruined factory, so conversation must be made with the security guard. He is truncheoning around with a muscular, aggressive, sleek-haired pup and a peaceful older bitch–Heinz 57 varieties with some dominant sheepdog: –Good morning, that’s a fine-looking pup you’ve got there. He’s going to be a…

Trouble on board

Olympic torches on a Parisian bus reminded me of Josep Pla, smoking merrily away on oil tankers in the famous 1976 A fondo interview with Joaquín Soler Serrano: [Full video seems to have disappeared, so these are a couple of excerpts] Not having heard other recordings, I wonder whether don José wasn’t playing up the…