The Holy Boys

Xavi CaballĂ© has read a book which suggests that the 18th century predecessors of the Norfolk Regiment were thus called because Spanish soldiers thought their Britannia badge represented the Virgin Mary. There’s another, more scurrilous version: Well, I got fond enough, after all, of the Holy Boys, as the old Ninth lads were called… You…

When monkeys replaced children

From an 1854 report of the New York Children’s Aid Society on an Italian school: There is going on a certain change for the better among this low class of strangers. On visiting them, I have remarked a considerable reduction of organs and monkeys in their apartments, usually filled with such instruments and beasts. The…

Time to end Barcelona ban on “right to dry”

We say we’re anti-nuclear and then buy electricity from the French; we say we care about water conservation while doing everything possible to make Barcelona unsustainable; but if we’re going to keep on moaning about the fuel consumption of the unspeakable Yankees, at least we could end eco-Barcelona’s facking absurd ban on hanging washing to…