“Coal and iron in Spain”, 16/11/1877: “From Vich, the present terminal point, to the coal mines of San Juan de Abadesas of the railroad which some day in the future will be the grand trunk line to Paris, the Government has built a good substantial stage-road to Ripoll.” The railway arrived in Sant Joan de…
“The price for getting to Spain on a canoe has gone down. It used to cost almost £1000, but in 2006 went down to £450. Now it is possible to buy a passage for £350. It must be the only thing in Senegal which has gone down in price. A loaf of bread has gone…
Taking the centre line is the modern, motoring equivalent of taking the wall: Archie’s driving habit was unique, He drove 35 mph an hour, whether on a gravel road, or the highway, keeping the left tire on the center line. Your brother John was riding with him, and said, “Grandpa Archie, what if you meet…
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