Apparently some ladies & gents with whom I sing when the big geezer is off doing other stuff are going to be on the telly: Apart from the odd bit of arranging, the barrel organ is the thing at the moment, when I get time. It’s a somewhat more lonely path, but I’m not very…
Kalebeul wouldn’t watch a hagiography of a faghating totalitarian fuckwit like St Paul, so it sees no reason this weekend to take cinema seats away from Barcelona’s chiliastic masses in their nostalgic lust for Hispanic dictators and good-looking saints. Paul Berman’s piece from 2004 applies. Even the regime sociologists seem to have noticed that Cataloonia…
Graffiti of CamarĂ³n de la Isla and guitarist, somewhere in Barcelona, I think in Carmelo, so overlooking the place where he died: More here. Kabe-Otoko/Wall Man, neither human nor demon, observes the world from within walls:
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