October Tweets

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Also: Brexit, comic karate, how to kill Asian hornet larvae, front door design, smutty talk, brutalist erotica, sandwiches aren’t proper food, hexagony, a Ghanaian seducer, the similarity between crows and babies, autoflagellation and Extinction Rebellion, ugly musicians should focus on newborns, women should have one breast on top of their heads, London nursery rhymes, Mizpah toddler dream, Alfredo Campoli’s slippers, La Rosa di Tralee, (S)unlit Public Footpath, Last Rosa of Summer, Homerton Hospital’s curious climate-change record, Hackney Council poster demonstrating how to sit down, Hackney Council makes me choose between being book and language translation, Holten’s Mexicaantjes, Herminio unveils secrets of the pyramids, Rosa Klebb’s murderous shoe, Rob Harvey, babies prefer German marches, culture-dependent choice of moisturising oil, mice in the British Library, Michael Fabricant talks like a pirate, Meghan Mackerel and Prince Herring, Remainers’ inability to speak European languages, newborns and carousels, multiculturalism in The Netherlands, lighthouse removals and Ivor Cutler, Jacob Rees-Mogg and the Scarlet Pimpernel, stork automaton, singing mice, loony is a kite or an eagle, lynching thieves, Yiddish conversation, Leo Tellstory, tai chi freaks massacre drone pilots, baby has jukebox for arse, insomniacs vs cuckoos, Kurd met wife through rat, votes for monkeys, alcohol and breastfeeding, Trevor Wishart and infant speech acquisition, floating boaters on the River Lea. All in London.

Welcoming a little mouse.

Welcoming a little mouse.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Tue Oct 01 07:25 Hackney Council's subliminal propaganda for the Brexit Party. In the background, at Wick Road/Kenworthy Road, The Tiger, a "Trendy tavern featuring kitschy decor, innovative cocktails & sourdough pizzas, plus sports on TV."

  • Tue Oct 01 09:24 "There is no god, I am the greatest." Almost as good as Judah Friedlander, "the world champion, the greatest athlete in the world, a master of the martial arts, the only extra-dark blackbelt to ever exist."
  • Tue Oct 01 16:29 Galician has taught local crows to eat Asian hornet larvae - potentially massive in terms of bee survival, no? @ibexsalad
  • Tue Oct 01 17:43 Comment: @ibexsalad I'm sending it to everyone.
  • Tue Oct 01 19:44 Comment: @YasMohammedxx A posh American girl I know was beaten years ago by the religious police for showing ankle. Hushed up.
  • Tue Oct 01 19:46 Get a proper front door, people, not one I can walk through
  • Tue Oct 01 23:48 Historia de Barcelona, 2/10: * 1410: Protestas provinciales sobre la preponderancia de Barcelona en las Cortes Catalanas (239) * 1701: Felipe V hace una controvertida entrada oficial en Barcelona y jura los fueros (0+613) * 1837: La Junta de Comercio…
  • Wed Oct 02 23:48 Historia de Barcelona, 3/10: * 1557: Procesión para celebrar la victoria española sobre los franceses en la Batalla de San Quintín (20) * 1918: Pla: En aquest temps, les tertúlies reviuen * 1938: Cómo Gran Bretaña puede aprender de los bombardeos de…
  • Thu Oct 03 23:50 Historia de Barcelona, 4/10: * 1614: Primeras fiestas en Barcelona de Santa Teresa de Jesús, que celebra su beatificación venciendo a un cocodrilo volante (830+73) * 1714: La suerte de los restos de las fuerzas leales a Carlos VI (618) * 1848: Fiesta de…
  • Fri Oct 04 07:56 Little old man eating very large banana on Underground. Ample middle-aged woman sits next to him: "That's a big one you've got there!" but unfortunately she doesn't want to talk smut, just about her anti-depressants, probably why she's on them in the first place.
  • Fri Oct 04 07:57 Comment: I met a Turk the other day carrying a segment of a huge water melon, said "That's a massive melon you've got there," and the ensuing conversation made me smile all day.
  • Fri Oct 04 07:59 Back when I was shy I also used to like floral motifs, until I realised that they weren't helping
  • Fri Oct 04 10:30 Brutalist erotica
  • Sat Oct 05 00:35 Historia de Barcelona, 5/10: * 1274: Jaime I instituye el Consejo de Ciento (10) * 1461: 15 mil personas vienen al entierro de Carlos de Viana (17) * 1985: Supuestos simpatizantes de la Organización para la Liberación de Palestina torturan y asesinan a…
  • Sat Oct 05 19:41 Waiting room, mother to ca 7- & 9-yo children: "Here's my debit, go to Costa and get some food." They return, laden down with chocolate and crisps: "Sandwiches are expensive and they're not proper food."
  • Sat Oct 05 20:00 Hexagony was such a good word - hexagonal structure with punning potential for pain induced by a curse and another one I've immediately forgotten
  • Sun Oct 06 00:38 Historia de Barcelona, 6/10: * 1421: Quillas para 18 barcos que ayudarán a Alfonso V en Nápoles (36) * 1896: El preso José Rizal hace transbordo en Barcelona camino a su ejecución en Manila (855) * 1934: El golpe de estado de Companys, una consecuencia…
  • Sun Oct 06 13:05 Comment: @ibexsalad Hoping they didn't notice the flag of the Falangist unit that "liberated" the monastery
  • Mon Oct 07 00:38 Historia de Barcelona, 7/10: * 1369: El consejo de 25 acuerda comprar la casa de Simón Rovira para construir la casa consistorial (26) * 1488: Primer libro impreso en Barcelona? (30+121) * 1632: Muere el obispo y ex-virrey Joan Sentís (157+50) * 1848:…
  • Mon Oct 07 20:03 O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
  • Tue Oct 08 00:42 Historia de Barcelona, 8/10: * 1467: Descuartizados y desollados un barbero y un obrero por haber hecho llaves para Juan II (34) * 1848: Viaje experimental del ferrocarril Barcelona-Mataró (31+88) * 1919: Pla: El doctor Borralleras em parla sovint d’un…
  • Tue Oct 08 15:58 1/4 Ghanaian woman in hospital canteen deeply offended by Somali hijab having rejected roast pork out of hand, so some banter & she loads a massive plate of the same for me & scuttles over to a till.
  • Tue Oct 08 15:58 Comment: 2/4 "[Absurdly small bill]: you see, I'm already giving you staff discount, because you look like a doctor." "I wish." "But I can see you're a good man, a Christian probably." "Probably not and certainly not, but at prices like that I hope I see you again."
  • Tue Oct 08 15:58 Comment: 3/4 "When?"
  • Tue Oct 08 15:59 Comment: 4/4 A Xhosa friend used to say: "We South African women will take everything you have, leave you a beggar and never even say thank you, but Nigerian women will eat you alive and spit on your bones." No opinion on Ghanaians.
  • Wed Oct 09 00:46 Historia de Barcelona, 9/10: * 1517: Llega el nuevo rey de España, Carlos I (13) * 1705: Peterborough toma Barcelona para Carlos y rescata a una guapa de la multitud (367+349/i) * 1806: La Royal Navy roba tres barcos del puerto bajo fuego sin sufrir…
  • Wed Oct 09 20:45 The author of the Spanish proverb, "Cria cuervos y te sacan los ojos" ("Raise crows and they'll peck out your eyes"), may have been thinking of the aural similarity between choirs of carrion crows and newborns
  • Thu Oct 10 00:47 Historia de Barcelona, 10/10: * 1589: Es condenado a muerte un curandero que quería sacar provecho de la peste (18) * 1630: Llevan a la Santa Madrona a la catedral para que llueva, y funciona (100) * 1843: El consúl Lesseps interviene en la Jamancia para…
  • Thu Oct 10 14:04 Comment: @Transblawg Munchkin out, just need to escape the clutches of the NHS! x
  • Fri Oct 11 00:50 Historia de Barcelona, 11/10: * 1448: Rogativas públicas por las pestilencias (65) * 1570: Noticia de la llegada en Santander de Ana de Austria (18) * 1909: Sentencia en el juicio Ferrer (66) * 1918: Pla: Les persones de la meva edat –i fins i tot les…
  • Sat Oct 12 00:48 Historia de Barcelona, 12/10: * 1497: Noticia de la muerte de Juan, único hijo de los Reyes Católicos (22) * 1778: El Reglamento y Aranceles Reales para el Comercio Libre de España a Indias acaba con el monopolio gaditano y abre los mercados americanos a…
  • Sun Oct 13 00:49 Historia de Barcelona, 13/10: * 1652: La capitulación de Barcelona pone fin a la Sublevación de Cataluña (17) * 1822: Evicción e incarcelación de los capuchinos con pretexto anticlerical y para favorecer intereses inmobiliarios (490+74) * 1843: La…
  • Sun Oct 13 18:41 Everyone I know on the XR march yesterday owns a car, while less than half the non-attendees do, so I'm looking forward happily to an outburst of autoflagellation & have renamed the barrel organ "auto-flageolet"
  • Sun Oct 13 20:43 Ugly musicians should focus on newborns, who can hear reasonably well but see bugger all
  • Mon Oct 14 00:49 Historia de Barcelona, 14/10: * 1310: Muere Blanca de Nápoles, esposa de Jaime II (13) * 1436: La Cofadría de los Algodoneros de Barcelona se hace con la Espada de San Martín (456+2) * 1819: Antoni Brusi establece la primera prensa litográfica (9) *…
  • Mon Oct 14 06:10 How topical.
  • Mon Oct 14 06:14 It might be easier if women had one breast on top of their heads, pointing skyward or, waist bent, in the direction of the mouth requiring feeding, but that would remove for the remorseless morsels aka babies the only differentiator between humans & bottles: the snuggle factor
  • Mon Oct 14 06:19 Crucial London nursery rhyme research
  • Mon Oct 14 12:02 A dream of a toddler clad in white staggering through a stony landscape littered with huge wrinkly vertical brown nipples, rather like Jacob & Laban's covenantal pillar at Mizpah
  • Mon Oct 14 12:05 Comment:
  • Mon Oct 14 12:35 Alfredo Campoli playing his beloved Mendelssohn. He did it with a provincial orchestra just before retiring - serene & rotund, with incomparable clarity of sound, and I'm sure the stalls could see his great big floppy carpet slippers
  • Mon Oct 14 12:40 Comment: Campoli in a popular medley inc. Softly Awakes My Heart with trademark rubato
  • Mon Oct 14 21:57 La rosa di Tralee
  • Tue Oct 15 00:50 Historia de Barcelona, 15/10: * 1562: Barcelona de nuevo bajo dominación castellana (176) * 1718: Felipe V firma las ordenanzas del ayuntamiento borbónico, separando la justicia de la administración (0+44) * 1759: Llega desde Nápoles el nuevo rey de…
  • Tue Oct 15 09:01 Mozart doesn't make a baby more intelligent, but the Gran Partita calms you when one wees in your face at 5 in the morning
  • Tue Oct 15 19:38 Unlit Public Footpath -> Sunlit Public Footpath? Millfields / River Lee near Lea Bridge Road
  • Tue Oct 15 20:39 Last Rosa of summer
  • Wed Oct 16 00:49 Historia de Barcelona, 16/10: * 1843: La Jamancia: falta carne (276) * 1918: Pla: Pluja * ☼ 07:02-18:11, 11:08 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Beltrán de Comminges, Eduviges, Gerardo Mayela, Guillermo el Grande,…
  • Wed Oct 16 07:57 Left, vanity certificate from the Carbon Trust praising Homerton University Hospital for Cutting Emissions. Right, the worst energy certificate I've ever seen: 184
  • Wed Oct 16 12:32 Hackney Council information poster showing citizens how to take a seat. Designed to discourage Muslims and Hindus from squatting, or what?
  • Wed Oct 16 12:34 Comment: Pre-scientific registration taxonomy: - Occupation? - Ummmmm ... translator. - What kind of translator? A book translator or a language translator? - Do I have to choose? - Yes. - OK, language translator, cos it's sillier.
  • Wed Oct 16 12:36 Comment: - So, Ms Functionary, is the certificate highlighted in pink because she's a girl? - No, it's just that we've got a lot of pink certificates at the moment. Previously we had lots of blue ones. But pink looks nice on a boy too.
  • Wed Oct 16 12:47 When, years ago, Henk Jan Beltman drove over from Holten to buy lots of my sheet music for his street band, De Mexicaantjes, The Little Mexicans, I figured I'd bump into him again
  • Wed Oct 16 15:21 Herminio shows how the pyramids were built
  • Wed Oct 16 16:53 The shoe-knife of Bond villain Rosa Klebb, who started out as an OGPU agent in the POUM in Civil War Barcelona, where she murdered Andreu Nin, and was played unforgettably by Lotte Lenya
  • Wed Oct 16 16:59 Comment: @ibexsalad Always?
  • Wed Oct 16 18:34 Comment: @Transblawg Now I've read about it and I'm still not sure I know
  • Wed Oct 16 19:35 Little Sadie
  • Thu Oct 17 00:52 Historia de Barcelona, 17/10: * 1472: Juan II de Aragón toma Barcelona (10) * 1826: Disturbios en Barcelona (151) * 1843: La Jamancia: todavía falta carne, un escape con mucha suerte (502) * 1909: Procesados cuatro franceses por quema de conventos (14) *…
  • Thu Oct 17 06:42 Stroud man forgot to read the "how to save someone who doesn't want to be saved" manual
  • Thu Oct 17 15:08 one-man band
  • Thu Oct 17 23:04 However disturbed a baby, if you walk round in circles for 15 min holding it in your arms & singing German marches it will sleep soundly for at least 1 hour. Also works with trad calypso & most tunes at ca 110-120 BPM, inc that archetypal 120 BPM number, the British Grenadiers
  • Thu Oct 17 23:05 Comment: I imagine this is in all the baby manuals. If not, a new one is required.
  • Fri Oct 18 00:52 Historia de Barcelona, 18/10: * 1536: Empieza construcción del edificio del Estudi General (25+24) * 1687: El Consejo de Ciento entrega una carta a la Virgen de la Merced pidiendo liberación de una plaga de langostas (765+5) * 1837: Vuelta de la…
  • Fri Oct 18 08:31 Curious campaign to wean birds off kebabs
  • Fri Oct 18 08:51 Nigerian midwife recommends coconut oil for dry baby skin, but African/Windian women round here often smell of coco oil, so wondering if recommendation is cultural, & Turkish midwife might recommend olive and Qatari midwife crude oil
  • Fri Oct 18 10:58 Why the new British Library should have been built in Chingford: cheaper food and bigger mice
  • Fri Oct 18 18:27 Mr Fabricant's Talk Like A Pirate dialect is as fake as his hair
  • Fri Oct 18 20:56 Daily Mail will take revenge on her in the German translation: "Frau Makrele: Mein Kampf"
  • Fri Oct 18 22:59 Historia de Barcelona, 19/10: * 1843: La Jamancia: entran mujeres para buscar ropa, expropiaciones (246) * 1907: Fundación del periódico Solidaridad Obrera (7) * 1919: Pla: La meteorologia d’octubre, a Barcelona, és molt diversa, d’una varietat…
  • Sat Oct 19 06:27 Remainers as people who want to speak English at a resort even more glamorous (and with even cheaper alcohol) than Blackpool I wonder if NOT learning languages is a strategy designed to make users feel like David Livingstone wherever they go on holiday
  • Sat Oct 19 08:16 Politics used to be simple: rightwingers spoke Latin and Greek while leftwingers spoke French and restaurant Italian
  • Sun Oct 20 00:21 Historia de Barcelona, 20/10: * 1525: Principio de las negociaciones tras la batalla de Pavía (36) * 1629: Al consejo y al gobernador les cuesta parar una batalla entre los soldados de las galeras de España y "los paysanos" (875+117) * 1843: La Jamancia:…
  • Sun Oct 20 07:16 Beware Yeovilians bearing tracksuits
  • Sun Oct 20 07:16 Comment: @petersymon How come he's allowed to be an MP if he's Belgian?
  • Sun Oct 20 08:19 GF gets multiple, lengthy epistles from her GFs on being a bear mother, rugby holds etc. My mates: Good luck with that, mate.
  • Sun Oct 20 08:27 Children adore carousels because they remind them of magical baby-dawns when their fathers tramped in circles amidst kitchen lights chanting marches and samba tunes in order to try to get them to go to sleep
  • Sun Oct 20 08:34 Comment: I don't know if omission of that aspect mars Leo Straus' Theresianstadt Karussell lyric (Wir reiten auf hölzernen Pferden / Und werden im Kreise gedreht. / Wenn schwindlig wir haltmachen werden, / Dann wird man erst sehn, wo man steht.)
  • Sun Oct 20 11:11 Comment: @Transblawg 15 minutes/years?
  • Sun Oct 20 11:34 I've read all the doc and I still don't really understand why Wales is pronounced like whales rather than Wallasey
  • Sun Oct 20 12:54 Comment: @Transblawg I don't know. I think I spelt it right
  • Sun Oct 20 18:49 Comment: @Captain_Bionic The museum in Bamburgh is excellent
  • Sun Oct 20 20:53 I assumed that multiculturalism in the Netherlands was doomed when the chubby lawyer (m) giving my Turkish class and his two chubby Dutch groupies (f) deserted me to join Weight Watchers
  • Mon Oct 21 00:22 Historia de Barcelona, 21/10: * 1821: Muere Josep Pau Ballot de la fiebre amarilla (13) * 1843: La Jamancia: comida y corrupción (532) * 1845: Ensayo de alumbrado de gas en la fachada de la Capitanía General (195+1240/i) * 1918: Pla: J * ☼ 07:08-18:03,…
  • Mon Oct 21 15:02 - When you look at how little data is involved and the complexity of the calculation, it might have been quicker to do this manually. - I don't mind if you don't use my code. Not the first time my time's been wasted. Man ain't got no code.
  • Mon Oct 21 16:13 Bear with me and I will get you a photo of the hospital admin room where some drawers are labelled Stationery and others Stationary - hedging their bets with the Deity of Spelling, who we will call Orthor
  • Tue Oct 22 00:25 Historia de Barcelona, 22/10: * 1511: Imprimidas las Concordie Apothecariorum Barchinone (211+78) * 1748: Prohibición de capas largas, monteras y sombreros gachos (30+439) * 1843: La Jamancia: mucha artillería (759) * 1899: Primer entrenamiento de lo que…
  • Tue Oct 22 06:24 Buttle me no Butlers
  • Tue Oct 22 09:31 'The problem at night isn't feeding the baby, it's you saying every 30 minutes, "OH MY GOD, SHE'S STOPPED BREATHING/SHE'S CHOKING TO DEATH!"'
  • Tue Oct 22 09:33 Guardian sub shows promise
  • Tue Oct 22 09:41 Lighthouse removals. Reminds me of Ivor Cutler "Shoplifters"
  • Wed Oct 23 00:28 Historia de Barcelona, 23/10: * 1492: Llegan los Reyes Católicos tras la toma de Granada para negociar con Francia la devolución del Rosellón y la Cerdaña (21) * 1836: Sale en la prensa francesa la primera versión del cuento del librero asesino de…
  • Wed Oct 23 20:22 Humility and patience.
  • Wed Oct 23 20:30 Comment: @ibexsalad I guess 1940s. I love a lot of that stuff.
  • Wed Oct 23 20:57 Comment: @Master_Plum Todo español sabe que "fuck" se deriva de los Fugger, grandes amigos de la nación
  • Thu Oct 24 00:32 Historia de Barcelona, 24/10: * ~1576: Salen en procesión 50 peones hacia El Escorial con el Cristo de Benvenuto Cellini, muy supuestamente (144+157) * 1639: Dios rescata a los franceses de un fallido intento de levantar el cerco de Salses (Rosellón) con…
  • Thu Oct 24 07:07 How UK Parliament might want to word 2nd referendum
  • Thu Oct 24 07:42 Comment: @ibexsalad Keep posting
  • Thu Oct 24 15:08 Real classics: They seek him here, they seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven, or is he in hell? That damned elusive Pimpernel!
  • Thu Oct 24 16:31 Lost in Translation, automata by Paul Spooner. The one on the right sounds like the storks in bell-towers in towns like Barbastro, Monzón and Binéfar on the Zaragoza plain
  • Thu Oct 24 16:37 Lotte Lenya's vibrato - she's only 39 but goes for fragility
  • Thu Oct 24 17:52 Alston's singing mouse
  • Thu Oct 24 18:07 Comment:
  • Fri Oct 25 00:31 Historia de Barcelona, 25/10: * 1843: La Jamancia: falta carne, asesinatos, una huida (148+681) * 1846: Celebraciones de la boda de Isabel II (23) * 1919: Pla: He llegit aquests dies a la Biblioteca de l’Ateneu molts articles de Joan Sardà, continguts en…
  • Fri Oct 25 04:59 Singing & marching sent babe to sleep for a few days, but now she appears addicted to Abe Holzmann's Blaze Away, the samba version of Kenneth Alford's Colonel Bogey, Wien bleibt Wien alla James Last etc etc, & starts weeping as soon as the monophony stops
  • Fri Oct 25 12:33 Delighted to see a BBC presenter in a wheelchair. At the top of a gorge leading to a fast, deep river.
  • Fri Oct 25 19:01 Ecstatic wildman walks up thru the wind shouting, "I AM A KITE!" "But I can't see your string." "I HAVEN'T GOT A STRING. I WORK IN A BUILDING & NOW I'M FREE!" "Then you will shortly be over the North Sea & you may not be a kite after all." Walks off shouting, "I AM AN EAGLE!"
  • Fri Oct 25 19:05 Comment: We also talked about how nice it was to talk to strangers, but neither I nor he is running, nor has ever run, to be Tory leader or London mayor. Small mercies.
  • Fri Oct 25 23:07 Historia de Barcelona, 26/10: * 1816: Funerales para Mariano Álvarez de Castro, defensor de Gerona (40) * 1843: La Jamancia: nada de carne, deserciones, incompetencia militar (301) * 1846: Instálase la sociedad de Amigos de las bellas artes (10) * 1918:…
  • Sat Oct 26 07:20 This kicking of an armed robber in Shepherds Bush reminds me of Pakistani shopkeepers lynching a Moroccan thief in Barcelona. A white woman starts shouting, "Stop, or I'll call the police," but suddenly up pops the head of the Moroccan: "No, not the police!"
  • Sat Oct 26 07:21 Comment: I'm not sure the OED is right that "lynching" is now only applied to summary executions
  • Sat Oct 26 07:31 Jazz hands discriminate against the blind, so the trick is clearly to find a human sound that is non-threatening to those helpless souls who, instead of taking their pills, foolishly choose to put themselves in the thick of things. How about farting?
  • Sat Oct 26 07:39 The mirror and the clockhand I had several curious conversations with Hareidi women on postnatal: one with an amusing & worldly French visitor, & one with a German, who told me where I might be able to get Yiddish conversation, which I immediately forgot
  • Sat Oct 26 09:10 Nandos, the Medici of African art
  • Sat Oct 26 10:43 Geezer suggests that Great Pyramid of Giza was built to conduct lightning strikes from its pinnacle to an internal chamber
  • Sat Oct 26 11:19 Comment: @tombcn Must be alchemy. Turning mummies into gold.
  • Sat Oct 26 21:16 It's not just the Spanish police who forget to charge you so they can smoke your drugs themselves
  • Sat Oct 26 21:20 Several quibbles, but this is a great little initiative from TfL
  • Sat Oct 26 23:08 Historia de Barcelona, 27/10: * 1843: La Jamancia: poca fusilería, preparaciones consejo de guerra, ejecución (267) * 1899: Estado de guerra declarado en Barcelona (17) * 1918: Pla: Excursió al mas que els germans Frigola (Enric i Octavi) tenen a les…
  • Sun Oct 27 08:13 Harold Bloom was really dull, and I think this (tentative) global canon makes more of a meal of rather less attractive fodder
  • Sun Oct 27 08:15 Comment: I like his "Leo Tolstory", but why not the whole hog & Tellstory?
  • Sun Oct 27 17:49 Park dream: the tai chi guys will discover their true calling and do what needs to be done with the drone pilots
  • Sun Oct 27 21:36 Of course, Baby doesn't know that I, the singer, am a separate entity, and instead probably thinks that she has a jukebox for an arse, or vice versa
  • Sun Oct 27 23:06 Historia de Barcelona, 28/10: * 1473: Una procesión triunfal oculta el fracasado intento de Juan II de recuperar Rosellón y Cerdaña (37) * 1513: Nuestra Señora de Montserrat frustra a una banda de asesinos delante del Portal Nuevo (608) * 1760: La…
  • Mon Oct 28 03:18 British babies who refuse to sleep at night are clearly Antipodean cuckoos who should be returned to sender under St Boris' post Oct 31 trade deal with Oz. Hangars should be made available at Brize Norton for any Australian babies with similar issues
  • Mon Oct 28 03:22 Carrying Franco's coffin will not have improved Louis Alphonse of Bourbon's chances of becoming King of France
  • Mon Oct 28 23:11 Historia de Barcelona, 29/10: * 1558: Exequias de Carlos I (27) * 1568: Exequias de Isabel de Valois, esposa de Felipe II (12) * 1841: Empieza el derribo de la ciudadela (110+553/i) * 1843: La Jamancia: llegan voluntarios del Llobregat, expropiaciones…
  • Tue Oct 29 01:00 1/2 Turkish-Kurdish kitchen assistant/nursery nurse (f): My brother met his wife because of a rat. He had a kebab house up at M Park & one night it was raining heavily outside & this rat ran in through the front door & out through the back.
  • Tue Oct 29 01:00 Comment: 2/2 Only he & a Kiwi girl noticed it & later they spoke to each other about it & now he's got two kids & a restaurant in New Zealand.
  • Tue Oct 29 12:59 This doesn't apply to Polish plumbers
  • Tue Oct 29 13:17 Parents, buy a yellow buggy! Better visibility at night & matches your baby's jaundice
  • Tue Oct 29 15:26 We organ-grinders oppose giving monkeys the vote & thus power because of the unpredictable consequences of their ability to deal maturely with bananas, given the continued lack of clarity re banana tariffs under the various Brexit scenarios
  • Tue Oct 29 23:10 Historia de Barcelona, 30/10: * 1571: Llegan noticias de Lepanto (22+495) * 1686: Nevada seguida de intensas lluvias (0) * 1806: Una "bruja" de la Barceloneta, delatada a la Inquisición por su marido (691) * 1843: La Jamancia: poco ganado, poca fusilería…
  • Wed Oct 30 17:49 Comment: @justinthurgur @byronwallen @KhanKishon @suman_joshi Bit late for the sprog, but I'll catch you one of these days
  • Wed Oct 30 17:51 Midwife: "It's OK to drink wine while you're feeding cos you'll have finished before the alcohol gets thru." Sounds like the old "Drink in cars, not bars" theory
  • Wed Oct 30 23:13 Historia de Barcelona, 31/10: * 1459: Una gran pedriscada deja la ciudad blanca (0) * 1821: Estragos de la fiebre amarilla debidos a la falta de cuarentena (314) * 1843: La Jamancia: peleas sobre carne, crece el derrotismo (436) * 1847: Fundación de una…
  • Thu Oct 31 09:32 I think Trevor Wishart used to say mad stuff like: "All babies in their gurgle-&-gag phase make all sounds available to the vocal tract but are then deskilled and divided by capitalism," which is blatantly untrue because a lot of the sounds are clearly sampled from R2-D2
  • Thu Oct 31 09:36 Comment: Curious but logical similarity in sound palette to that of geriatrics as in their second childishness/death throes they lose control of everything
  • Thu Oct 31 09:43 The melodramatic expressions of loathing from Dom Cummings were what convinced me that there would be a Tory/BXP offstage carve-up in order to tempt Labour into voting for election and nemesis. But I am mad.
  • Thu Oct 31 09:49 Someone from Labour says that the canal people on the River Lea are all feral & fanatical Green, but I think most of them are floating boaters
  • Thu Oct 31 23:11 Historia de Barcelona, 1/11: * 1463: Salen barcos para buscar el nuevo "rey" (27) * 1622: Un alboroto mallorquín impide la celebración del Día de Todos los Santos en Santa María del Mar (172) * 1627: Roban la caja fuerte de Santa María del Mar utilizando…

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