
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Mon Mar 01 01:53 Historia de Barcelona, 1/3: #otd * ~1165: Llega desde Navarra el gran viajero jud?o Benjam?n de Tudela (131+113) * 1716: Se empieza a construir el baluarte del rey de la ciudadela (18) * 1796: Nevada hasta el d?a 4 (0) * 1809: C?rcel para 20 por evasi?n…
- Mon Mar 01 04:36 One for Hackney dog owners
- Mon Mar 01 07:00 Constructive ambiguity, when your source doesn't appear to know, or want to say, whether they're talking about part or all of something - but French mistranslation also official
- Mon Mar 01 11:13 There's this whole hippy thing of "animals love music, so I play it to encourage them to be more productive," but in fact it's a weapon of terror
- Mon Mar 01 11:44 RT @MuseumCromwell: Like everyone else, we've tried the #MyHeritage animation app... this is one of our best known paintings brought to lif…
- Mon Mar 01 12:54 The French infant whose parents in 1593 forced air between his skull & skin in order to exhibit him as a super-hydrocephalus, for which they were executed #JohnBulwer #Anthropometamorphosis #EarlyModernEngland #ComparativeAnthropology
- Mon Mar 01 13:01 I thought the Golden Globes were the Oscars
- Mon Mar 01 13:19 The Band is rehearsing again from April, with talk of the guitarist from a well known 70s British folk rock band. Unfortunately the bass player is away, so yer man has written to Paul McC asking if he'd like to fill in & offering to pay him. Pass it on if you know him
- Mon Mar 01 13:22 #SaveGoldsmiths and silversmiths
- Mon Mar 01 15:23 The sun comes out & there goes the monster of Highgate Ponds
- Tue Mar 02 01:50 Historia de Barcelona, 2/3: #otd * 1427: Empieza una gran serie de terremotos (65+127) * 1634: Es ejecutado Serrallonga (20/i) * 1848: Jueves Lardero, 1848 (474/i) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1936: Tras las elecciones, huida burguesa, amenazas de secesi?n,…
- Tue Mar 02 05:15 Lennie's squatter-stylee pre-conservation area colour scheme at Sandringham Road. Anything's better than the modern dark grey, but I kind of regret the Instagram a/c
- Tue Mar 02 05:19 Burglars now use mobile cranes to empty entire buildings, claiming that they're from the cladding remediation consultancy
- Tue Mar 02 05:23 This number plate typeface looks good until you get the fine or fail your MOT. It's Charlie Wright (New) or a pushbike, my friend
- Tue Mar 02 05:32 11-storey Granard House, Bradstock Road, Gascoyne Estate in E9. Never been inside, but a beauty from without. 1959 by C.G. Weald & Colin St. John Wilson (London County Council Architects Dept) dreaming of Le Corbusier + engineer F.J. Samuely
- Tue Mar 02 05:35 Comment: Probably got dozens more of Granard House
- Tue Mar 02 06:06 Puzzlement, or, trying to photograph the monster observing squirrels tempted by Jess's nut nest
- Tue Mar 02 12:20 Comment: @petersymon Concrete & steel I guess, & for good reason as it turns out
- Tue Mar 02 12:25 Digital green pass: no smartphone, no travel?
- Tue Mar 02 12:32 "It's a hoax, don't be muzzled, fight the lies," Elderfield Road, Clapton. I don't get the layout
- Tue Mar 02 12:40 Dr Fell of the famous poem by Tom Brown also issued literary punishments to others: Acton Cremer, for the crime of courting a wife while only a bachelor of arts, was punished by having to translate into English the whole of Scheffer's history of Lapland
- Tue Mar 02 15:22 The geometry of the perfect, unmodified head: an oblong sphere, from chin to crown one sixth of the length of the entire body
#JohnBulwer #Anthropometamorphosis #EarlyModernEngland #ComparativeAnthropology
- Tue Mar 02 20:57 RT @natlibscotmaps: We've added another layer of historical maps to our geo-referenced viewer. 1:25,000 scale @OrdnanceSurvey Great Britai…
- Tue Mar 02 22:07 Still disappointed that Giant Haystacks never established in Somerset the head office of a breakaway World Wassailing Federation
- Tue Mar 02 22:14 Brand dilution
- Wed Mar 03 01:49 Historia de Barcelona, 3/3: #otd * 1632: Felipe IV y el infante Carlos corren un jaqu? a caballo (18) * 1775: Sobre san Emiterio, Emeterio, Meterio, Med?, Madi, Matino o incluso Medir (633+6) * 1923: Abren el viaducto de Vallcarca (0/i) * ☼ 07:20-18:45,…
- Wed Mar 03 13:48 Walthamstow Marsh jam (& marmalade) sale! Prices will fall until it's all gone, reason soon apparent
- Wed Mar 03 14:15 A great little early Victorian book for East Londoners: the Whitechapel-born antiquary James Thorne's stroll down the River Lea from its source to the Thames, plus other rivers further afield. For £30 I'll throw in a pot of marsh jam for local purchasers
- Wed Mar 03 15:42 I'd love to go here again
- Thu Mar 04 01:42 Historia de Barcelona, 4/3: #otd * 1904: La Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona comunica la cesi?n de la columna romana de su museo lapidario al Centro Excursionista de Catalu?a para la restauraci?n de la casa en la calle Para?so (0+16) * 1919:…
- Thu Mar 04 07:22 Sad for those affected by the dreary but determined neo-Puritan book-burners: just read the first four chapters of Laura Ingalls Wilder's own little Aeneid, & it's marvellous stuff
- Thu Mar 04 13:51 RT @ISASaxonists: This is an amazing and entirely accurate depiction of medieval reliquaries. #medievaltwitter Don't know if Tyler Gunthe…
- Thu Mar 04 14:35 At the park some of the childminders/nannies stand around checking Whatsapp, but several more active ones have coopted me for football & general silliness. Some startling stories - Uber drivers are by no means the only substantially sub-minimum wage, false self-employed
- Thu Mar 04 20:19 Good William the Conqueror/Bastard reference
- Fri Mar 05 02:12 Historia de Barcelona, 5/3: #otd * 1519: Carlos I celebra una funci?n de la Orden del Toison de Oro en la catedral (30) * 1848: Los tres dias de carnestolendas, 1848 (1278/i) * 1917: El conde de Santa Coloma le pide consejo al torero gitano Rafael el…
- Fri Mar 05 06:56 Save the Bristol organ-house for the nation! The Georgian terrace at 42 Cliftonwood Crescent, Hotwells, Bristol is being sold with the suggestion that the cunningly built-in pipe organ be demolished One for @lordbonkers?
- Fri Mar 05 06:59 Comment: More great detail in the house
- Fri Mar 05 09:07 Toddler obsessed by trudging up & down (very tall) staircases & whizzing up & down in lifts. I think she will like the facilities at Waterstones, Piccadilly
- Fri Mar 05 15:13 You spend money on a fancy phone & then when something interesting happens you can't use it. I have always wanted some homing pigeons.
- Fri Mar 05 15:14 The question as to whether Jimmy Brennan of Cookstown began gold-panning after watching an episode of Ivor the Engine with young Kevin, or whether Meredith Dinwiddy got it off Jimmy
- Fri Mar 05 15:24 Engineer running fire safety audits for a large housing association where 1% of stock is BSF-eligible: "I think that long-term we're going to pull down a lot built in the last 30 years & put up neo-Victorian blocks of brick & stone & pray for heating subsidies for the poor."
- Fri Mar 05 15:33 Comment: The curious notion that remediation in some cases will involve extending the external wall into flats to make room for A1 mineral-based insulation. "It's all been about cost reduction without regulation. A lot of buildings bear no resemblance to spec."
- Fri Mar 05 20:31 Blatant misgendering by Matt Chorley. (Most ghits for "casa de la cari" in Spanish are caused by Google misinterpreting the line-terminal hyphenation "cari-dad", charity, but "cari" also abbreviates "cariño" and "cariñín", darling(++) & appears to be a name in its own right.)
- Fri Mar 05 20:34 Comment: I am only thinking about this to distract me from a difficult looming decision: which scaffold to attend for the execution of the entire House of Windsor (inc. Californian branch), the only purpose of which now is to make the French feel good about 1793 and Nicolas Sarkozy
- Fri Mar 05 20:35 Comment: @petersymon But are they techy or culture-critical?
- Fri Mar 05 20:48 Comment: @petersymon The Two Vultures meet
- Fri Mar 05 21:23 Berta:
- Fri Mar 05 22:09 RT @poesia_mal: Repugnante, son tus huellas el casino, y nada más. Caminante, no hay casino: se hace casino al andar. Al andar se hace casi…
- Fri Mar 05 23:41 Historia de Barcelona, 6/3: #otd * 1136: Muere san Olegario, y en seguida se curan incurables, se capturan a esclavos huidos, etc (888+343) * 1525: Llega not?cia de la victoria de Pav?a (12) * 1919: Pla: La dispesa * 1972: 18 personas mueren en una…
- Sat Mar 06 05:49 It's actually wake-up music
- Sat Mar 06 05:51 Comment: A new customer wants a translation "that means the same as the original." In future I may charge extra for that.
- Sat Mar 06 16:21 We're moving from Hackney to Leeds in a month, so our superb childminder in Lower Clapton will have space for another lucky child
- Sat Mar 06 16:40 Comment: @ibexsalad The toddler wants hills, brass bands & some proper beer! England's Bavaria!
- Sat Mar 06 17:11 Comment: @petersymon @ibexsalad I wish I hadn't relinquished my authentic Dutch band lederhosen, though they got rather scuffed during our fight with the German marines at Altenahr
- Sat Mar 06 19:59 Business was slow for the Holocene Motor Group on Camden Rd, Holloway during some 10,000 years of British prehistory commencing in the Mesolithic, until around 1,000 BC the owner of Must Farm (Peterborough) arrived on the predecessor of the Great North Rd with a dodgy cart wheel
- Sat Mar 06 20:06 "As yet he did not dare move nearer to her.
'I didn't want to say anything in the lane,' she went on, 'in case there's a mike hidden there. There's always the chance of one of those swine recognizing your voice.'"
(Holloway Road Overground railway bridge)
- Sat Mar 06 20:28 RT @lewispringle: You see this smile, Betty? It's not really a smile, it's the lid on a scream.
- Sat Mar 06 20:52 The author of Vanity Fair used to moonlight as a feline impressionist in this private club in Dalston
- Sat Mar 06 20:58 Comment: @petersymon Ah, that's excellent! I think this is a portmanteau of "Holloway" and, puzzlingly, "scene"
- Sat Mar 06 21:20 Probably the first ever graffiti in Nahuatl on Homerton High Street or in Hackney: "in xochitl, in cuicatl", "flower, song", on the hoarding at the Bridge House/Marian Court redevelopment @gortizmichel
- Sat Mar 06 23:35 Historia de Barcelona, 7/3: #otd * 1848: A?os atr?s, la fiesta de Tom?s de Aquino (88) * 1978: Consejo de guerra para Els Joglars por La torna (26+4) * ☼ 07:14-18:50, 11:35 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Ardón…
- Sun Mar 07 12:30 Vertical before/after shot of the old churchyard of St. Augustine's, Hackney & the new (fire secure?) flats. Upwards is construction history, downwards the gravitational drag of human mortality
- Sun Mar 07 12:52 Comment: Further, on the St Augustine/St John borders, a match-seller (Fred Peters, d. 1930s?): "Hereby was seen for many years Blind Fred, a sunny soul" with a Braille misquotation(?) of John 9:25: "And this I know, where once I was blind, now I see"
- Sun Mar 07 13:03 Comment: Now trying to think of a blind solar deity. Giving light (as well as heat) was a traditional occupation of those unable to appreciate it directly themselves. (See deaf musicians.) Here's Golding & Thompson's Little Blind Match-seller
- Sun Mar 07 20:02 Toddler thriving in new job, opening & closing gates for ambling drinkers at Burdett-Coutts fountain, Vicky Park, tho still says "owl", "snack" & "duck" instead of "1 pound please."
- Sun Mar 07 20:02 Comment: Rewarded by a charming hippy on scrumpy magically swirling long pieces of coloured cloth round her head & a bout of slacklining
- Sun Mar 07 20:37 No one ever managed to explain to me the origins of the phallic Low German köttelpeer'n menneke (type of pear) in Denekamp & the boeskoolmenneke (type of cabbage) in Oldenzaal
- Sun Mar 07 20:39 Comment: But now I discover the phallic(?) Zirbelnuss (seed cone of the stone pine), a popular icon in Augsburg, where it is known as the Stadtpyr, town pear
- Sun Mar 07 20:41 Comment: I seem to have lost the photo of the excellent Mr Golbach in lederhosen astride a cannon somewhere in Sweden, which would have made all this somewhat clearer
- Sun Mar 07 23:35 Historia de Barcelona, 8/3: #otd * 1845: Ayuntamiento de Barcelona: Bando: al fallar de nuevo el alumbrado p?blico de gas, los vecinos deben poner luces en los balcones y ventanas (266) * 1848: Mi?rcoles de ceniza, 1848 (1025/i) * 1918: Pla: Com que hi…
- Mon Mar 08 23:36 Historia de Barcelona, 9/3: #otd * 1416: Fernando I sale de Barcelona justo antes de morir (19) * 1628: Rogativas por la Flota del Tesoro Espa?ol, anticipando la Batalla de la Bah?a de Matanzas contra los holandeses bajo Piet Hein (236+37/i) * 1848:…
- Tue Mar 09 04:26 RT @LiamSpender: 1/ Lord Greenhalgh now answering on @CommonsHCLG on forced loans. Says that the £5 billion put up for buildings >18m is “g…
- Tue Mar 09 19:14 Meanwhile, in Barcelona, Captain Noodle has fought off the South American squatter mafia
- Tue Mar 09 19:52 RT @poesia_mal: Ayudante, son tus huellas el camino, y nada más. Caminante, no hay babuino: se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace desti…
- Tue Mar 09 23:33 Historia de Barcelona, 10/3: #otd * 1553: Se coloca la primera piedra para el baluarte de las Atarazanas (12+108) * 1820: Publicada por primera vez la constituci?n de 1812 (15) * 1895: Debut de Las se?oritas toreras Catalanas en la plaza de la…
- Wed Mar 10 06:53 Dépaysement is a very good word & requires action
- Wed Mar 10 06:55 RT @EricIdle: The Holy Grail film was financed thusly Michael White Limited £78,750.00 Led Zeppelin £31,500.00 Island Records £21,000.00 P…
- Wed Mar 10 08:02 RT @BrendanCormier: I'm not sure if anyone has ever shot cathedrals as beautifully and hauntingly surreal as Frederick Henry Evans did 120…
- Wed Mar 10 08:02 RT @two_standpoints:
- Wed Mar 10 08:14 Re propensive: 1916 Fort Wayne (Indiana) News 27 July 14/4 Men who are propensive toward rotundity, are deserving of less censure than are men with such dearth of flesh.
- Wed Mar 10 09:26 I regret that my expressions of regret at having sworn in presence of the toddler take the form of, "Oh bollocks ... oh bollocks."
- Wed Mar 10 14:14 V disappointed that contundent (< Latin contundo, beat/break etc) isn't a word in English. V handy in Catalan/Spanish (contundente), e.g. contundent (irrefutable) arguments
- Wed Mar 10 14:16 Comment: @LeedsNews Still hoping you'll get an interview with the Duke of York
- Wed Mar 10 19:37 I thought for a moment that pies had been prohibited
- Wed Mar 10 20:40 Hint: never name a nursery "Dark End"
- Wed Mar 10 20:46 Comment: Rainbow Angels is inspired by a sentimental Victorian poem about young cholera victims
- Wed Mar 10 23:29 Historia de Barcelona, 11/3: #otd * 1564: Fiesta e iluminaciones por la llegada de los sobrinos de Felipe II (14) * 1573: Wanted, dead: los bandoleros de Cervantes (36/i) * 1809: Prohibido soltar desde los terrados cometas, que podr?an dar se?as a los…
- Thu Mar 11 07:28 When the westerly is so strong that opening the west door is a struggle, one recalls Jac Goldschmeding, who said that as a young man he liked cycling, but not too much, & so used to fly with the prevailing wind across Holland to the east & then take the train back
- Thu Mar 11 09:10 Pre-removal, using-up cake - remnants of Barbados sugar, rum, amaretto, Grand Marnier, musty liqueurs etc (but we're out of butter) - smelling pretty savage
- Thu Mar 11 13:41 Víctor is a very fine translator, & this racist, sexist, ageist etc assault on him is disgusting
- Thu Mar 11 14:12 All (bar those who prefer rages to pages) know Laura Ingalls Wilder's descriptive & narrative strengths, but I don't think anyone has noted that she was a superb (& stereotype-defying) tech writer.
- Thu Mar 11 14:15 Comment: Time & again she comes up with simple, sound explanations of how to surmount the challenges of pioneer life in the Midwest/West - how to build a covered wagon, a house, a rocking chair... Completely overshadows other Bildungsromans, inc. Goethe
- Thu Mar 11 15:17 I'd boasted that the toddler would never push me around, but this morning I sat on the roundabout at the playground & she twirled it round & round
- Thu Mar 11 23:28 Historia de Barcelona, 12/3: #otd * 1461: Llega Carlos de Viana para ser rey de los catalanes (24) * 1709: Ahorcado y descuartizado un esp?a del duque de Orleans (69) * 1848: Domingo 1.? de cuaresma, 1848 (343) * 1919: Pla: Després d’aquests cinc anys…
- Fri Mar 12 20:19 Comment: @petersymon I was quite relaxed about moving there because the accent is easy, but now it turns out that everyone else is going to say things I can't understand "Loidis" sounds Brummie to me
- Fri Mar 12 21:13 Lidl's wooden toy range
- Fri Mar 12 21:15 Comment: @petersymon Ah, those Walloons
- Fri Mar 12 21:16 Comment: I mean, he's also a bit of an ethnonationalist, so it's quite funny, but still
- Fri Mar 12 22:29 The toddler assaults a much larger girl in order to hang on to the stolen scooter which she is unable to steer for more than a centimetre without falling on her face. Haven't heard the expression "dog in the manger" for years
- Fri Mar 12 22:33 Comment: But now inspects daffodils carefully instead of (to the distress of other small girls) stamping on them, something I believe she had from a Nigerian man in Vicky Park, who took a call, & rather than block the thoroughfare, went & trampled a patch of daffodils
- Fri Mar 12 22:48 A favourite
- Fri Mar 12 23:20 Historia de Barcelona, 13/3: #otd * 1775: Inauguraci?n del cementerio de Poblenou, un hito en la historia del cementerio en Espa?a (176/i) * 1919: Pla: La Mancomunitat ha creat uns «Estudis Normals» i Joan Climent m’incita a inscriure-m’hi * ☼…
- Sat Mar 13 09:37 The German Deli has concluded, after Boris & Ursula's Irish shambles, that they can no longer sell to either Northern Ireland OR the Republic. So, Sinn Féin, what was the point of 1919?
- Sat Mar 13 23:16 Historia de Barcelona, 14/3: #otd * 1380: Pedro IV autoriza construcci?n de la Lonja (319) * 1918: Pla: Ara, finalment, dóna gust de viure a Catalunya * 1919: Pla: L’agitació obrera torna a abrivar-se * ☼ 07:02-18:58, 11:55 horas; ☾ luna menguante,…
- Sun Mar 14 06:18 The toddler dances along enthusiastically to the chumba-chumba of milk being manually frothed in the French pump-action cafetière. Lord knows what she will make of electronic dance
- Sun Mar 14 08:04 Most of the monuments in Joseph Raftery's Prehistoric Ireland (1951) are scaled using (parts of) workmen, but here's a charming exception. One of a new crop of 2nd hand antiquarian/archaeological books on sale:
- Sun Mar 14 21:07 Comment: @PJManasseh @18thCand19thC It is. Best guess: the name of the English pleasure garden was used generically to refer to the entertainment complex at the Pavlovsk palace, people began to use the same term to refer to the associated train station, & that that was then generalised for all train stations
- Sun Mar 14 23:11 Historia de Barcelona, 15/3: #otd * 1401: Fusi?n de hospitales para crear el de la Santa Cruz (28+6/i) * 1507: Salen cuatro frailes en romer?a a Santiago para detener la peste; huida y vuelta de las instituciones (161+33) * 1631: La multitud intenta…
- Mon Mar 15 18:00 RT @Royston_Smith: A most dignified way to get the point across to Government. We simply must #EndOurCladdingScandal @EOCS_Official @ukcag…
- Mon Mar 15 22:46 The TEFL Workers' Union, spotted on the Holloway Road, is soooo North London Poly
- Mon Mar 15 22:47 accepts no liability for pirates
- Mon Mar 15 23:05 Studds' beehive @ Balls Pond/Newington Green: "These buildings were erected in the year 1891 by J. Studds & Son of Barretts Grove Stoke Newington." No Coop link: I think this refers to both industriousness & Studds' foundry - image 2 (WP) shows a contemporary beehive coke oven
- Mon Mar 15 23:07 Historia de Barcelona, 16/3: #otd * 1758: Restauradas varias instituciones quitadas por Felipe V (53) * 1918: Pla: El senyor Balaguer, escrivent del Jutjat municipal, sol prendre cafè amb el meu pare * 1919: Ignacio S?nchez Mej?as, el torero del 27,…
- Tue Mar 16 06:05 Comment: @HistoryOfStokey Ah, excellent! Do you think the beehive/foundry hypothesis is a goer?
- Tue Mar 16 06:20 A ghost sign in a St John at Hackney's gardens, where the ghost is the function of the 1904 Hackney Police Station on Lower Clapton Rd. If you walk NNW as directed, the first police station you will bump into is on the High Road in Tottenham.
- Tue Mar 16 06:26 Comment: Walk Hackney says that the building is to be a Muslim school 1st time I walked up the Lea to Enfield & back via Hertford Rd, I was shocked at the number of +/- progressive civic institutions (copshops/libraries/schools) that had become mosques/churches etc
- Tue Mar 16 06:33 On another progressive note, it is encouraging to note in school playgrounds (De Beauvoir Primary here) that images of mythical creatures like the Virgin Mary have been replaced by winged unicorns & such
- Tue Mar 16 06:36 Comment: All names are wonderful, but of the makers, I find the second particularly so
- Tue Mar 16 06:39 One major point of rental bikes like this Uber-Jump-Lime was that the components weren't capable of cannibalisation, but never underestimate Hackney cunning
- Tue Mar 16 06:45 Some fantasist told me that UHNW inhabitants of the Regents Park Diorama had hatched a cunning scheme to strip off the title letters until they read "Dior", but bolder schemes are afoot
- Tue Mar 16 06:57 A useful image for travellers unable to find De Beauvoir. Someone yesterday pronounced the s in Grosvenor. I suspect that they also fail to make Theobalds rhyme with nibbles, & that Holborn for them does not evoke a pyre of agricultural implements
- Tue Mar 16 07:03 Probably most definitely
- Tue Mar 16 08:21 RT @poesia_mal: Caminante, son tus huellas el pingüino, y nada más. Rimbombante, no hay pingüino: se hace pingüino al andar. Al andar se ha…
- Tue Mar 16 10:42 I am charmingly eccentric, you have to admit to mental health issues, everyone else is mad
- Tue Mar 16 14:52 You've enjoyed auteur cinema/music/cuisine, now meet auteur parking
- Tue Mar 16 15:01 Next to me there was an intellectual cyclist who didn't seem bothered about being in seat 13, but my neighbour in 11 was fine with missing out: "I already live at 13 Apollo Place, so give me a break."
- Tue Mar 16 18:54 The world's smallest violin used to be quite big
- Tue Mar 16 21:28 Funeral live stream ad at the local Baptists. Someone sent me the recording for an ex-colleague's husband (45, plague). OK, recordings for entrance, exit & bits between, but sitting on a sofa humming along to King's College Choir for a man who couldn't say no to a kebab is weird
- Tue Mar 16 21:31 Stoke Newington likes Black Cock 2
- Wed Mar 17 01:58 Historia de Barcelona, 17/3: #otd * 1810: Catalu?a declarada dependencia del imperio franc?s (63) * 1844: ?brese la primera caja de ahorros (6) * 1919: Pla: A Palafrugell tothom es coneix i això fa que a la superfície de la vida vilatana, al voltant dels…
- Wed Mar 17 05:44 RT @SocialHistoryOx: In 1615, Thomas Drinn of Dorchester alleged that John Shory: 'hath often perswaded [him] to enter with him into the ba…
- Wed Mar 17 05:53 Primephonic is the first classical music streaming site I'd be tempted to pay for. Loads of stuff I don't know, they've got the metadata pretty much sorted, & no DJ who wants to be your friend - R3 & Classic FM feel as if for people old before their time
- Wed Mar 17 06:12 Out on book deliveries, the splendid jumble at the east end of St George's (now House on the Rock, though on the clay), Tufnell Park reminds me of Sant Pere de Galligants, Girona, Spain - a great sight as you come down the stream from a tour of the outlying Napoleonic forts
- Wed Mar 17 06:24 Comment: L show the new tower & other baggage, but you can still see the east end as George Truefitt's work, allegedly based on St George Rotunda at Thessaloniki, though I reckon closer to St George's Sofia (R). Attached article on Truefitt - remarkable chap
- Wed Mar 17 06:43 The ghost of the South Bank Centre. Some say that the real thing is still there, but no confirmed sightings for a year
- Wed Mar 17 06:51 You may say I'm a dreamer - John Guevara on Sandringham Road, Dalston
- Wed Mar 17 18:05 Has anyone come across Chabez as an (English) first name?
- Wed Mar 17 18:07 Comment: C19th
- Wed Mar 17 19:25 Some Amsterdam brothels already had barrel organs at this stage, so Mr Waters would have been forced to seek honest work
- Wed Mar 17 20:16 Mischievous & naive translators claim falsely that testi is Italian for bollocks, but they do serve them
- Wed Mar 17 20:22 147 Cleveland Street, Fitzrovia is not a brothel
- Wed Mar 17 20:24 No unnecessary journeys in the restaurant
- Wed Mar 17 20:44 Nei cieli bigi
guardo fumar dai mille
comignoli Parigi
- Wed Mar 17 21:41 Broken 1st-floor windows at The Prince Edward, Wick Road, Hackney - squatters testing the waters, or the owner looking to rid it of the ACV designation and pursue his flat conversion scheme? Hasn't opened for a year, & was shaky before that - only Windian pub round here
- Thu Mar 18 01:48 Historia de Barcelona, 18/3: #otd * 1376: Se ahogan 60 personas al hundirse un barco procedente de G?nova (19/i) * 1462: Primer dibujo de una bandera de guerra en Barcelona, la de san Jorge (141) * ~1523: Sale Ignacio de Loyola para Tierra Santa con algo…
- Thu Mar 18 08:50 RT @MilesDilworth: Ministers suffer damaging defeat as Lords vote to protect leaseholders from crippling costs of building safety scandal.…
- Thu Mar 18 08:55 Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a d-change
Marketing photo looks incredibly exciting
Costume freecycled by some kind person on Elderfield Road
- Thu Mar 18 09:12 Lying here, "A Second Look. A photographic record of a walk through Hackney in the 1890s and [1975]", with 1975 photos by (?) @mikesilvephoto. But will the toddler will let me take 50 new shots in our 3 remaining weeks? (Volunteers?!)
- Thu Mar 18 09:16 Comment: The Twitter Mike also does London Photo Walks , so it's got to be the same guy ... 45 years later
- Thu Mar 18 09:21 Comment: "Where is the brothel if it's not at 147?" met with a frosty response from locals
- Thu Mar 18 09:23 Iron Maiden in Granada
- Thu Mar 18 12:56 Comment: @ChadburnGroup #BankruptedByBoris
- Fri Mar 19 01:39 Historia de Barcelona, 19/3: #otd * 1840: Se coloca la primera piedra para el mercado de la Boquer?a en el terreno de la iglesia de San Jos? en el d?a del santo (24+13) * 1918: Pla: lectures, família * 1919: Pla: La meva germana Rosa m’escriu dient que…
- Fri Mar 19 08:34 Why in first aid do you roll people onto their right, causing those with an inactive esophageal sphincter (usually hiatal hernia) to choke on their stomach contents? Is it just about carers generally being right-handed & finding rolling easier that way?
- Fri Mar 19 13:52 RT @Royston_Smith: The McPartland/Smith amendment to the #FireSafetyBill will return to the Commons on Monday. Before MPs vote I simply ask…
- Fri Mar 19 17:04 Lovely lady at the nature reserve with granddaughter. "I came here from Bradford in 1968. You'll like it there - much more radical." I suspect she means that relic called class vs the new metropolitan racism (blest by pigment), & rights for women vs men in skirts, but daren't ask
- Fri Mar 19 17:24 Latest obsession: efflorescence (new-build bloom) on masonry cladding e.g. the unfinished 1500-home East Wick & Sweetwater dev at Stratford. You always get a bit particularly if you leave materials in the rain, but my paranoia now is that people are being sold structural probs
- Fri Mar 19 17:29 Comment: To this unpractised eye, a lot of the speculative build at Hackney Wick looks like it will be lucky to survive the NHBC guarantee. I thought the decade-old (?) Biggs Square dev on Felstead Street looked pretty terrible, but someone had just assaulted me with a needle
- Fri Mar 19 17:32 "The media is the virus." Lower Clapton is a hotbed of ungrammatical scepticism.
- Fri Mar 19 20:15 Chocolate shops, florists & shoe shops excluded from French lockdown
- Fri Mar 19 20:20 The Anatolians who run much of local commerce have been consistently kind to the toddler ever since, shortly after birth, she paid a couple of sit-down visits in freezing weather to the Kurds at İkram (ex Kuzu, lamb) on Well Street
- Fri Mar 19 20:21 Comment: I am engaged in a running battle with the Turks at the greengrocers on the corner of Chatsworth/Glenarm, where the guy won't let her go without a free banana. I send her into the shop with a banana and a pound, she comes out with the banana and the change - a pound
- Fri Mar 19 20:22 Comment: Today, I go up to the counter & buy five oranges for a pound, & on emerging I discover she has in her hand a banana. Etc etc.
- Sat Mar 20 01:31 Historia de Barcelona, 20/3: #otd * 1915: Jos? Comas Sol?, el primer espa?ol de descubrir un asteroide (29) * 1925: Disoluci?n de la Mancomunidad (0) * ☼ 06:52-19:04, 12:12 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Arquipo,…
- Sat Mar 20 07:02 The baldness which is natural to the Myconians probably proceeded from some affectation which thru the indignation of nature made the heads of their offspring naturally barren #JohnBulwer #Anthropometamorphosis #EarlyModernEngland #ComparativeAnthropology
- Sat Mar 20 07:03 Comment: As the household's barber, I am debating giving the toddler a mullet of the type that I find so endearing on the Spanish far left
- Sat Mar 20 09:59 RT @KS1729: Glad he had a good time.
- Sat Mar 20 15:43 106 comparative photos of Hackney in the 1890s vs 1975 (check the cars!) in "A Second Look: a photographic record of a walk through Hackney" If you also buy a pot of home-made Lea Valley blackberry jam, I'll bill you 25 inc. local delivery
- Sat Mar 20 15:45 Comment: (Main shop:
- Sat Mar 20 16:29 Comment: @steve_guy Hahaha! I'll put it on one side & drop the price if you'll take more jam!
- Sat Mar 20 19:42 I think LTNs are generally speaking a pretty good thing, but I agree with Niall that the process by which they were sprung on people was appalling - but in Hackney & all over England there is no genuine electoral accountability
- Sat Mar 20 19:47 Never did find out what they were looking for
- Sat Mar 20 19:56 Upminster vernacular: Gothic and Tudor arches; a Tudor carport; gift-wrapped uPVC; infill
- Sat Mar 20 19:58 Comment: I spied the famous white windmill from afar & even got quite close, but then it disappeared and nobody knew where to find it
- Sun Mar 21 01:22 Historia de Barcelona, 21/3: #otd * 1848: Empieza la primavera (122) * 1918: Pla: En aquest país tenim un costum molt curiós * 1919: Pla: Inici de la primavera * ☼ 06:50-19:05, 12:14 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞…
- Sun Mar 21 06:16 So do I have to read the bludy Brontës now?
- Sun Mar 21 13:51 Another great piece from Martina Lees in the Sunday Times
- Sun Mar 21 17:01 Recipes with photos are crap
- Sun Mar 21 22:05 Religion: Carpathian Independent - WWI RAMC grandad's joke: if a casualty was dying & wanted to be left in peace by CofE etc, he would advise them to say they were converts to the Carpathian Independent Church, ministers of which were notoriously hard to find
- Mon Mar 22 01:11 Historia de Barcelona, 22/3: #otd * 1071: Implantaci?n del rito romano en San Juan de la Pe?a gracias a la mujer francesa de Sancho Ram?rez; Barcelona sigue un mes despu?s (0+894) * 1460: Juan II de Arag?n perdona a su hijo rebelde (20) * 1810: Los…
- Mon Mar 22 06:54 I suppose it's an improvement that I got back to sleep at 3 & had a dream in which Laia P (of all people) explained to me what a pervert Robin J (of all people) is, & I exclaimed, "No, wait, let me tell you about my insomnia."
- Mon Mar 22 06:56 Has anyone got experience in mass-producing small plastic figurines, like the Chinese junk from Lourdes? I need about a 1000 of a man with zimmer for the imminent foundation of a major church
- Mon Mar 22 11:04 1/2 This AM, two crazed Windian black men ranting about murder. No. 1 on Chatsworth is extravagantly dressed - a carnival pimp - but with crack eyes: "The trouble is the fucking niggas ain't respecting the gangstas."
- Mon Mar 22 11:04 Comment: 2/2 No. 2 on Wyke is toothless & ragged: "Nobody should die before they're old, white boy." "That's what the Bible says." "Why isn't it like Anansi." "Why indeed." He goes quiet & shambles ahead, before starting up again.
- Mon Mar 22 11:05 Comment: "Why they stab them & kill them & cut them throat?"
- Mon Mar 22 19:34 Looks fun
- Mon Mar 22 20:56 Good thread on the debate on the #FireSafetyBill McPartland-Smith amendment, in which Priti Patel's underlings continue to wage an anti-Thatcherite war on the aspirational
- Tue Mar 23 01:04 Historia de Barcelona, 23/3: #otd * 1702: Muere Jos? Oriol (10) * 1848: Fiesta de San Jos? Oriol, nativo de Barcelona (232) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1923: Ford deja C?diz para instalarse en Barcelona (101) * ☼ 06:47-19:07, 12:20 horas; ☾ luna menguante,…
- Tue Mar 23 08:19 The use of "popper" to refer to snap fasteners on children's clothing comes from the philosopher Karl Popper, who noted that every attempt to close a popper on a toddler's onesie consists of a conjecture & a (sometimes delayed) refutation
- Tue Mar 23 11:34 #DoggerelOfTheDay 1632 It yearly costs 500 £s besides To fence the town from Hull & Humber’s tides, For stakes, for bavins, timber, stones, & piles, All which are brought by water many miles; For workmen’s labour, & a world of things, Which on the town excessive charges brings.
- Tue Mar 23 11:37 Comment: I didn't know John Taylor, the Water Poet (1578-1653) - a Thames waterman & sailor who inter alia travelled from London to Queenborough in a paper boat with two stockfish tied to canes for oars. A quite extraordinary man.
- Tue Mar 23 11:40 Comment: By wondrous accident perchance one may Grope out a needle in a load of hay; And though a white crow be exceedingly rare, A blind man may, by fortune, catch a hare.
- Tue Mar 23 11:43 I think on general I'd prefer Old St Paul's, but these pics are good
- Tue Mar 23 21:03 I thought Liam had grown a lockdown beard, but it's pure shadow
- Wed Mar 24 00:54 Historia de Barcelona, 24/3: #otd * 1443: Terremoto (1+6) * 1895: Inauguraci?n de la Biblioteca P?blica Ar?s (101) * 1918: Pla: En tornar de cacera o de passeig, Gori fa cap a la botiga de vetes-i-fils que posseeix al carrer de Cavallers, s’instal·la al…
- Wed Mar 24 05:06 In 1819, Jack Russell (1795-1883), a student at Exeter College, Oxford, bought a dog called Trump from a milkman at Marston, & after that history becomes confused.
- Wed Mar 24 05:41 Comment: #DoggerelOfTheDay O who would live at Marston, at Marston, on the mud, Surrounded by the water, like Noah in the flood; For those who live at Marston have water in their veins, Water in their beer jugs, water in their brains.
- Thu Mar 25 01:20 Historia de Barcelona, 25/3: #otd * 1329: Empieza construcci?n de Santa Mar?a del Mar (14) * 1580: Luis de Le?n gana un cert?men po?tico sobre la inmortalidad del alma (34) * 1749: Fundaci?n de la sociedad de pr?stamo caritativo, el Real Monte de Piedad…
- Thu Mar 25 07:04 A couple sincerely convinced that the clocks went back last weekend. In unison: "We're really enjoying that extra hour of light in the afternoon." To each other: "So was it you who put forward the manual clock next to the telly?" Classic placebo effect.
- Thu Mar 25 07:05 British practices
- Thu Mar 25 07:07 Comment: @DrFrancisYoung But all this stuff about flags does distract attention from his willingness post-Grenfell to bankrupt leaseholders in order to protect developers
- Thu Mar 25 08:47 Diversity libertarianism
- Thu Mar 25 21:39 I don't see why I shouldn't quote Belloc's Jim in an infant risk assessment: He hadn't gone a yard when—Bang! With open Jaws, a lion sprang, And hungrily began to eat The Boy: beginning at his feet. #DoggerelOfTheDay
- Thu Mar 25 21:52 South Yorks glossary
- Fri Mar 26 01:11 Historia de Barcelona, 26/3: #otd * 1626: Al entrar por primera vez en Barcelona, Felipe IV cambia de caballo para no incomodar al conseller en cap (1576+197/i) * 1629: Empieza construcci?n de la Casa de Convalecencia (11) * ☼ 06:42-19:11, 12:28 horas;…
- Fri Mar 26 19:18 Nice bilingual pun from El Salmón: alba = Gaelic for Scotland, but also Spanish/Italian for dawn, as in Alba Dorada/Dorata. Woof.
- Fri Mar 26 19:24 Glamorous granny minding toddler at WSC agrees that the fountain is obscurantist bollocks & that there are so many mad weepy people nowadays because they grew up on anodyne & virtuous Duggee instead of the sex, violence & randomness of the Brothers Grimm
- Fri Mar 26 23:08 Historia de Barcelona, 27/3: #otd * 1461: Expulsados los "castellanos" y "vascos" (30) * 1842: Pascuas de Resurrecci?n y Pentecostes, 1842: Cordero en la mesa, excursiones al Coll (110) * 1869: Sale el primer n?mero de la revista sat?rica La Flaca…
- Sat Mar 27 05:26 How one might have built a large medieval bridge
- Sat Mar 27 05:27 "White" racism
- Sat Mar 27 05:34 First aid trainers may need to find another way of demonstrating how not to perform CPR - millennials have no idea who Vinnie Jones is
- Sat Mar 27 23:01 Historia de Barcelona, 28/3: #otd * Domingo de Ramos es el 28 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 16 de abril * ... y en 1939 fue el 3 de abril * 1460: Entra Carlos de Viana durante el conflicto con Juan II de Arag?n (17) * 1706: Los burgueses y catalanes…
- Sun Mar 28 13:44 The evolving Oxford view seems to be that Samuel Coleridge-Taylor was a decent composer but a race traitor - a topsy-turvy fantasy, in which university music departments outlive Mozart
- Sun Mar 28 14:14 Mr Spurdens somehow forgot to mention that he'd got the MC at Monte Cassino
- Sun Mar 28 14:20 Yours and mine, 69 How did Looby even come to be living in an old folks' home?
- Sun Mar 28 14:32 Comment: @charlottelevene You yokel, you! Londoners have had it for weeks - we get all the best illnesses first Congrats on your Sunday Times triumph
- Sun Mar 28 16:44 John Wilbraham stories Life is more fun with a bit of swearing
- Sun Mar 28 16:50 Toddler wandering around constantly saying "tits." Not the body part I usually name, so no idea where that came from
- Sun Mar 28 19:11 Lily Bolero Vicky Versy
- Sun Mar 28 19:12 Comment: Ah, "atishoo." Easier than "hay fever"
- Sun Mar 28 21:54 Why are there no bands any more? Why are songs no longer verse-chorus?
- Sun Mar 28 22:55 Historia de Barcelona, 29/3: #otd * 1636: Entra un espl?ndido bigote castellano, camino al amor de una italiana riqu?sima y el virreinato de N?poles (134/i) * 1799: Entra en vigor la dispensa papal permitiendo el consumo de carne durante Cuaresma (27) *…
- Mon Mar 29 09:47 The trouble with the global freight shipping industry is that it's in denial
- Mon Mar 29 10:26 Stanley Johnson asks me if there is a correlation between congenital dishonesty and shambling incompetence
- Mon Mar 29 11:43 Classical musicians before they learned to conceal their bemusement Back row featuring Messrs Wilbraham & Watkin
- Mon Mar 29 14:13 Comment: And there's Harry Legge lurking amidst the violas
- Mon Mar 29 14:14 RT @EOCS_Official: Lifelong Tory voters abandoning party over cladding crisis
- Mon Mar 29 18:57 SJ confesses that his offer to pay Paul M £100 to fill in for the permanent bass player in the film session at the studio is because he hopes Paul will then invite them to rerecord everything in his studio in the Caribbean
- Mon Mar 29 18:59 Comment: The Ridley gang also smell a rat, and I suspect they will invert the whole thing & we'll all be on Netflix
- Mon Mar 29 22:56 Historia de Barcelona, 30/3: #otd * 1410: Terremoto muy grande (11+10) * 1623: La ciudad manda evitar la acumulaci?n de ballasto en el puerto (29+42/i) * 1873: Quema y profanaci?n de iglesias tras la toma por los carlistas de Berga (391) * 1919: Pla:…
- Tue Mar 30 17:38 Saying goodbye to the lovely Turkish lady at Alev Cleaners on Glyn (Chico the doggie was unfortunately at home): - She needs a brother. One child is not good. - Well, you might say we've been thinking about it. - Don't think, do!
- Tue Mar 30 19:21 Lots of schoolkids (under)prepared for sun & sewage (the Lea is weird) present at celebrations of reinstatement of the Rule of 6,000 on the marshes: "Fucking hell Kaylee, my nipple keeps popping out of this every fucking two seconds."
- Tue Mar 30 20:47 Is Boris Johnson an exemplar of the benefits of abstention from online porn?
- Tue Mar 30 21:00 To be fair, true iconoclasts knock over all statues encountered, while others demolish them accidentally while leaning on them to show their approval
- Tue Mar 30 21:15 Hackney Rose on Glenarm Road at Chatsworth Road. The toddler always stops here to identify the animals on the tiles and then eat a stolen banana on @StirlingAckroyd's excellent little bench
- Tue Mar 30 21:17 Comment: Better known as @Stirling_London
- Tue Mar 30 21:21 Please, someone, explain to me the superb little monster at 224 Rushmore Road
- Tue Mar 30 21:23 Tad's Coffee Offie, south of the railway bridge on Globe Road, Globetown. I hope the cat that used to sit in front is still there.
- Tue Mar 30 21:26 Grandad's cab. Mitch & Joyce are remarkable people.
- Tue Mar 30 21:33 Two camels opposite each other on the bit of Globe Road north of Roman Road: the excellent Camel pub, and one of the equally fine mosaics on @GlobeSchool. Was the latter created with the former in mind?
- Tue Mar 30 21:35 Comment: An invasion of chalk video game squid threatens the work on Gawber Street
- Tue Mar 30 21:36 Comment: Are Gawber and Micawber related? I hope so.
- Tue Mar 30 21:39 Wheelie, Church Crescent, behind St John of Jerusalem. Lauriston Road isn't just rich people.
- Tue Mar 30 21:41 "No fly tipping", Wyke Estate
- Tue Mar 30 21:42 "Breakfast - lunch - dinner - ice cream": a balanced diet at E9 Café, Well Street
- Tue Mar 30 21:47 Merc plate on the north site of Victoria Park reads D10 OSA. Diosa is goddess in Spanish, but I didn't see the driver.
- Tue Mar 30 21:49 Memorial by Lea Bridge. Most people can't afford to be buried now, and Covid, so it's all happening in public open spaces
- Tue Mar 30 21:55 There's always a way over a wall, no message required on the basket - Hackney electricity substation on Millfields. Very few people now recall the coal-fired power station touching the navigation, though the remains of the building are still there
- Tue Mar 30 21:57 Thank you, Mrs Burdett-Coutts, and why doesn't @TowerHamletsNow fix the clock and the water supply?
- Tue Mar 30 22:02 Out of the rubbish came forth roses. I think this is Stanley's cousin Janet's on Harrowgate, but I can't remember
- Tue Mar 30 22:13 Like the Prince Edward, Wick Road, the Glyn Arms, Clapton is squattable, but Section 144 of LASPO applies, & the owners of both will probably get their flat conversions. "New management" is old, but the missing sandy-coloured cat with an injury to its back leg or hip is new.
- Tue Mar 30 22:17 Comment: I still don't understand & probably never will "I dance the rhyme (danger of death)" and "I come to the spot (Winkworth Cottages)" on Cephas Street, E1
- Tue Mar 30 22:51 Historia de Barcelona, 31/3: #otd * Miércoles Santo es el 31 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 19 de abril * 1569: Llega noticia del asesinato del l?der de los hugonotes (25) * 1854: Huelga de artesanos (36) * 1919: Pla: La vaga general –ja morta– s’ha…
- Wed Mar 31 07:00 RT @C20Society: 👉🏽 We have until Thursday to register objections to plans to demolish the 1968 Debenhams store at St Mary’s Wharf, Guildfor…
- Wed Mar 31 09:40 Missed opportunity at the post office: old guy with Ostjudisch accent, individualist/dandyish outfit, big band music on the radio - how I imagine Johnny Marks - "What do I do? I write jazz tunes and lyrics." But then the discussion of transatlantic postal tariffs recommenced
- Wed Mar 31 09:44 Comment: Something I need to start doing in Loidis: photograph the people I chat up - half of them are dying for the chance. My photos are poor quality - broken old Canon pocket & no technique - but I like them as a diary of time/place
- Wed Mar 31 15:02 Replacement tap valves acquired from the local plumbing supplies shop, which is, like playgrounds & lunch breaks, one of those places with privilege of sanctuary from Covid, so no masks: "Covid? It's your pipes, & we know all about pipes."
- Wed Mar 31 18:55 Comment: That OSA means she-bear merely increases one's desire to meet the driver
- Wed Mar 31 18:56 Comment: @petersymon
- Wed Mar 31 18:57 Comment: @petersymon Have you already got a French licence?
- Wed Mar 31 19:56 I was hoping that Chatwin's On the Black Hill was going to be about an illicitly erected long barrow
- Wed Mar 31 20:08 Hackney New School should make the kids recite Ogden Nash (#DoggerelOfTheDay): I met a traveller from an antique show, His pockets empty, but his eyes aglow. Upon his back, and now his very own, He bore two vast and trunkless legs of stone. etc etc
- Wed Mar 31 20:10 Comment: This & other Ozymandias parodies
- Wed Mar 31 22:49 Historia de Barcelona, 1/4: #otd * Jueves Santo es el 01 de abril este año; en 1626 fue el 9 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 20 de abril * 1777: Nace Al? Bey (15+179) * 1809: Numerosas detenciones por negarse a jurar lealtad a los franceses (657) * 1828:…
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