
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Wed Sep 01 00:41 Historia de Barcelona, 1/9: #otd * 1479: Fernando el Católico es jurado conde de Barcelona (10) * 1715: Comienzan a derribarse 665 (?) casas de la Ribera para poder construir la Ciudadela (9+719) * 1798: Bastante completa impresión de la ciudad (3540) *…
- Wed Sep 01 20:11 The border-Dutch vigilantes who used to try to stop the Polish car-theft mafias after 89 used to refer to historical context of which I was unaware. I think they must have been talking about the Polish occupation of the German area on the other side in 45:
- Thu Sep 02 00:32 Historia de Barcelona, 2/9: #otd * 1467: Es elegido conde de Barcelona Juan de Lorena, pretendiente a la corona de Aragón (25) * 1843: La Jamancia: Barcelona es tomada por los rebeldes (354+26/i) * 1918: Pla: Ha fet calor tot el dia * ☼ 06:17-19:24,…
- Thu Sep 02 08:00 "There are so few songbirds up on Headingley Hill because Deliveroo/JustEat culture has caused crows, magpies and jays to move in & multiply, but they're also still killing small birds. We need Larsen traps." "For the students?"
- Fri Sep 03 00:23 Historia de Barcelona, 3/9: #otd * 1843: La Jamancia: instalación de la Junta Suprema, huida de refugiados (648) * 1848: Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Consolación (13) * 1918: Pla: Fa més de quatre anys que dura la guerra –quatre anys i un mes exactament *…
- Fri Sep 03 07:38 - You need more than five pairs of underpants. - But where will I store my masks?
- Fri Sep 03 21:46 7 hrs off today, so to Wharfedale & walked Otley-Old Pool Bank-Castley-Weeton-North Rigton-Almscliffe Crag-Stainburn-Leathley-Farley-Otley. Main takeaway: domination of watercourses and rough land by Himalayan balsam, killing off other vegetation & exacerbating flooding potential
- Fri Sep 03 21:49 Comment: Only response in the wild I've seen is manual removal, which is totally insufficient. Can't go spraying glyphosate everywhere, so bio agents? All the talk about rewilding is great, but the reality will be a copper's helmet flower originating 4.5K miles away
- Sat Sep 04 00:16 Historia de Barcelona, 4/9: #otd * 1269: Los vientos impiden a Jaime I de ayudar a los mongoles en Tierra Santa (37+11) * 1843: La Jamancia: conflicto interno (442) * 1918: Pla: Al carrer de Cavallers trobo Marià Vinyas, de Sant Feliu de Guíxols * ☼…
- Sat Sep 04 12:01 The Industrial Museum has an interesting item about "camera obscurers"
- Sat Sep 04 21:14 Carrying a mirror up Headingley Lane this afternoon, past the usual rambling crowds of fancily-dressed, drunken Otley Runners: if I'd been able to bill a digital quid from everyone who wanted to have a look at themselves, I'd have paid for the mirror several times over
- Sun Sep 05 00:07 Historia de Barcelona, 5/9: #otd * 1422: Desastrosas pruebas de artillería (19+43) * 1843: La Jamancia: asalto a Sarriá (280/i) * 1918: Pla: Em demano sovint si aquest dietari és sincer, és a dir, si és un document absolutament íntim * 1919: Pla: La…
- Sun Sep 05 19:03 Fareham was of course right at the time to ban The Life of Brian because it didn't reflect their inclusive values
- Sun Sep 05 20:49 Barrel piano aural aesthetic. I like the random horse
- Sun Sep 05 23:57 Historia de Barcelona, 6/9: #otd * 1491: Funerales regios en honor del Infante de Portugal, esposo de la hija mayor de los Reyes Católicos (23) * 1529: Se acaba la segunda guerra entre Carlos I de España y Francisco I de Francia (21) * 1843: La Jamancia:…
- Mon Sep 06 13:46 RT @EOCS_Official: Please continue to send through your selfie videos explaining why you are attending the rally on 16 September ❗️ Let’s…
- Mon Sep 06 13:50 A curious honour
- Mon Sep 06 23:48 Historia de Barcelona, 7/9: #otd * 1487: Celebraciones tras la toma de Málaga por Fernando el Católico (23) * 1843: La Jamancia: contradicción sangrienta del supuesto apoyo de Montjuic a la Junta (416) * 1919: Pla: A la matinada veig el doctor…
- Tue Sep 07 11:43 The correct spelling is Affenfolterer, monkey torturer
- Tue Sep 07 23:39 Historia de Barcelona, 8/9: #otd * 1235: Boda de Jaime I y Violante de Hungría (21+5) * 1541: Nuestra Señora de Montserrat libra a un fraile de varias heridas mortales (424) * 1821: Declárase oficialmente la fiebre amarilla (6) * 1848: Romería a…
- Wed Sep 08 09:04 Someone: What you're doing with her is forest school. Investigates. "Forest school" seems to be infested with mediocre American middle-management-style metrics, while "Waldpädagogik", from which it is said to spring, recalls the failed ideologies of the 30s. To each his own.
- Wed Sep 08 09:20 Comment: Then there is Chittaranjan Das (not Deshbandhu) and his "Letters from a forest school"...
- Wed Sep 08 20:04 Comment: @Transblawg The stench started when spring onions became salad onions
- Wed Sep 08 20:09 North Yorks landowners promise bulls in fields more often than they deliver, & those you meet are rather less scary than toros bravos. This just near one of the Arthington Viaduct underpasses at Castley
- Wed Sep 08 23:31 Historia de Barcelona, 9/9: #otd * 1423: Llega Alfonso V de Aragón después de sus aventuras italianas (17) * 1783: Empiezan construcción del pastim, los hornos de munición (12) * 1881: Luis Moritz pide legalizar un generador en su fábrica de cerveza en…
- Thu Sep 09 07:34 It is said that if you stand in Otley market square on Christmas morning you can hear a trombone played on the Chevin, so the alphorn dream is worth pursuing
- Thu Sep 09 10:23 "She's seen us patting children on the back to help them nap, so now she walks round with a doll under each arm & every now and again stops, puts them face-down, & thwacks them hard, crying, 'Sleep!'"
- Thu Sep 09 10:33 Given the socio-economic background of every harpist I've met, when one complains that during lockdown she was forced to work on a vineyard, then it only seems fair to ask whether her family owns it
- Thu Sep 09 11:09 Comment: @AndrewSimms_uk @lordbonkers I rather like commercial advertising - it prevents the state & its clients monopolising public space with their dull opinions & instructions
- Thu Sep 09 18:56 RT @TheLawSociety: The proposed Building Safety Bill *still* leaves #leaseholders bearing the brunt of the cladding crisis. Read our respo…
- Thu Sep 09 19:15 It's all starting to make sense
- Thu Sep 09 19:58 Re some neighbours, is it better that bad people be happy (maybe less inclined to evil) or sad (retribution)?
- Thu Sep 09 20:29 Guardian: image contradicts text - sugar is up to brim
- Thu Sep 09 23:25 Historia de Barcelona, 10/9: #otd * 1638: Llega noticia del levantamiento del sitio de Fuenterrabía, pero no todo el mundo está contento (554+2) * 1843: La Jamancia: "Antes que ser esclavos nos sepultaremos entre las ruinas de esta ciudad" (846+11/i) *…
- Fri Sep 10 23:18 Historia de Barcelona, 11/9: #otd * 1477: Empieza construcción del muelle hasta la isla de Maians, naciendo así el puerto de la Barceloneta (22+32) * 1535: La Diputación rebaja los impuestos para facilitar un gran mercado de esclavos y otros géneros…
- Sat Sep 11 10:57 Food shortages hit those reliant on online supermarkets - either you accept increasingly random substitutions, or you don't get anything like the full complement. Tho Sainsbury's in Headingley is pretty sparse now. Of course, it'll all be fixed by the busiest season of the year.
- Sat Sep 11 14:08 If only the toddler's enthusiastic requests for tea-cake sounded a little less like "Sieg heil!"
- Sat Sep 11 17:03 Comment: @Transblawg She takes the left, I'm afraid
- Sat Sep 11 23:08 Historia de Barcelona, 12/9: #otd * 1462: Enrique IV de Castilla es nombrado conde de Barcelona en la guerra civil con Juan II de Aragón (21) * 1714: Capitulación a Berwick (435) * 1918: Pla: El temporalet continua, petit * 1972: Breve manifestación…
- Sun Sep 12 19:03 The toddler had a couple of exquisite hours this afty at the @Hollin_Lane fruit & veg awards, tho a bit of a Wicker Man moment when she entered, dressed as a strawberry, & encountered ladies & gents wearing the British horticultural equivalent of Carmen Miranda hats
- Sun Sep 12 20:21 I'm starting to enjoy this I struggle to like Wilberforce - generous to black people in distant lands, but quite indifferent to starving white neighbours
- Sun Sep 12 23:00 Historia de Barcelona, 13/9: #otd * 1629: Un incidente durante la elección de provincial de los padres dominicos demuestra su poder vis a vis el obispo (266) * 1920: Matanza en el cabaret Pompeya (1014+81) * 1923: Golpe de estado del capitán general de…
- Mon Sep 13 06:53 Time and the Conways is a superb play
- Mon Sep 13 10:44 Comment: @Transblawg Haha, I think about this quite often. Curiously, Spanish is pretty popular amongst people like Titania (who all fought on the right side in the Spanish Civil War), despite being through-and-through gendered.
- Mon Sep 13 22:52 Historia de Barcelona, 14/9: #otd * 1636: Pagado algo en concepto de los impuestos debidos por la ciudad, vuelven el virrey y la Real Audiencia tras una estancia gerundense de 16 meses (129) * 1639: Salen cuarenta mil hombres para recuperar Salses en…
- Tue Sep 14 06:09 How Congress survived, allegedly: They got the media to paint ordinary Indians as evil intolerant racists, then appealed to minority groups, saying they were the only people who could swoop in and save them from this violent hateful majority.
- Tue Sep 14 09:56 The blackberry season has provided a valuable education for the toddler in risk (thorns, nettles, poo, hidden chasms, putrefaction...) vs return, & she now stands back & puts in her orders
- Tue Sep 14 11:28 Comment: @veronica_humble @PolemicTMM Stoppard, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
- Tue Sep 14 11:48 Has anyone experience of playing alphorn repertoire on tuba?
- Tue Sep 14 11:51 Comment: Getting close
- Tue Sep 14 20:50 RT @petersymon: It is submitted that the Commission does have a sense of humour: "The committee dealing with the question of commas agreed…
- Tue Sep 14 22:40 Historia de Barcelona, 15/9: #otd * 1463: El rey de Portugal recomienda a los catalanes someterse a Juan II de Aragón y, por implicación, olvidarse de Enrique de Castilla (34) * 1529: Paz de las Damas entre España y Francia después de la Segunda Guerra…
- Wed Sep 15 07:04 The critical view: The Pogles (realised variously as "bogies" or "pokies") is the tightest & most satisfying of the Postgate/Firmin dramas, & the BBC should say sorry for banning the witch from Pogle's Wood
- Wed Sep 15 18:03 Comment: @Transblawg Down, Minister, down! Someone's bulldog.
- Wed Sep 15 18:07 Comment: @AndrewHammel1 @derJamesJackson Perhaps as a political compromise the division between where one pays one's taxes and where one can vote could be fixed, for taxpayers
- Thu Sep 16 07:55 Parking on pavements already blocked by recycling bins, hedges & other crap is a non-political issue in Leeds
- Thu Sep 16 08:27 Strong correlation reported between a preference for WFH & the absolute necessity of having one's own office if one must return
- Thu Sep 16 08:32 An Inspector Calls is a great play, but I wonder if it and Priestley didn't suffer from (school) agitprop use by wealthy metropolitans (who did very nicely out of manufacturing dividends) to demonise extra-metropolitan manufacturers
- Thu Sep 16 10:43 Comment: @tombcn Hot & sweaty, probably
- Thu Sep 16 18:48 Comment: It's not in the standard work:
- Thu Sep 16 20:03 Toddler keen to accelerate toilet training: took down trousers in Sainsbury's & announced "Poo!" Fortunately not.
- Thu Sep 16 20:13 Given how difficult it is to get into anything resembling a functioning church, it was great today to get a few minutes of relative peace in the chapel at Hinsley Hall with the toddler, who sat at the back and earnestly discussed the baby @DioecesisLoiden
- Thu Sep 16 20:22 1 retweet & 2 likes is a bit meagre for the end of the world
- Thu Sep 16 22:25 Historia de Barcelona, 17/9: #otd * 1409: El Papa Luna y Vicente Ferrer, en la boda de Martín el Humano (37+78) * 1918: Pla: Observant la gent des del punt de vista de la cerimònia de la conversació, noto el que segueix: Els pobres, realment pobres, són…
- Fri Sep 17 11:28 Pleasing but probably false notion that toddlers are so tolerant of bitter fruit (Leeds apples are way behind London) because it enables them to consume at least something of value during a pretty short season
- Fri Sep 17 11:29 A team of knotweed & hogweed exterminators say that Himalayan balsam is low priority, so that's probably that. The idea that knotweed flourishes in patches denuded of balsam may be an urban myth.
- Fri Sep 17 11:52 RT @DoubleYouAre: Some shots from the #EndOurCladdingScandal protest yesterday. Great to see so many people come together for it. Feel fr…
- Fri Sep 17 13:29 Bands are so out of fashion that even bandstands seem to tend to solo acts
- Fri Sep 17 19:39 RT @PeteApps: A new leaked document shows the government ran 10 fire tests on systems with popular cladding materials in 2004. Eight of the…
- Fri Sep 17 22:18 Historia de Barcelona, 18/9: #otd * 1714: Entrada del Duque de Berwick, Te Deum en la catedral, grandes destrozos en la ciudad, los Migueletes entran en el ejército borbón, quema de banderas (886) * 1918: Pla: Llarg passeig pels voltants de Palafrugell…
- Sat Sep 18 22:09 Historia de Barcelona, 19/9: #otd * 1634: Llega la duquesa de Mantua (será la última Virreina española de Portugal), pero es feísima y poco festera (86) * 1639: Comienza el sitio español de Salses en Rosellón (541) * ~1829: Stendhal: sufrimiento de los…
- Sun Sep 19 11:25 The toddler's way led to the Baby chez the RCs, where the Hockneyville eucumenicist (f) suggested to her that Jesus was a woman, with which she was not impressed. Enter a patriarchal barrel-bellied lad with guitar: "Don't let us drive you out," church English for "Out of here."
- Sun Sep 19 11:27 The learners are back, racking up Uber/Deliveroo debt. This morning at 8 a large pink bunny on the street entreated Kevin to tell of his love for her, or he would regret it, but Kevin was reading his phone, & did so for half hour after she retreated to her burrow
- Sun Sep 19 11:34 Playing trombone with a jazzband on North Lane, Headingley at 15:30! See if I can remember any tunes.
- Sun Sep 19 12:15 Comment: @petersymon When someone says something in English I never know whether it's a song title
- Mon Sep 20 00:58 Historia de Barcelona, 20/9: #otd * 1517: Nuestra Señora de Montserrat salva a Antonio Malorba de una casa que le cae encima (221) * 1918: Pla: La família * 1962: Inauguración de El Corte Inglés (188) * ☼ 06:35-18:53, 12:18 horas; ☾ luna menguante,…
- Mon Sep 20 15:13 Comment: @j_wils Only got utterly & disastrously lost in a chord sequence once! There are a lot of communists in Headingley.
- Mon Sep 20 20:40 The toddler likes Nogbad the Bad & his crows: "Nogbad eat blackberry, caw caw caw!" The Pogle witch is also a favourite, so when I showed her an old Andrea Motis video today, she cried, in approval, "Witch!"
- Mon Sep 20 20:49 Comment: @padsley As a child I had to perform in full view at Wintoncester Cathedral inter alia for utterly risible ecumenical services. During the worst the preacher produced a cornflake packet & started scattering the contents from the pulpit & I completely lost it
- Mon Sep 20 21:14 Music about writing technology? Mendelssohn's Gutenberg, The Typewriter, er
- Mon Sep 20 21:19 Comment: "Some day my prints will come"
- Mon Sep 20 21:37 Comment:
- Tue Sep 21 00:49 Historia de Barcelona, 21/9: #otd * 1559: Solemne procesión por la llegada a España de Felipe II tras firmar la Paz de Cateau-Cambrésis (20) * 1995: Grave tormenta (16) * ☼ 06:36-18:51, 12:15 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22…
- Tue Sep 21 06:50 I've got a clearer image of Hackney parish, now I know Fairfax was married at old (then new) St. Augustine's (20/6/1637). Sounds a fascinating church
- Tue Sep 21 11:05 RT @LaocoonofTroy: Educating children: this is the way.
- Tue Sep 21 12:37 Critical thinking vs dogmatism in music education
- Tue Sep 21 12:39 The toddler's approach to binary decisions reminds me of a TV quiz show I once saw somewhere: - Congratulations, Mr X, you have won! Now, will you take the car or the cash? - Yes.
- Tue Sep 21 19:37 #DoggerelOfTheDay
- Wed Sep 22 00:39 Historia de Barcelona, 22/9: #otd * 1783: Carlos III manda dejar la actitud criminal que constituye la gitanidad, prohibe la discriminación contra supuestos ex-gitanos (quienes sin embargo no pueden trabajar de esquilador ni vendedor ambulante ni…
- Wed Sep 22 12:44 I think if I were a cyclist just seriously facked up by a car in a major European city, I'd hope for a better ambulance response time than 35 minutes
- Thu Sep 23 00:31 Historia de Barcelona, 23/9: #otd * 1461: Muere en el palacio real Carlos de Viana, hijo de Juan II y quizá víctima de Juana Enríquez (18) * 1757: Alumbrado público con aceite para celebrar el cumpleaños de Fernando VI (23) * 1760: Carlos III restituye…
- Thu Sep 23 07:46 Comment: @ibexsalad I sometimes wonder whether you've got a grudge against La Madre Patria, but that was an appalling case, & like so many other public services here, prisons are a shambles apparently designed to benefit shareholders
- Thu Sep 23 07:50 Comment: @russellwyatt I've been hit a few times, once by a tram, but this was some other poor cyclist (Headingley Lane / Woodhouse Lane at the Hyde Park Corner junction with Hyde Park Road, Victoria Road & Woodhouse Street)
- Thu Sep 23 07:52 Comment: @russellwyatt I believe car driver usually isn't even prosecuted for careless driving (one day driving course), insurance pays damages. A remnant of class justice from the days when only important/rich people drove cars?
- Thu Sep 23 08:27 Comment: @_olivewood @ibexsalad How can "batter" be woke when it encourages people to think of & then consume deep-fried takeaways?
- Thu Sep 23 11:07 RT @rodriguezcoello: El uso de la realidad aumentada en la Televisión Canaria es modélico, informa y tiene una potencia visual enorme https…
- Fri Sep 24 00:21 Historia de Barcelona, 24/9: #otd * 1616: Empieza construcción del muelle nuevo (12/i) * 1629: Pasa por la ciudad el duque de Alba camino a su jubilación como mayordomo mayor del rey tras unos años dificiles como virrey de Nápoles (103+58) * 1848: Fiesta…
- Fri Sep 24 06:55 Most amusing explanation for the notion that "modern" architecture is shite
- Fri Sep 24 07:40 The fine art of predicting your caller queue number by the outlet of breath prior to voicing
- Fri Sep 24 07:42 Comment: @ibexsalad We're ok for olives, but could you mail us some salt
- Fri Sep 24 07:51 Comment: GP call queues would of course be shorter if receptionists didn't have to stop every 20 seconds to remind everyone that they're in a queue
- Fri Sep 24 07:53 Don't panic, plenty of books left
- Fri Sep 24 07:53 Comment: @Transblawg Cockney hawkers
- Fri Sep 24 10:49 Comment: @Transblawg When I went solo with my tranny act, my 1st manager, the crack-dealer & burglar Johnny O-D (RIP), used it in both that sense & the traditional infernal one, but he had been an academic linguist
- Fri Sep 24 10:50 Comment: @Transblawg I think our mutual friend, V the singing chimney sweep, did too, but, as the Sistine frescos in his garage-bar show, he is a connoisseur of the finer things
- Fri Sep 24 10:54 Comment: @Transblawg I think J used another related synonym, but what might it have been? This all recalls the traditional Dutch belief in a pub at the gates of hell, where the devil would serve one last beer. We brought that to life in a stage show, but I didn't know then that that was a Nobiskroeg
- Fri Sep 24 11:19 Comment: @Transblawg Burkard Waldis's rhyming Aesop:
- Fri Sep 24 11:22 Comment: @Transblawg What a pretty thing it is!
- Fri Sep 24 20:36 Comment: @Transblawg I've only read a little in it & still feel something clicking in my head to turn on the functionality
- Fri Sep 24 21:25 Champion bedtime video tonight was an ecowarrior special: "dinosaur eat car"
- Fri Sep 24 21:26 Comment: @Transblawg This one?
- Sat Sep 25 00:13 Historia de Barcelona, 25/9: #otd * 1258: Real cédula de Jaime I autorizando la Carta consulatus riparte Barchinone (27+23) * 1410: Primera sesión del parlamento catalán para elegir sucesor a Martín I (31) * 1919: Pla: He aprovat les assignatures que em…
- Sat Sep 25 19:50 Google reviews of King Alfred's Castle, Leeds. Let no one tell them the etymology of -chester.
- Sat Sep 25 19:55 No idea if salbutamol will fix the toddler's respiratory infection (GP says twice as many RSVs, twice as virulent as normal), but she'll probably win the Tour de France next summer. Powerful stuff.
- Sat Sep 25 20:23 Influencer fail. But, apart from photographing it next to nervous mini-mortals, what does one do with a 3.2 kg marrow?
- Sun Sep 26 00:03 Historia de Barcelona, 26/9: #otd * 1496: Exequias por la madre de Isabel I (14) * 1919: Pla: Escapada d’un dia a Palafrugell amb motiu de l’aprovació de les últimes assignatures de la carrera * ☼ 06:41-18:43, 12:01 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación…
- Sun Sep 26 17:15 There'd have been a couple more Leeds families at #Otley Farmers' Market this morning if @FirstWestYorks were capable of running the X84 bus service - three unannounced cancellations in a row on a half-hourly service & the next full to bursting @visitotley @OtleyCouncil
- Sun Sep 26 18:12 Comment: @petersymon @FirstWestYorks @visitotley @OtleyCouncil A terrible service, encouraging people to use cars on the Otley Road, but the comms are the worst bit. E.g. at Otley the live board sometimes shows the timetable, sometimes the GPS, sometimes a combination. One solution: demolish Willow Close & reopen the Arthington train line
- Sun Sep 26 23:52 Historia de Barcelona, 27/9: #otd * 1879: Las farolas de Gaudí y las Tres Gracias en la Plaza Real (85+172) * 1902: Abre sus puertas el Diorama Animado de Salvador Alarma (706+22/i) * 1975: Las últimas ejecuciones del franquismo (396) * 1998: Ultimo día…
- Mon Sep 27 20:23 To punky dad at playground: - Your kid keeps going on about karate chops, & now I'm tortured by visions of a pork chop superhero with martial arts skills righting wrong. Scenarios: Karate Chop pursues porkphobics, but sees the error of his ways & goes after butchers; vice versa
- Mon Sep 27 20:23 Comment: Dad: - Won't mean anything to him. He's a bloody vegetarian.
- Mon Sep 27 20:28 Comment:
- Mon Sep 27 23:44 Historia de Barcelona, 28/9: #otd * 1565: Celebración del levantamiento del sitio de Malta (26) * 1918: Pla: No sé pas a quin partit polític pertany el meu pare * 1919: Pla: Apareix un criat a la porta de la penya i diu: –El senyor Solé de Sojo… El…
- Tue Sep 28 10:55 "The massive multinational multicultural Roman empire is upon us." Poor Celts.
- Tue Sep 28 11:25 Easy Rider: Who's that? Colleague: That's Geoff. He's been working for you for ten years.
- Tue Sep 28 20:26 A relative acquired The Sly Fox and the Clever Little Duck in 1963/4. Original Russian is by the great Vitaliy Valentinovich Bianki, with a female duck. English is translation of German (DDR), duck still female but illustrations by Erich Gürtzig show male mallard ffs
- Tue Sep 28 20:30 Comment: Translation is pretty poor: ru-de or de-en fail? I think it has been widely plagiarised or at least heavily imitated in English - one other book on the toddler's shelf with exactly the same story, & several others spring to mind
- Tue Sep 28 20:31 Comment: Anyone want to pay me to translate some of Bianki's other stuff? Loads of nature stories for kids
- Tue Sep 28 20:33 Comment: @SMcPartland @michaelgove @MPIainDS @Royston_Smith @PBottomleyMP @ukcag @EOCS_Official You lovely people, at least potentially!
- Tue Sep 28 23:35 Historia de Barcelona, 29/9: #otd * 1305: Tributos aduaneros de Barcelona (16) * 1562: Santa Madrona vs la sequia (31+90) * 1617: Empieza el diluvio catalán (775+31) * 1637: Llega noticia del desastroso sitio español de Leucate/Ocata, Rosellón, y sale un…
- Wed Sep 29 16:57 Here be tawny owls
- Wed Sep 29 19:24 Can't find anywhere to purchase the Postgate/Firmin aka Smallfilms TV series "Tottie - The Story of a Doll's House." Any ideas?
- Wed Sep 29 19:34 3 miles to the hospital, 6.5 hours for an ambulance to come & pick up an old lady with an acute pancreatitis diagnosis. Hard not to conclude that it's all falling to pieces.
- Wed Sep 29 19:42 Comment: Solved.
- Wed Sep 29 20:14 The Spanish referring to greybeards (usually rioters) as jovenes appears to connect with the Latin use of juventus, but 40 was pretty old 2000 years ago, so what on earth were they thinking?
- Wed Sep 29 20:55 We should be focusing on the toddler's skilful use of adjectives and the success of her playground fruit & veg shop rather than the fact that she looked at another little girl's mum and said "Nice pear"
- Wed Sep 29 23:27 Historia de Barcelona, 30/9: #otd * 0992: Muere Borrell II (6) * 1568: Nace Jerónimo Pujades, cronista de Cataluña (15+132) * 1802: Se recibe a Manuel Godoy con más extravagancia que a Carlos IV (313) * 1868: Galdós: recuerdos de la Barcelona…
- Thu Sep 30 07:47 "Nothing can stop the great awakening of humanity" at the feet of Robert Peel in Hyde Park, "brought to you by the White Rose," the lockdown sceptic group which sees itself as an echo of the Munich anti-Nazi resistance group, rather than the House of York or the asteroid
- Thu Sep 30 07:49 Comment: I wonder, as scout not soldier, what Peel, founder of both the Conservative Party & the Met, would have thought of Covid passes
- Thu Sep 30 07:51 Comment: Also in Hyde Park: Dank Dinos: not a bad Dutch tribute to Fred Flintstone's friends, but some kind of sweet
- Thu Sep 30 08:10 Never heard this version of Fee Fi Fo Fum
- Thu Sep 30 10:16 First proper celebrity interpreter story since José Mourinho
- Thu Sep 30 10:18 Getting close to Lawrence of Arabia
- Thu Sep 30 21:06 Wondering idly if Josquin's Qui habitat has ever been done on cornetts and sackbuts @petersymon
- Thu Sep 30 21:07 Comment: 4 simultaneous 6-voice canons
- Thu Sep 30 23:16 Historia de Barcelona, 1/10: #otd * 1792: Primera edición del Diario de Barcelona (87+120) * 1814: La Junta de Comercio crea la escuela de economía política (12) * 1839: Un profesor de francés corta en pedazos a un joyero (878) * 1842: Inaugúrase el…
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