Tweets for March 2022

Windrush white flour.

Windrush white flour.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Tue Mar 01 00:24 Historia de Barcelona, 1/3: #otd * ~1165: Llega desde Navarra el gran viajero judío Benjamín de Tudela (131+113) * 1716: Se empieza a construir el baluarte del rey de la ciudadela (18) * 1796: Nevada hasta el día 4 (0) * 1809: Cárcel para 20…
  • Wed Mar 02 00:36 Historia de Barcelona, 2/3: #otd * Miércoles de ceniza es el 02 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 8 de marzo * ... y en 1842 fue el 9 de febrero * 1427: Empieza una gran serie de terremotos (65+127) * 1634: Es ejecutado Serrallonga (20/i) *…
  • Wed Mar 02 09:39 The photo's a reminder that as a small child in my mind I attributed to the Troubles devastation inflicted by the Germans
  • Wed Mar 02 20:21 Since UK gov is talking Swift to give its oligarch sponsors time to liquidate assets, & Berlin is talking oligarchs in an attempt to salvage personal relationships with Gazprom, the least corrupt solution now is for the UK to be governed by the Germans & vice versa
  • Thu Mar 03 00:46 Historia de Barcelona, 3/3: #otd * Esta celebración adicional es el 03 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 9 de marzo * 1632: Felipe IV y el infante Carlos corren un jaquí a caballo (18) * 1775: Sobre san Emiterio, Emeterio, Meterio, Medí, Madi,…
  • Thu Mar 03 01:12 Comment: @lordbonkers The Wild Man of Wivenhoe, still there
  • Thu Mar 03 10:36 Comment: @ibexsalad Do you think they'll be able to make it stick legally?
  • Thu Mar 03 20:29 Resisted the temptation to celebrate World Bookseller Day by dressing the toddler as Lady Macbeth & instead gave her a book on quaternary stratigraphy
  • Fri Mar 04 00:50 Historia de Barcelona, 4/3: #otd * 1904: La Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona comunica la cesión de la columna romana de su museo lapidario al Centro Excursionista de Cataluña para la restauración de la casa en la calle Paraíso (0+16) *…
  • Fri Mar 04 21:17 V small stage, v small public, but the pleasure of reinventing fairy tales on the hoof - smug tonight re the final scene of Gingerbread Dinosaur, catapulted to heaven, past the sun & the moon & the stars, to request favours for the Cunning Fox, before falling back into his jaws
  • Fri Mar 04 22:19 Someone must be able to tell me more about G.W. Boddy (“Players of interludes in North Yorkshire in the early seventeenth century”). I'm guessing George William
  • Sat Mar 05 00:57 Historia de Barcelona, 5/3: #otd * 1519: Carlos I celebra una función de la Orden del Toison de Oro en la catedral (30) * 1848: Los tres dias de carnestolendas, 1848 (1278/i) * 1917: El conde de Santa Coloma le pide consejo al torero gitano…
  • Sat Mar 05 22:31 Windrush White Flour always makes me laugh
  • Sun Mar 06 00:59 Historia de Barcelona, 6/3: #otd * Esta celebración adicional es el 06 de marzo este año; en 1848 fue el 12 de marzo * 1136: Muere san Olegario, y en seguida se curan incurables, se capturan a esclavos huidos, etc (888+343) * 1525: Llega notícia…
  • Sun Mar 06 17:37 A visit yesterday to Uncle Crisps, who is appreciated, but without Favoured Uncle status. Today: - Who did we visit yesterday? - Uncle Dave.
  • Sun Mar 06 23:14 A rural friend has been following the Brent crude price & for only 300 quid will Skype-tutor you to convert your car to run, like his, on old chip oil
  • Mon Mar 07 01:09 Historia de Barcelona, 7/3: #otd * 1848: Años atrás, la fiesta de Tomás de Aquino (88) * 1978: Consejo de guerra para Els Joglars por La torna (26+4) * ☼ 07:14-18:49, 11:35 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ …
  • Mon Mar 07 20:42 Toddler's first remunerated gig today: singing with piano outside an elderly SEND group session when the lovely lady in charge came out and gave her a gorgeous yellow summer bonnet
  • Mon Mar 07 23:33 RT @george_szirtes: A butcher calls When the butcher calls we gather up our stray limbs and wear our best smile so he might move on. It i…
  • Tue Mar 08 01:16 Historia de Barcelona, 8/3: #otd * 1845: Ayuntamiento de Barcelona: Bando: al fallar de nuevo el alumbrado público de gas, los vecinos deben poner luces en los balcones y ventanas (266) * 1848: Miércoles de ceniza, 1848 (1025/i) * 1918: Pla: Com…
  • Tue Mar 08 11:01 Comment: @tombcn If only the Russians had a proper army, they could overthrow the bugger, then 5-10 years civil war & a saner & territorially smaller state would emerge
  • Tue Mar 08 12:08 Impression in Leeds & London is that for many drivers idling makes them feel more human, more in control. Utterly normal, even outside schools, & folks get very offended when asked to stop
  • Tue Mar 08 23:35 The notion that snowflakery was born of the combi boiler & cheap natural gas, just as denial of the devil came from electric light & its elimination of flickering shadow
  • Tue Mar 08 23:39 Comment: Also the hypothesis that if the toddler declines to get dressed to go out to the swings, & instead strips & starts a tea party, then evening up inside & outside temperatures by opening windows might lead her to reconsider. Result: none
  • Wed Mar 09 01:21 Historia de Barcelona, 9/3: #otd * 1416: Fernando I sale de Barcelona justo antes de morir (19) * 1628: Rogativas por la Flota del Tesoro Español, anticipando la Batalla de la Bahía de Matanzas contra los holandeses bajo Piet Hein (236+37/i) *…
  • Wed Mar 09 08:32 Comment: @tombcn Wasn't this just Poland asking the US to recognise that Nato's going to have to fight? I played at Ramstein ages ago. British bases were usually very drunk & violent, & there was a reasonable chance the MP would send us home, paid. The Americans had coffee & beer & sat around
  • Wed Mar 09 09:49 Comment: @tombcn Perhaps VP will need an escalation to improve domestics, perhaps China will manoeuvre clients like Russia & Turkey into a proxy war with the US, & there's no knowing the lengths to which Johnson will go in order to keep his nice wallpaper!
  • Wed Mar 09 20:51 Touched an early C19th hornbook, probably from the Welsh Methodists - marvellous thing, & I'll probably never touch another, but the toddler is quite happy learning her letters off a knackered old keyboard
  • Wed Mar 09 20:52 Comment: @ibexsalad Too hard for them anyway
  • Wed Mar 09 21:58 Neat Zelensky interview with Bild Unlike Putin he hasn't a Western language - English basic - but in all other senses he's gold - must be heartbreaking for the kremlin. Hoping that what seems to be a drop in refs to him in Russian media is not a false calm
  • Wed Mar 09 22:40 Comment: @ibexsalad Ah, but it was 1812, so fair dos
  • Wed Mar 09 22:51 RT @george_szirtes: Destruction of a hospital There is nothing left on the ground except rubble and things under it that are broken down…
  • Thu Mar 10 01:31 Historia de Barcelona, 10/3: #otd * 1553: Se coloca la primera piedra para el baluarte de las Atarazanas (12+108) * 1820: Publicada por primera vez la constitución de 1812 (15) * 1895: Debut de Las señoritas toreras Catalanas en la plaza de la…
  • Thu Mar 10 20:15 Send Us Thine Asteroid, O Lord, to Old Hundredth
  • Thu Mar 10 21:24
  • Thu Mar 10 21:42 Why are the London media concealing the fact that the world's first brain transplant had been performed in Yorkshire?
  • Thu Mar 10 22:25 I didn't know the (misnamed) Wakefield Plays. Isn't the 2nd Shepherd's Pageant marvellous?
  • Thu Mar 10 22:40 Comment: @leedslibraries You wouldn't have a date/source for the article, would you?!
  • Fri Mar 11 01:35 Historia de Barcelona, 11/3: #otd * 1564: Fiesta e iluminaciones por la llegada de los sobrinos de Felipe II (14) * 1573: Wanted, dead: los bandoleros de Cervantes (36/i) * 1809: Prohibido soltar desde los terrados cometas, que podrían dar señas…
  • Fri Mar 11 12:10 Comment: @ibexsalad Busy planting wheat in the squatted garden
  • Fri Mar 11 12:40 Comment: @ibexsalad There's just so much wrong with that, and everything
  • Sat Mar 12 01:43 Historia de Barcelona, 12/3: #otd * 1461: Llega Carlos de Viana para ser rey de los catalanes (24) * 1709: Ahorcado y descuartizado un espía del duque de Orleans (69) * 1848: Domingo 1.º de cuaresma, 1848 (343) * 1919: Pla: Després d’aquests…
  • Sat Mar 12 11:19 So will all the Russian stuff being confiscated in London be donated post-Putin to the Russian people, or will the Brits get launder the cash and keep it?
  • Sat Mar 12 20:15 RT @kamilkazani: That's a real time TV talk between Solovyov and Kedmi - jingoist pundits who always preached Russia would win. They're d…
  • Sat Mar 12 20:15 RT @kamilkazani: Listen to this sermon which reflects a message that has an increasing mass support. He's preaching for annexing Ukraine, K…
  • Sat Mar 12 20:33 Toddler seems to view the puppet frog as a kind of amphibian McKinsey consultant - believes utter bollocks from it which she'd never take from me - & its fees are v reasonable - flies, fly pancakes, fly juice etc
  • Sat Mar 12 21:59 Jan oet Oaveriessel
  • Sun Mar 13 01:52 Historia de Barcelona, 13/3: #otd * 1775: Inauguración del cementerio de Poblenou, un hito en la historia del cementerio en España (176/i) * 1919: Pla: La Mancomunitat ha creat uns «Estudis Normals» i Joan Climent m’incita a inscriure-m’hi * ☼…
  • Sun Mar 13 12:20 Rooster no. 3 is an audio upgrade
  • Sun Mar 13 12:56 What's "poire preste" in this letter from Richard Layton, dissolver of monasteries, to Thomas Cromwell, if it ain't mad French? In Clay ed Yorkshire monasteries. Suppression papers
  • Sun Mar 13 12:57 RT @Birdyword: There's a joke that's been revived in a bunch of countries along these lines. Man stands on a street in Hamburg, 1918, wit…
  • Sun Mar 13 13:09 Toddler learning trade union catechism: - What do we want? - Pancakes! - When do we want them? - Now. Still fails to appreciate that a return to normality can only be contemplated when everyone's demands have been met.
  • Sun Mar 13 20:52 Comment: @FishHutBlackDog @Mingus A crazy track, that
  • Sun Mar 13 23:03 (Curious to know what has happened to several of the folks in my series on Russian football songs
  • Mon Mar 14 01:55 Historia de Barcelona, 14/3: #otd * 1380: Pedro IV autoriza construcción de la Lonja (319) * 1918: Pla: Ara, finalment, dóna gust de viure a Catalunya * 1919: Pla: L’agitació obrera torna a abrivar-se * ☼ 07:03-18:57, 11:54 horas; ☾ luna…
  • Mon Mar 14 08:19 Just curious as to whether NATO had always been 100% determined to abstain, or whether there was a shift on Feb 24 when Putin said on telly that those who don't cooperate or who form a threat for the people will experience consequences they never have before i.e. chemical/nuclear
  • Mon Mar 14 20:18 Comment: @tombcn Many in Ukraine & Russia were convinced that when push turned into shove in eastward expansion Nato wouldn't simply keep any benefits for itself & assign the costs to UA, & now to some extent both the faithful & his enemies say that Feb 24 was genius on Poo-tin's part
  • Mon Mar 14 20:31 The only time the toddler paused for thought today was at the playground when two suspiciously jolly students (f) began playing on the equipment & one's generous boobs kept popping out in all directions. Unpacking my huge old sock-filled stage bra to see if it'll quieten her down
  • Mon Mar 14 20:54 Leeds street signs for Cliff Laine @VioletPublishi1

  • Mon Mar 14 23:31 Historia de Barcelona, 15/3: #otd * 1401: Fusión de hospitales para crear el de la Santa Cruz (28+6/i) * 1507: Salen cuatro frailes en romería a Santiago para detener la peste; huida y vuelta de las instituciones (161+33) * 1631: La multitud…
  • Tue Mar 15 21:48 Comment: Poire preste = poor priest. They use is on several occasions, but it doesn't show elsewhere, so now wondering whether it's a bilingual punning in-joke between Cromwell and his employees
  • Tue Mar 15 21:58 Edmundo Ros singing in Dutch - translation to Amsterdam of Lord Kitchener's "London is the place for me"
  • Tue Mar 15 23:37 Historia de Barcelona, 16/3: #otd * 1758: Restauradas varias instituciones quitadas por Felipe V (53) * 1918: Pla: El senyor Balaguer, escrivent del Jutjat municipal, sol prendre cafè amb el meu pare * 1919: Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, el torero del…
  • Wed Mar 16 09:32 RT @EleanorMorton: Every Jack the Ripper Documentary
  • Wed Mar 16 10:03 Comment: @morrissey2020 @lordbonkers @Otto_English It says Happy Easter on top. Doesn't this go back to John Sentamu's stupid comment a few years ago supposing a conflict between Cadbury's Quakerism & an un-Eastered egg by them, apparently unaware that the Quakers (inc Rowntree's, makers of smarties) were never keen on Easter?
  • Wed Mar 16 23:44 Historia de Barcelona, 17/3: #otd * 1810: Cataluña declarada dependencia del imperio francés (63) * 1844: Ábrese la primera caja de ahorros (6) * 1919: Pla: A Palafrugell tothom es coneix i això fa que a la superfície de la vida vilatana, al…
  • Thu Mar 17 11:46 Comment: @SocialHistoryOx Antipodean Quaker - if you believe the thing about them preferring vertical burial
  • Thu Mar 17 12:10 V good of SS to employ a cross-eyed optician
  • Thu Mar 17 20:37 The Russian media - running thru an old playbook without creativity or enthusiasm - & then there's this
  • Thu Mar 17 20:43 I don't generally get Hockney, but somewhere, comparing the whale sequence in Pinocchio with e.g. Utagawa Hiroshige Naruto Whirlpool, he calls Walt Disney a great artist, & persons great & small laughing their way before tea once again thru the 1967 Jungle Book would surely agree
  • Thu Mar 17 20:45 Comment: Quite a Disney moment while cooking - full moon rising against a blue-black sky with wisps of cloud, thru the trembling sycamore & horse chestnut
  • Thu Mar 17 23:54 Historia de Barcelona, 18/3: #otd * 1376: Se ahogan 60 personas al hundirse un barco procedente de Génova (19/i) * 1462: Primer dibujo de una bandera de guerra en Barcelona, la de san Jorge (141) * ~1523: Sale Ignacio de Loyola para Tierra Santa…
  • Fri Mar 18 17:37 RT @george_szirtes: #Mariupol
  • Fri Mar 18 18:32 Long chat at the library with a small Levantine Arab girl, while her mother concealed herself behind a pillar. Name Maya, presumably with the Avestan, not the Roman meaning. People are mad.
  • Fri Mar 18 22:23 Comment: Toddler, on being invited to leave the library: "I want to stay in the jungle."
  • Fri Mar 18 23:56 Historia de Barcelona, 19/3: #otd * 1840: Se coloca la primera piedra para el mercado de la Boquería en el terreno de la iglesia de San José en el día del santo (24+13) * 1918: Pla: lectures, família * 1919: Pla: La meva germana Rosa m’escriu dient…
  • Sat Mar 19 14:58 Comment: @FishHutBlackDog The first few seconds & you're back in that world
  • Sat Mar 19 15:03 Trying briefly to figure why DDoS-GUARD hates Izvestia but doesn't object to Pravda
  • Sat Mar 19 15:36 RT @mattjdowse: Picnics on the motorway: the first car-free Sundays – in pictures | Cities | The Guardian
  • Sun Mar 20 00:01 Historia de Barcelona, 20/3: #otd * 1915: José Comas Solá, el primer español de descubrir un asteroide (29) * 1925: Disolución de la Mancomunidad (0) * ☼ 06:53-19:04, 12:11 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ …
  • Sun Mar 20 13:23 Comment: @ibexsalad Crumbs!
  • Sun Mar 20 13:52 Human League - cover of You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
  • Mon Mar 21 00:09 Historia de Barcelona, 21/3: #otd * 1848: Empieza la primavera (122) * 1918: Pla: En aquest país tenim un costum molt curiós * 1919: Pla: Inici de la primavera * ☼ 06:51-19:05, 12:14 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22…
  • Mon Mar 21 20:37 Playground parents tend to be bored & boring, but several curiosities this PM: 1) PRC AI couple praised our younger toddler as brave for her climbing, & then made up ground by forcing theirs up and (shove!) down the high slide. Does Chinese research/culture support that?
  • Mon Mar 21 20:37 Comment: 2) British white underclass mum let slightly older girl negotiate playground solo, intervening only where mortal danger or weariness. Again, no idea if any research to support, but child very confident & competent, tho weak verbally
  • Mon Mar 21 22:55 "Philippa of Hainault, wife of Edward III, was the first black queen of England2
  • Tue Mar 22 00:09 Historia de Barcelona, 22/3: #otd * 1071: Implantación del rito romano en San Juan de la Peña gracias a la mujer francesa de Sancho Ramírez; Barcelona sigue un mes después (0+894) * 1460: Juan II de Aragón perdona a su hijo rebelde (20) * 1810: …
  • Tue Mar 22 20:12 Today a Russian asks: At what point will the genocide being committed in the Ukraine appal you enough that you will nuke us regardless of the consequences to yourselves?
  • Tue Mar 22 20:18 A playdate today with a mum whose Turkish dad is involved in the London Turkish restaurant trade, reviving fantasies of e.g. what was Kuzu on Well Street, Hackney. Afaik there is nothing worth eating in that line in Leeds, though Venus in Beeston was popular pre-plague
  • Wed Mar 23 00:16 Historia de Barcelona, 23/3: #otd * 1702: Muere José Oriol (10) * 1848: Fiesta de San José Oriol, nativo de Barcelona (232) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1923: Ford deja Cádiz para instalarse en Barcelona (101) * ☼ 06:48-19:07, 12:19 horas; ☾ luna…
  • Wed Mar 23 08:23 That's what I call a translator
  • Wed Mar 23 22:06 Comment: @tombcn Isn't that you? Or me? The funny bit is that he used to edit a Generalitat nationalist propaganda rag, Catalonia Today, presumably because that paid better than his current take
  • Wed Mar 23 23:23 Communism & Charlie
  • Thu Mar 24 00:29 Historia de Barcelona, 24/3: #otd * 1443: Terremoto (1+6) * 1895: Inauguración de la Biblioteca Pública Arús (101) * 1918: Pla: En tornar de cacera o de passeig, Gori fa cap a la botiga de vetes-i-fils que posseeix al carrer de Cavallers,…
  • Thu Mar 24 10:56 Nothing like a visit to the optician's to make one feel old
  • Thu Mar 24 18:23 Pakistani landlord burning rubbish in a front garden on the Hill of Death, to the delight of the toddler. - Who are you putting on it? - Mr Putin. Mr Boris. They're all the same.
  • Thu Mar 24 18:31 Comment: So that's a fail for Johnson et al, who intend to have people believe that Starmer and the LibDem leader are just as crooked as them
  • Thu Mar 24 19:54 Comment: @jennitpk @soxgnasher For a radical progressive (I hope I've got the order right), Alan is suspiciously fond of historic counties. Now, about the ruinous fountain on Homerton High St...
  • Thu Mar 24 19:55 Comment: @jennitpk For those who don't watch C4 news, this could be about quite a lot of people. Please specify.
  • Thu Mar 24 19:57 No idea who Dr Oz or Ashley are, but anyone who reminds me of Miroslav is good
  • Thu Mar 24 20:46 Among the many disadvantages of being in Armley Prison: you hear the same Leeds soundtrack as everyone else - tyre noise - but you don't get to see the building from Belle Vue Road on a spring morning (h/t Gugel)
  • Thu Mar 24 20:47 Some great stories
  • Thu Mar 24 22:30 - So why did you go to live in Settle? - I hoped I'd bump into Alan Bennett
  • Fri Mar 25 00:38 Historia de Barcelona, 25/3: #otd * 1329: Empieza construcción de Santa María del Mar (14) * 1580: Luis de León gana un certámen poético sobre la inmortalidad del alma (34) * 1749: Fundación de la sociedad de préstamo caritativo, el Real Monte de…
  • Fri Mar 25 20:59 The plumber's old van takes so long to warm up that the suspicion is that it has, not a diesel, but a steam engine
  • Sat Mar 26 00:43 Historia de Barcelona, 26/3: #otd * 1626: Al entrar por primera vez en Barcelona, Felipe IV cambia de caballo para no incomodar al conseller en cap (1576+197/i) * 1629: Empieza construcción de la Casa de Convalecencia (11) * ☼ 06:42-19:10, 12:28…
  • Sun Mar 27 00:43 Historia de Barcelona, 27/3: #otd * 1461: Expulsados los "castellanos" y "vascos" (30) * 1842: Pascuas de Resurrección y Pentecostes, 1842: Cordero en la mesa, excursiones al Coll (110) * 1869: Sale el primer número de la revista satírica La…
  • Mon Mar 28 00:50 Historia de Barcelona, 28/3: #otd * 1460: Entra Carlos de Viana durante el conflicto con Juan II de Aragón (17) * 1706: Los burgueses y catalanes se preparan para defender la ciudad, los ingleses y holandeses el castillo de Montjuic (162+18) *…
  • Mon Mar 28 08:07 James Baillie Park student residence - founded in ref to the public image of the 1920s & 30s VC of Babylon - "a handsome old man with philosophic pretensions and a mass of white hair" ("Michael Innes" (J.I.M Stewart), The Weight of the Evidence)
  • Mon Mar 28 08:10 Comment: But derivation to party hall where interest in current affairs focuses on stuff like car models (100 for 150 students) makes one wonder whether Innes' brutal portrait of "Sir David Evans" goes far enough
  • Mon Mar 28 17:38 3 role models in 3 hours racing round/up&down the playground/skatepark: 1) nice boy of her age 2) Arab 4-yo in Gucci 3) skater girls with music & smokes
  • Mon Mar 28 19:25 Fat Fagin in his silver Ford van, reg BO10 BRA, directing his +- 11-yo daughter in the theft of the hyacinths & daffodils from the old ladies' front gardens on North Hill Road, Headingley LS6
  • Mon Mar 28 19:32 Comment: People seem to think it now Wrong to reference weight/ethnicity/sexuality etc in insults/threats in such situations, but that misses the point - to generate a string of vaguely apt adjectives ending in a genital noun that makes the heavens shake - it's aural effect, not semantics
  • Mon Mar 28 19:36 Comment: My first meeting with the Leeds travellers, & still unsure whether it's OK for a native of Belfast much removed to call a compatriate a fat thieving Irish twat. He suggested I get a mouthful of his "flower", so provocation there was
  • Tue Mar 29 00:55 Historia de Barcelona, 29/3: #otd * 1636: Entra un espléndido bigote castellano, camino al amor de una italiana riquísima y el virreinato de Nápoles (134/i) * 1799: Entra en vigor la dispensa papal permitiendo el consumo de carne durante Cuaresma…
  • Tue Mar 29 20:37 One of the many from Alan Bennett Writing Home: "One of Peter Cook’s jokes, several times quoted in his obituaries, is of two men chatting. ‘I’m writing a novel,’ says one, whereupon the other says: ‘Yes, neither am I.’"
  • Wed Mar 30 01:00 Historia de Barcelona, 30/3: #otd * 1410: Terremoto muy grande (11+10) * 1623: La ciudad manda evitar la acumulación de ballasto en el puerto (29+42/i) * 1873: Quema y profanación de iglesias tras la toma por los carlistas de Berga (391) * 1919:…
  • Wed Mar 30 07:59 Self-determination
  • Wed Mar 30 08:47 Frustration re Tesco home delivery (non-shows billed etc) -> chart of supermarket spend 2018-21. Stuff at play: kid, poor value on online purchases despite wine leaving my budget (bad UI, no last minute offers, more processed foods), higher prices in Leeds, inflation > 10%...
  • Wed Mar 30 22:06 Historia de Barcelona, 31/3: #otd * 1569: Llega noticia del asesinato del líder de los hugonotes (25) * 1854: Huelga de artesanos (36) * 1919: Pla: La vaga general –ja morta– s’ha acabat oficialment avui * ☼ 06:34-19:16, 12:41 horas; ☾ luna…
  • Thu Mar 31 22:11 Historia de Barcelona, 1/4: #otd * 1777: Nace Alí Bey (15+179) * 1809: Numerosas detenciones por negarse a jurar lealtad a los franceses (657) * 1828: Fernando VII y su tercera esposa visitan los baños públicos de Can Casteliu (0+6) * 1836: …
  • Thu Mar 31 22:15 Comment: @GeoffBeacon Hi Geoff, I sent you a DM a couple of days ago on an unrelated subject, which I think may have slipped past your guard...

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