Segmentation of the bed-in-a-shed market
Brand it “gypsy” and the desert is your oyster.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Brand it “gypsy” and the desert is your oyster.
The demented, evil swine has herself photographed in a neighbourhood her party has spent the last 20 years doing its damnedest to destroy.
What to do when a mysterious lady offers you a free ride?
Immortalised in the “disastrous cowboy” genre of jokes.
But getting there is still a pain in one’s posterior end.
An etymological hop from kite-flying with Juan Marsé back to Concha Piquer’s greatest hit.
And whatever you do don’t let them loose in fields containing horses.
The pros of walking to Barcelona Airport.
FollowTheBaldie‘s services have been requested further west, so a little investigation is in order.