Homeless Chinese in Barcelona
Plus, how to acquire a country house for next to nothing.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Plus, how to acquire a country house for next to nothing.
Someone please explain to me how it works.
Barcelona trading practices, builder’s crack-fish and the great Pacific birdshit war.
A fragment from Italo Calvino’s quasi-17th century folk romance, Il visconte dimezzato/The cloven viscount, uses storks as a portent of battle. Several unconnected 2nd century Greek accounts might appear to do the same, perhaps particularly if one’s a lazy sod and doesn’t read anything but scraps of stuff on Google Books.
Or, rather, how my grandfather seems to have been named after a minor railway station.
The pros of walking to Barcelona Airport.
It’s no longer a swinging safari now the nature-lovers have got guns too.