Berlusconi and the wiseness of Mubarak
“The wisest of men” line isn’t the former’s, but ben trovato it certainly is.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
“The wisest of men” line isn’t the former’s, but ben trovato it certainly is.
Jordi Pujol’s venerable dream appears finally to have been realised, although perhaps not quite as he anticipated.
The etymology of “gilipollas” as a mere excuse to quote a gross 16th century shepherd and link to some video fragments of Jesús Gil y Gil.
What do ghit ratios from La Vanguardia, El Periodico, El País, ADN, ABC, El Mundo, Público, and Levante tell us about their owners’ priorities?
Link love for 05/06/2009.
Link love for 01/06/2009.
Mid-20th century Ibero-American hits, state-controlled media, the personal and the public.
Is Silvio a cyborg?