John Chappell picks up on the Vanguardia “exclusive” from June/July re alleged mysterious shadows on the fuselage of the second WTC plane (English version here). Unlike professional conspiracy theorists, La Vanguardia make no attempt to appear credible: Where are the images on which their conclusions are based? Who is the nameless digital imaging expert at…
En la fase final de la segona guerra mundial, Tokio va ser bombardejada 102 vegades. L’últim atac va ser la nit del 25 de maig de 1945. Vaig a publicar traduccions d’alguns fragments de diaris escrits per testimonis alemanys, americans i japonesos sobre aquesta nit. Ho vull fer per a millorar d’una banda el meu…
With reference to several recent items (1, 2, 3), Emma Moo-Cow bets we can’t produce a cow on a bike. Well, finding what a number of sites call Cow-A-Saki wasn’t too difficult (anyone know who it is?). However, I think she probably meant a pushbike. That’s harder, but let’s try: One of the episodes of…