La Vanguardia’s WTC lies

John Chappell picks up on the Vanguardia “exclusive” from June/July re alleged mysterious shadows on the fuselage of the second WTC plane (English version here). Unlike professional conspiracy theorists, La Vanguardia make no attempt to appear credible: Where are the images on which their conclusions are based? Who is the nameless digital imaging expert at…

la nit del 25 de maig de 1945: introducció

En la fase final de la segona guerra mundial, Tokio va ser bombardejada 102 vegades. L’últim atac va ser la nit del 25 de maig de 1945. Vaig a publicar traduccions d’alguns fragments de diaris escrits per testimonis alemanys, americans i japonesos sobre aquesta nit. Ho vull fer per a millorar d’una banda el meu…

Cowbike drawing competition

With reference to several recent items (1, 2, 3), Emma Moo-Cow bets we can’t produce a cow on a bike. Well, finding what a number of sites call Cow-A-Saki wasn’t too difficult (anyone know who it is?). However, I think she probably meant a pushbike. That’s harder, but let’s try: One of the episodes of…

Estruç urbà

L’home que va donar la volta a l’art modern. (Ho sento, però no sé on està, o qui m’ho va enviar.)