A new report from Baldie Research, Inc indicates that Spanish bus passengers eat significantly higher quantities of frankfurts and bratswursts than their car-bound compatriots because bars selling these downwardly mobile quasi-Teutonic delicacies are often situated next to bus stops. Frankfurt is at Comerç 12, convenient for both the Ciutadela park and the Picasso museum. Unfortunately…
Hier wordt driftig gedebatteerd over onze koning, Jordi Pujol. Als hij ons straks na de verkiezingen verlaat, moet hij (a) het bedrijfsleven in, of (b) boules-speler en onbetaalde bouwinspecteur worden, net als alle andere oude mannen?
Ja sabíem que Monsalvat, el castell del greal de Wagner, era al nord d’Espanya, però és solament quan el cel aquí pren un aspecte mes teutònic que es veu que l’arquitecte era el genial Domènech i Montaner (i no, per exemple, en Gaudí, amb el seu miserable palau).
Apparently the culture section of La Vanguardia has been submitting articles to an automatic correction tool and then publishing them unchecked. So Evgeni Primakov => Vagina Permisivo and catalanista => estalinista. Does that mean that incompetent La Vanguardia ombudsman, Josep Maria Casasús, is going to blame the woes of his colleague, Rafael Ramos, on a…
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