Madrassa murders

An investigation is underway in Mehmood Booti, Lahore into the bizarre murder of three young men at a failing prayer school:

There was blood splattered on the wall. A boardgame was found near the bodies. Police believe at least two assailants murdered the three brothers because they found two different footprints in blood at several places in the seminary. “There are two types of footprints, one naked and the other with joggers,” said an investigation officer.

Investigation Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Chaudhry Shafqaat Ahmed told Daily Times that the jugular veins of the deceased were cut with a sharp-edged weapon, probably a knife. “Puncture marks on the body indicate the attackers also used an icepick,” said the SSP.

The Daily Times report helpfully includes a map of the madrassa for all those of you who want to work it out for yourselves. (Apart from suspects being identified from the mugshots put up by police departments, have any murders been solved yet by casual surfers?)

The police say that this case probably has its roots in personal stuff, but if you’re interested in religious education and militancy in Pakistan, then you will probably read with interest this piece by Tariq Rahman, which helps make clearer the fundamental importance of a lasting peace with India.

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