Breaking news: Pravda buys a dud photocopier

“PRAVDA.Ru doesn’t recommend to use Xerox products”, reads an intriguing footer on the site of Russia’s version of National Enquirer. What seems to have happened is that Pravda took a major investment decision to purchase a USD300 Xerox photocopier. After x000 bumshots the damn thing broke and the USD150 repair fee has destroyed their previously firm faith in globalisation and American corporate benevolence.

It must be said, however, that Pravda continues to treat parallelisms of a different nature with respect, leading one to wonder whether they have taken a shilling more alien:

Under Stalin there was a Research Institute of the Parallel World. Results of experiments conducted by Academicians Kurchatov and Ioffe can be now found in the archives. In 1952, head of the Soviet secret police organization Lavrenty Beria initiated a case against researchers participating in the experiments, as a result of which 18 professors were executed by shooting and 59 candidates and doctors of physical sciences were sent to camps. The Institute recommenced its activity under Khruschev. But an experimental stand with eight leading researchers disappeared in 1961, and buildings close to the one where experiments were conducted were ruined. After that, the Communist Party political bureau and the Council of Ministers decided to suspend researchers of the Institute for an uncertain period.

The program was resumed in 1987 when the Institute already functioned on the territory of the Soviet Union. A tragedy occurred on August 30, 1989: an extremely strong explosion sounded at the Institute’s branch office on the Anjou islands. The explosion destroyed not only the experimental module of 780 tons but also the archipelago itself that covered the area of 2 square kilometers. According to one of the versions of the tragedy, the module with three experimenters collided with a large object, probably an asteroid, in the parallel world or heading toward the parallel world. Having lost its propulsion system, the module probably remained in the parallel world.

The last record made in the framework of the experiment and kept at the Institute archives says: “We are dying but keep on conducting the experiment. It is very dark here; we see all objects become double, our hands and legs are transparent, we can see veins and bones through the skin. The oxygen supply will be enough for 43 hours, the life support system is seriously damaged. Our best regards to the families and friends!” Then the transmission suddenly stopped.

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Last updated 23/02/2019

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.
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