The excellent Jivha reports the arrival of Italian lingerie depicting Hindu deities in the boutiques of Godhra, Gujarat, where it has been protested by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in a move that will presumably lead to catastrophic inter-communal rioting. This ritual coyness is very difficult to understand for those of us originating from a part…
Apparently the Spanish language police may soon approve servidor (“server”), as well as some other important and popular web terms. What we need to know now is which word the trog who inhabits that dark, hot room in the basement of the Real Academia used when, some years ago, he made his original budget application…
I think Adbusters is meant to be satirical and hard-hitting, but if I had children then I’d be quite happy if they started out looking like this, just so long as they didn’t end up looking like this. (I also liked Evil Pundit of Doom‘s Homer. Here you get big yellow rounded-cylindrical marker buoys bobbing…
If I’d been running Homeland Security yesterday I’d have arrested every grubby fruit vendor I could find. To my knowledge no US president has ever been shot or blown up on July 4th but, as Doctor Zebra notes,