
I think Adbusters is meant to be satirical and hard-hitting, but if I had children then I’d be quite happy if they started out looking like this, just so long as they didn’t end up looking like this.

(I also liked Evil Pundit of Doom‘s Homer. Here you get big yellow rounded-cylindrical marker buoys bobbing just off the beach to remind you that you’re just about to swim into the path of a speedboat; I call them Homers, and so do some other people.)

(I don’t understand why we use the word speedboat. Most of them are carrying cocaine.)

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  1. Somehow it suprises me not that you find Michael Moore’s (latest) movie(s) annyoying, but is an ad hominen attack really called for. “Michael Moore is overweight, so we should discount his work”? It’s hardly an intelligent and insightful analysis of the points raised in the movie, is it?

  2. Someone called me a bald pillock last night so I’m passing the rage. (And if he doesn’t bother to make an intelligent and insightful movie, why should I bother with the ditto analysis?) I’ll bet you were supporting Portugal.

  3. Actually, I was supporting Greece…

    (And if he doesn’t bother to make an intelligent and insightful movie, why should I bother with the ditto analysis?)

    As an opportunity to like like an intelligent debater, rather than a bald pillock? ;-)


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