Real Academia Española: “server” on track for approval

Apparently the Spanish language police may soon approve servidor (“server”), as well as some other important and popular web terms. What we need to know now is which word the trog who inhabits that dark, hot room in the basement of the Real Academia used when, some years ago, he made his original budget application for some of those nice humming boxes from America. Band managers traditionally account for their cocaine purchases using the category “fruit and flowers”, but I’m sure an RAE nerd will have been able to think of something better than that.

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Last updated 05/07/2004

This post pre-dates my organ-grinding days, and may be imported from elsewhere.
Warning: Undefined variable $categories_list in /home/u762788070/domains/ on line 262

Kaleboel (4307):


  1. Speaking of ‘technology’, anyone out there that’d like to sign up for a petition seeking a .cat domain for the ‘net?

    Here’s the why, from

    “Because the Catalan language and culture are a community that wants to be identified with its own domain on the internet. We believe, for example, that if cooperatives, the aeronautical industry or museums have been recognized as communities with their domain on the internet, the Catalan language and culture have a very important basis for having a .CAT domain.”

    see here | | for the lowdown.

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